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I'm playing X, and my friend on Omega Ruby wants to give me a Latiosite. Can he give it to me?


2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer


The Latiosite and the Latiasite can be traded between X/Y and OR/AS
Source: Literally just did it a minute ago

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Realy? It didn't work for me
idk, I tried it again to make sure, and it worked fine
Why does your answer get approved instantly my still clarifying
it's a bit off topic, I'll post the answer on your profile's wall
I'm watching you guys.
Has my answer shown yet?
It has not shown up yet.
Why it's so wierd
its the latiosite< not latiasite
0 votes

Because mega stones can't be traded because there is only 1 in each game and also mega latios doesn't exist in x and y so there fore you will not be allowed.

Have you tried it before? I did it like a minute ago.
I have and it didn't work
lati@site was in x & y via event
Yes infinite mew you lose