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Like Huge Power and Pure Power.

There is a (very slight) difference between those two abilities :P
Actually you're correct. The name and Pokemon getting it.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

In battle

Air Lock / Cloud Nine (negates weather)

Battle Armor / Shell Armor (cannot be struck by critical hit)

Clear Body / White Smoke / Full Metal Body (stats cannot be lowered)

Dazzling / Queenly Majesty (immune to priority moves)

Filter / Solid Rock / Prism Armor (super effective damage dealt to Pokemon with these Abilities is lowered)

Soundproof / Cacophony (immunity to sound-based moves)

Gooey / Tangling Hair (lowers opponent's Speed on contact)

Huge Power / Pure Power (doubles Attack)

Insomnia / Vital Spirit (prevents the Sleep status condition)

Minus / Plus (boosts Special Attack if ally has Plus or Minus),

Mold Breaker / Teravolt / Turboblaze (allows moves to hit through opposing Abilities)

Multiscale / Shadow Shield (lowers damage taken when at full HP)

Propeller Tail / Stalwart (ignores things that draw in moves)

Protean / Libero (changes type to move it's using)

Receiver / Power of Alchemy (when ally faints, copies Ability)

Rough Skin / Iron Barbs (inflicts damage on contact)

Wimp Out / Emergency Exit (when at half health, switches out)

Power Construct / Shields Down / Zen Mode (changes form at 50% or less HP)

Out of battle

Flame Body / Magma Armor / Steam Engine (Eggs hatch faster)

Intimidate / Keen Eye (decreases chance of finding Pokemon at a lower level)

Pickup / Honey Gather (finds certain items after battle)

I didn't include some of the examples listed in my source, as I felt they were too different from each other.


selected by
Sand stream activates when switching in. Sand spit activates when hit by a move. Guts, marvel scale, quick feet, flare boost, and toxic boost raise different stats. Heavy metal raises weight. Light metal lowers it. Rattled raises speed, not physical attack. It also activates for bug and ghost attacks. Multitype and RKS system use different items. Natural cure heals status. Regenerator heals HP. Thick fat reduces damage from ice attacks. Heatproof reduces burn damage. Dry skin heals in rain, damages in sun, and raises damage from fire attacks.
I made broader statements. I used "alter" instead of raised or lowered, as that makes the two more similar. If it should be more specific, I can hide my answer.
The question asked for abilities that do the same thing, not similar things. Why would you hide the question when you can just remove the abilities that do different things?
So get rid of the broader ones like Heavy/Light Metal, and only keep the ones like Air Lock/Cloud Nine?
I think that's what the question is asking.
Does cotton down go with gooey?
And imo libero is different from protean as protean is before the move is executed and libero only changes type after the move is executed
I don't think Cotton Down and Gooey are the same. Cotton Down lowers the Speed of all Pokemon except the Pokemon with that Ability, and it's any attack, not just contact ones.

Libero and Protean are technically different, then, yes. I can edit that.
Libero does the same thing as protean. Keep it in the answer. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Libero_(Ability)
0 votes

There are some abilities and it's hard to make out all. But I can tell you some.
1. Mold Breaker=Turboblaze=Teravolt
2. Vital Spirit=Insomia=Sweet Veil (with extra - allies)
3. Iron Barbs=Rough Skin
4. Battle Armor=Shell Armor
5. Air Lock=Cloud Nine
6. Poison Point=Poison Touch
7. Plus=Minus
8. Filter=Solid Rock
9. Clear Body=White Smoke

Forgive me if I missed any.
Check more if you want: http://pokemondb.net/ability

Hope I helped! :)

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i sorta wanted them all listed >.>
plus and minus are different and also poison point and poison touch.
I based this answer more on being alike. Poison touch and poison point have similar effects because they both have a probability of poisoning the target on contact. Plus and Minus gives out the same effect too.
he has a point Poison Touch is a better form but not the same. I will accept Plus and Minus tho
Soundproof and cacophony Gen 3.
Reciever and Power of Alchemy