I was talking with my friend a few hours ago about the weird things Game Freaks has been putting into the games in the later years.
We talked about Lt. Surge origin and his connection with Unova, the elevator girl, how AZ is able to live for 3000 years (all things I'd like to probably work into a question later on)
One argument tho stayed with me and brought me here to ask you for clarifications.
In my playthrough of Pokémon Y I've encounter the man in the spooky house near the swamp, the one that tells the tale of how, during a storm, he had found safety inside those four walls only to be greeted by a terrified man, crouched in the corner, that screamed to back away and when approached again would warn the man about five faceless men standing behind him.
Now, by itself, the story doesn't bring us anywhere.
You also have the possibility to waste money on this guy giving him a tip, and that's part of the question I'd like to ask.
I have Y, and DID NOT tip him.
My friend has X, and gave a tip.
Altought the outcome was the same.
He didn't tell us anything more about the story.
My friend brought up an interesting theory for this event.
It's a foreshadowing.
It may be a long shot, but hear me out.
The camera pans over like it's slipping down from the ceiling, the man says that, unless you tip, you will be haunted and may see something terrible.
So, the camera's serpentine movement, the "horde" of 5 men, the fact that you'll be chased by something bad if you don't show your respect for the man and the creepy ambient he's trying to create, the mysterious terrified man.
Does it ring any bell?
![enter image description here][1]
What if the man mentioned in the tale is actually AZ?
That after years of searching for his beloved Floette, after years from the destruction he created, the disorder in the ecosystem caused by his machine, he would face the consequences of being chased by the Order Pokémon?
As its entries read:
X When the Kalos region’s ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power.
Y It’s hypothesized that it’s monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives.
It's just a theory, so don't call me out on it.
Regardless, here are my questions
Does the dialog change based on how much money you give the Old Man?
Does it change from game to game?
Am I alone with my friend on the AZ / Zygarde ordeal?
Let me know what you guys think and please, if you can, answer at least the first two questions!
Thanks a bunch!
[1]: http://oi39.tinypic.com/2i0yidc.jpg