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0 votes

No hidden power please

Quiver dance(jaw-dropping power)
Bug buzz

fire dance is useless with Q-dance


5 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

I should specify that the below moveset is for singles formats; doubles Volcarona functions quite differently compared to singles Volcarona.

Here are some alternative move options for Volcarona (and I'm putting Hidden Power at the end):

  1. Giga Drain: Giga Drain's synergy with Volcarona is obvious, as it hits the Water and Rock types that Volcarona's Fire moves would be not very effective against. Throughout the generations, Volcarona has used Giga Drain to throttle supposed checks, such as Gastrodon, Rotom-Wash, Slowbro, and more Water types in Generation 5 and 6 all the way to Tapu Fini and Urshifu-Rapid in Generation 8.

  2. Psychic: Psychic is another great coverage move, mostly to deal with a few Pokemon that Giga Drain can't handle. Most notably, in Generation 5, Tentacruel is hit quite hard by Psychic while Keldeo can be outright OHKOed after a Quiver Dance boost. In Generation 7, Toxapex and defensive Kommo-O take on basically every other move in Volcarona's arsenal except Psychic, which can be further boosted with Psychium Z; the same can be applied to Generation 8. Generation 6 notably doesn't see Psychic used as much due to Volcarona gaining much more value out of Giga Drain.

  3. Hurricane: This is the most niche of it all because it really only has a niche in Generation 5 Rain teams. With Quiver Dance boosted Hurricane, Volcarona has a powerful coverage move that hits Keldeo along with decent netural coverage across the board. Volcarona can also help Rain teams deal with problematic Grass types that may take on the Water types that Rain teams like to stack. Of course, with Rain's decreased presence in later generations mostly thanks to it not being permanent anymore, Hurricane was never really used anymore in favor of the first two coverage moves.

Hidden Power: I know Hidden Power was explicitly stated to not be mentioned, but I figured that this can be useful to someone who would want to use Hidden Power. For Volcarona, Hidden Power Ground is 100% the best HP type. One Pokemon that stonewalls all of Volcarona's moves is Heatran, with Flash Fire covering for Fire. HP Ground smacks it really hard while also being able to hit Toxapex for solid damage. Hidden Power Ground is generally considered the best coverage move in certain metagames, like Generation 7 to hit Mega Charizard X, Toxapex, and Mega Diancie in one move; and in Generation 9 National Dex, for largely the same reasons. In basically all other metagames, Giga Drain is preferred for its utility against basically all Water types.

In the same vein, Tera Ground and Tera Blast can serve a similar purpose; however, that was really only used in Generation 9 OU until Volcarona got banned. In Generation 9 National Dex, Tera is banned, but even before Tera ban, Hidden Power Ground is much more reliable due to not needing Volcarona to Tera. In future generations, Terastalization might be removed altogether, meaning Volcarona can't use Tera Blast Ground outside of Generation 9. With Volcarona banned in Generation 9 OU (and unviable in Generation 9 Ubers) and Hidden Power outclassing Tera Blast in National Dex formats, Tera Blast may not see use unless Volcarona miraculously gets unbanned in Generation 9 OU.

Since you stated you do not want Hidden Power, use Giga Drain. For any future players, consider both Hidden Power Ground and Giga Drain and base it off of what Pokemon are popular and what your team needs. Psychic is a viable option if a lot of Psychic-weak Pokemon are viable; Hurricane is a niche option and probably won't be used in modern generations, but maybe it can squeeze out a purpose; and Tera Blast Ground may never be used since Terastalization may just be removed, but in the off chance that is usable while Hidden Power Ground is not, it can be really strong.

edited by
What about Tera Blast Ground/Water
Fair enough, I'll add an entry for Tera Blast
3 votes

It actually isn't useless, as with Fire Dance you can attack after using Quiver Dance once and still raise your Special Attack. Volcarona doesn't have the typing to get away with using two Quiver Dances. I'd replace Flamethrower with it. If you can, try for a good Hidden Power like Electric, Ground, Fighting, Ice, Grass. If not possible, I'd use Hurricane.

edited by
HP Grass is useful
Knew I was forgetting an HP.
Why is this answer only 1 up voted,this the best one
0 votes

Remove flamethrower and add heat wave because it has higher power .
And hurricane is amazing so you gotta add that .
Bit if you have a nice flying pokemon then why not psychic .
Add the moves in relation to your other team members. Depending on what type you lack in add that type of move .
Hope I helped .

0 votes

Because of amazing Sp attack, you can consider HP of some sort, I would say either Ground or Fighting because of coverage for Rock types.

–1 vote

Hmmm I would say...
1 hurricane...awesome power!
2 Psychic...another awesome move

but I would go with heat wave for him because it hits multiple oponents and its stronger than flamethrower.
