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I know that some pokémons like Dragonite lose their height when evolving.
I want to know if this happen to stats, Mega-Pokémon counts.
Example: Abomasnow's speed decreases while Mega-evolving.

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2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Caterpie -> Metapod (Attack decreases from 30 to 20, Speed decreases from 45 to 30)
Weedle -> Kakuna (Attack decreases from 35 to 25, Speed decreases from 50 to 35)
Beedrill -> Mega Beedrill (SAttack decreases from 45 to 15)
Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath (Speed decreases from 90 to 70)
Poliwhirl -> Politoed (Speed decreases from 90 to 70)
Magneton -> Magnezone (Speed decreases from 70 to 60)
Onix -> Steelix (Speed decreases from 70 to 30)
Tangela -> Tangrowth (Speed decreases from 60 to 50)
Scyther -> Scizor (Speed decreases from 105 to 65)
Electabuzz -> Electavire (Speed decreases from 105 to 95)
Magmar -> Magmortar (Speed decreases from 93 to 83)
Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z (Defense decreases from 90 to 70, SDefense decreases from 95 to 75)
Mewtwo -> Mega Mewtwo X (Defense decreases from 90 to 70)
Ampharos -> Mega Ampharos (Speed decreases from 55 to 45)
Murkrow -> Honchkrow (Speed decreases from 91 to 71)
Heracross -> Mega Heracross (Speed decreases from 85 to 75)
Remoraid -> Octillery (Speed decreases from 65 to 45)
Wurmple -> Silcoon (Attack decreases from 45 to 35, Speed decreases from 20 to 15)
Wurmple -> Cascoon (Attack decreases from 45 to 35, Speed decreases from 20 to 15)
Wingull -> Pelliper (Speed decreases from 85 to 65)
Surskit -> Masquerain (Speed decreases from 65 to 60)
Nincada -> Ninjask (Defense decreases from 90 to 45)
Nincada -> Shedinja (HP decreases from 31 to 1, Defense decreases from 90 to 45)
Sableye -> Mega Sableye (Speed decreases from 50 to 20)
Camerupt -> Mega Camerupt (Speed decreases from 40 to 20)
Trapinch -> Vibrava (Attack decreases from 100 to 70)
Anorith -> Armaldo (Speed decreases from 75 to 45)
Shelgon -> Salamence (Defense decreases from 100 to 80)
Combee -> Vespiquen (Speed decreases from 70 to 40)
Garchomp -> Mega Garchomp (Speed decreases from 102 to 92)
Abomosnow -> Mega Abomosnow (Speed decreases from 60 to 30)
Swadloon -> Leavanny (Defense decreases from 90 to 80)
Venipede -> Whirlipede (Speed decreases from 57 to 47)
Whirlipede -> Scolipede (Defense decreases from 99 to 89, SDefense decreases from 79 to 69)
Dwebble -> Crustle (Speed decreases from 55 to 45)
Karrablast -> Escavalier (Speed decreases from 60 to 20)
Tynamo -> Eelektrik (Speed decreases from 60 to 40)
Shelmet -> Accelgor (Defense decreases from 85 to 40, SDefense decreases from 65 to 60)
Larvesta -> Volcarona (Attack decreases from 85 to 60)
Scatterbug -> Spewpa (Attack decreases from 35 to 22, Speed decreases from 35 to 29)
Spewpa -> Vivillon (Defense decreases from 60 to 50)
Diancie -> Mega Diancie (Defense decreases from 150 to 110, SDefense decreases from 150 to 110)


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Mega Mewtwo Y not X
Slowbro doesn't evolve into Slowking iirc. Slowpoke evolves into both, oen through leveling and the other through trading with a King's Rock.
You forgot spewpa scraf and doublade too
I was in a rush, okay?
Doublade doesn't have a stat decrease.

Honedge: 45/80/100/35/37/28
Doublade: 59/110/150/45/49/35
Doublade-> aegislash shield form
Spewpa-> vivi -defense
Kakuna's defense also decreases from 50 to 40 when it evolves into beedrill
2 votes

all the Pokemon with stat drop when mega

abomasnow-> mega abomasnow -speed
Mewtwo->mega mewtwo Y -defense
Ampharos->mega ampharos -speed
Heracross-> mega heracross -speed
Garchomp->mega garchomp -speed

Pokemon with stat drops when evolving normally

Best answer
Caterpie -> Metapod: Speed
Metapod -> Butterfree: Def
Weedle -> Kakuna: Speed
Kakuna -> Beedrill: Def
Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath: Speed
Poliwhirl -> Politoed: Speed
Magneton -> Magnezone: Speed
Onix -> Steelix: Speed
Scyther -> Scizor: Speed
Porygon2 -> Porygon-z: Def & SDef
Murkrow -> Honchkrow: Speed
Wurmple -> Sil/Cascoon: Speed
Silcoon -> Beautifly: Def
Surskit -> Masquerain: Speed
Nincada -> Ninjask: Def
Nincada -> Shedinja: HP & Def
Trapinch -> Vibrava: Atk
Shelgon -> Salamence: Def
Combee -> Vespiquen: Speed
Tangela -> Tangrowth: Speed
Roggenrola -> Boldore: Speed
Swadloon -> Leavanny: Def SDef
Dwebble -> Crustle: Speed
Karrablast -> Escavalier: Speed
Shelmet -> Accelgor: Def & SDef
Larvesta -> Volcarona: Atk
Electabuzz -> Electivire: Speed & Magmar -> Magmotar: Speed
Spewpa-> vivillion -defense
Doublade-> aegislash(shield form only) -atk
Diancie->mega diancie -defense and special defense

Source:http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/102033/what-pokemon-have-stat-drops-when-they-evolve and serebii.

Hope I helped!

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No problem :)