PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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  • Dragon Claw
  • Fire Fang
  • Earthquake
  • ???
    What should be fourth move? I'm thinking between Stone Edge and Iron Head. It should give good coverage. Most important to me is most neutral coverage with STAB moves, then if possible super effective coverage against those Pokemon who my STAB would be ineffective (not very effective and no effect) and then least important overall good coverage. I also thought about Poison Jab but it would not utilize well Mega Garchomp's Ability "Sand Force". Stone Edge and Iron Head would make good use of it. What are your suggestions?
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2 Answers

1 vote

I'm presuming you're running Mega Garchomp. Here are a couple sets:

Garchomp @ Garchompite
Ability: Rough Skin -> Sand Force
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge
-Swords Dance / Iron Head
The choice is yours: do you want more coverage with Iron Head, or ultimate sweeping power with Swords Dance? Be sure to watch out for Skarmory, though, as it walls this set.

Garchomp @ Garchompite
Ability: Rough Skin -> Sand Force
Nature: Naive
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpA
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge
-Fire Blast

Surprise, surprise! Thought you could bring in Skarmory and escape unscathed? WRONG. Fire Blast punches massive holes in physical walls like the aforementioned Skarmory, and will OHKO after Stealth Rock damage.

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Sand Force is useless without Sandstorm.

If you do have sandstorm, Iron Head would be preferable for taking out its Ice/Fairy weakness, as M-Chomp is rather fast. Preferably, Dragon Dance is my move for raising Attack and Speed and when used with Simple Beam in a double battle, M-Chomp is a terrifying sweeper. Simple Beam from an ally doubles Dragon Dance, making it twice as deadly.

But why Fire Fang? earthquake takes care of Steel Types, so Iron Head should maybe replace fire fang.

Iron Head
Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance

good coverage, plus a stat boost to clean up.
That's my suggestion
(Iron Head only if you have sandstorm)

Garchomp doesn't get Dragon Dance.
oops -_-