PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Sun and Moon on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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Do you have some compilation of all the answers? What pokemons turned up the most? Any way of ranking the answers?

41 Answers

0 votes

This Pokemon team has an incredible amount of coverage and defensive capabilities, regardless of bad designs or not liking certain Pokemon it is a very strong team and has no overlaps of types as well as having 12 types overall in the team. All of these Pokemon are reasonably easy to obtain and easy to evolve. I've just started using this team and it works well, having 4 Pokemon before the Salazzle trial.

Primarina - Primarium Z
Water : Fairy
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Timid
Hydro pump (LVL 55)
Moonblast (LVL 44)
Ice beam (TM 13)
Psychic (TM 29)

The starter Pokemon Primarina is the best choice for Sun and Moon as she has a special attack stat of 126, as well as having the fairy type, an absolutely busted type. In my opinion, there is no other water or fairy type that can do what Primarina can. This team has some holes in it, this is where Primarina can shine, with psychic and ice type moves, two types that are not in the team but can be learnt through TM. With 126 special attack and 90 power it'll take out most Pokemon that are weak to that type. A timid nature making Primarina faster is a good choice as her other stats are all pretty good. You could go with a modest nature if you want even more special attack, but in my experience that little added power to speed really helps out throughout the game. Water and fairy only having 3 weaknesses is incredibly useful, and with Primarinas cover moves, she only has to worry about electric types. Incinoroar has 4 weaknesses, and Decidueye has 5 making Primarina the obvious choice for the starter Pokemon.

Magnezone - quick claw
Electric : Steel
Ability: study
Nature: calm
Thunderbolt (TM 24)
Flash cannon (LVL 33)
Tri attack (Learnt on evolution)
Metal sound (LVL 25)

Magnemite can be found in Hau 'oli outskirts with a 50% chance, evolving at level 30, then again when you get to Vast Poni Canyon. I know this is rather late in the game, but your only other electric types to choose from are Raichu, Vikavolt, or Electivire. The item to evolve Electivire is around the same time you get to Vast Poni Canyon so Electivire could be a valid choice as his middle evolution is rather strong, but Electivire is only one type. Magnezone, having the added type of steel can really help with the teams overall defence. The other option is Vikavolt, another good option but Chargibug as a middle stage evolution is incredibly underwhelming and hard to use. For ability, I went with calm as it adds a bit more to special defence to make Magnezone more equally defensive, and still having 130 special attack makes him a formidable force. Normal stab attacks Thunderbolt and Flash cannon, tri attack is a very good normal move being able to either burn, freeze, or paralyse the target, and finally metal sound to take down incredibly specially bulky Pokemon such as Toxapex.

Salamance - charcole
Dragon : Flying
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Any Neutral nature
Dragon claw (LVL 29)
Flamethrower (LVL 49)
Fly (learnt on evolution)
Earthquake (TM 26)

Bagon can be found on route 3 with a 1% chance but only on the south side of the route!!! Yes its annoying to level up a dragon type, but the rewards are worth it. Being able to find Bagon at such an early route means he is going to be rather good early game, with only 3 weaknesses, and ice and dragon types are quite uncommon early game. Not needing Hm's in Sun and Moon makes it less of a problem that he's not a flying type until he evolves at level 50. other members in our team handle a lot of types that flying would be good against, our starter can take on fighting types, salandit can handle bug and grass. Salamance is going to be used more of a power house than focusing him to be a strong flying type, the only other good flying type I can recommend early game if you really don't want to use Salamance is Toucannon. A Strong phisical attacker but underwhelming compared to salamance. for a nature I was torn between making him faster or more physical, but I came to the conclusion that keeping his stats the same is fine, as he has 110 special attack for flamethrower a great coverage move learnt on level up and 135 attack for his stab moves, earthquake is another great strong physical move but any other coverage or fun moves you want to use like dragon dance can also be a good choice.

Salazzle - black sludge
Fire : Poison
Ability: Corrosion
Nature: Modest
Flamethrower (LVL 44)
Sludge bomb (TM 36)
Dragon Pulse (LVL 56)
Venom Drench (LVL 51)

Salandit can be found at Wela Volcano Park with a 30% chance to find, make sure to grab a female one. An incredibly unique Pokemon, Fire and Poison is such a cool type combo, as well as being rather strong. Having 8 resistances and 3 quad resistances, Salazzle also hits many types for super effective damage and is our hard counter to fairy types, both fire and poison resist fairy. Other fire options include Arcanine, Talonflame, and Flareon but in my opinion, the combination of fire and poison is a great counter to fairy while still being able to take out steel, grass, bug, and ice types with ease. nature is an easy choice in modest as Salazzle is a glass cannon and needs the most damage output. Salazzles ability is rather unique and cool, being able to poison, steel and poison types, a very overpowered ability as steel and poison types can be rather pesky to deal with defensively. Flamethrower and Sludge bomb for stab moves, toxic is the third move, it is a set up move for venom drench, if the target it poisoned, venom drench will lower the targets attack, special attack, and speed, and incredible move. Salazzle is a very frail Pokemon so this set up may fail, in that case you can add dragon pulse and nasty plot.

Palossand - soft sand
Ground : Ghost
Ability: Water Compaction
Nature: Modest
Giga Drain (LVL 36)
Shadow Ball (LVL 41)
Earth Power (LVL 47)
Shore Up (LVL 54)

In hano beach there is a 20% chance to find a Sandygast, this ghost and ground Pokemon has 3 immunities in fighting, normal, and electric. This Pokemon's ability is rather bad, raising its defence when hit by a water type move, most water type moves being special making this only good against maybe a golicopod. Despite all that I think ghost and ground is a very powerful offensive and defensive type combo. Being rather bulky and especially offensive, I've given a move-set to follow that. Shadow ball, and earth power for stab, giga drain is a very useful and powerful move also giving a good coverage move against water types, shore up will heal half of your maximum hp, basically a ground type version of roost, great for a bulky Pokemon with 3 immunities. Other ground type options limit you to Mudsdale, this team was a bit overloaded with physical Pokemon so I decided a special ground type will be a better option. Palossand will act as a wall being able to heal with giga drain and shore up, with great offensive power to hit back with. This type combo ties up the team with some needed bulk, immunities, and healing abilities.

Pangoro - leftovers
Dark : Fighting
Ability: Mold breaker
Nature: Adamant
Bullet Punch (learnt on evolution)
Hammer Arm (LVL 70/Move Reminder)
Crunch (LVL 42)
Stone edge (TM 71)

You can find Pancham on route 10 with a 10% chance, This fighting and dark type is a power house with 124 attack and some reasonable bulk. The fighting dark combo is one with only 3 weaknesses and 1 immunity, this great defensive ability is tied with the real ability Mold breaker. Mold breaker turns this Pokemon from average to amazing offensively speaking being able to bypass any other Pokemon's ability that deal with damaging moves. Fighting and Dark hits 7 types for super effective damage including some big ones like steel, psychic, dark and ghost. The offensive diversity of this Pokemon ties so well together for example being a fighting type that’s immune to psychic, then can hit back for super effective damage. Pangoros only glaring weakness is fairy, which hopefully you shall never come across while using Pangoro, but his first move bullet punch can help if you're in a pinch, second is crunch a very powerful stab move that can lower the targets defence, hammer arm another very powerful stab fighting attack, last stone edge for coverage against flying types. Overall, this is another heavy attacker that will be on the front lines with the heaviest attacks.
