Hey, hey you. So many poor Pokémon get forgotten in Pokémon Sword and Shield because everyone just uses Corviknight, Toxtricity, Grimmsnarl and the likes. So I have a solution! I tried to build this team as well as I can to remember our forgotten brethren from the past to appease our lord sumwun. Here's a quick preview!

And yes, I took this photo in dark mode because I care about your eyes. No need to thank me.

Look at all those strengths, (unfortunately) weaknesses, immunities, and resistances! In this team, there's a Pokémon that resists every type except for Ground, but that's okay since we have a Flying type who is immune to their attacks!
This team has a total of 34 resistances and 7 immunities compared to the absymal total of 24 weaknesses.
If you're wondering about why we don't have a type that can weaken Normal and Flying types with their STAB moves, that's fine because those two types are pretty easy to cover anyway.
But now there's gonna be some more daunting questions that you're gonna throw at me, so I'll answer them right away.
What about the Galar starter I chose?
I recommend you choose Scorbunny so Hop gets Grookey, eventually becoming Rillaboom who can be dealt with by Roserade, Arcanine, and Togekiss's STAB moves. Cinderace can be dealt with by Crawdaunt and Mudsdale (but watch out because these two are particularly slow) and Inteleon can be dealt with by Roserade only. As for actually using your starter of choice, you have two (suggested) options: using your starter instead of this team's counterpart or replacing the starter with its suggested counterpart, both of which you can do.
Where can I actually find these Pokémon?
Roserade can be found as a Budew in many locations in the Wild Area, however it spawns most often in Dappled Grove as either an overworld encounter or a Max Raid battle.
You can also find a Roselia at the far left corner of Rolling Fields just outside Dappled Grove, but be wary because it is quite difficult to catch and may even wipe your entire team.
The Shiny Stone can be found at the Lake of Outrage, but it's usually better to grind for watts and take a shot at the Digging Duo instead.
Arcanine can be found in the Wild Area in most areas during Intense Sun as a Growlithe (Shield only), and if you're playing Sword sadly the earliest you can find it is the Hammerlocke Hills in Intense Sun.
But never fear, Ninetales is here, and it's (mostly) exclusive for Sword players. In my opinion, however, Arcanine is stronger and more practical so I recommend it.
The Fire Stone can be found very early on. Cross the bridge to Motostoke Riverbank and immediately turn left and you'll find it.
You can evolve Growlithe any time you want, but I suggest keeping it as a Growlithe for around 10-15 levels just for the EXP. If you got one above Level 24 (where it learns Fire Fang), immediately evolve it since there's not much of a point keeping it as a Growlithe anymore.
Crawdaunt can be found as a Corphish in both Sword and Shield in South Lake Miloch. It can be found in all weather conditions that aren't called Sandstorm or Intense Sun and is very easy to catch. It's a very powerful Pokémon as a Crawdaunt because it hits very hard with its STAB moves and is quite a nice switch-in to many Pokémon.
Togekiss can be found as a Togepi as an EXTREMELY rare find in Bridge Field. Prepare to set aside an hour or two hunting it down in the overworld (and rarely as well in Max Raid battles). Alternatively, you can get a Toxel from the lady in Route 5's daycare and trade it for a Togepi in Hammerlocke City, which has boosted EXP, a very nice Timid nature and above all that Serene Grace.
For obtaining the Shiny Stone to evolve Togetic, refer to Roserade's location guide.
Aegislash can be found in Hammerlocke Hills as a Honedge during Snowstorms. You have a 15% chance of encountering it under these conditions, which in my opinion isn't too bad compared to Togepi.
You can get the Dusk Stone in Stow-on-Side, or you can get it even earlier with the Digging Duo. You can also grab it at the Lake of Outrage, but why would you want to wait that long?
Mudsdale can be found as a Mudbray all over the Wild Area during Intense Sun. It's not hard to miss and is one of the easier Pokémon on this team to find. Aim to get one with Stamina as its ability. If you've ever fought a Mudbray (and to an extent Mudsdale) with Stamina in a Max Raid battle and didn't at the very most kill it in under two turns, you'll know exactly why this ability matters.
NOTE: If I put some sort of explanation then I'm going to make this too long. Here's to hoping you can understand the explanation of the Pokémon in their moveset!

Suggested nature: Timid
Preferred ability: Poison Point
Giga Drain/Energy Ball - Energy Ball is a TR and Giga Drain can be accessed at the move relearner
Sludge Bomb - Also a TR, but I recommend getting this one through Watt traders
Shadow Ball - Yet another TR, can be found in Max Raid battles around Watchtower Ruins
Dazzling Gleam - Last coverage move it gets along with Shadow Ball, also a TR

Suggested nature: Adamant
Flare Blitz/Fire Fang - Both at the move relearner. If Flare Blitz's recoil doesn't suit your fancy use Fire Fang
Crunch - Move relearner again. Breaks through Allister's Cursola in Shield and is a nice move overall
Close Combat/Earthquake - Two very formidable TRs and the one you use is up to your choice. I prefer EQ
Wild Charge/Thunder Fang - Water-type coverage. Again, if recoil isn't your cup of tea use Thunder Fang
As for Sword players who prefer Ninetales...
Suggested nature: Modest
Flamethrower - Move relearner and obvious STAB, not much to say
Extrasensory - Move relearner and very interesting coverage move to hit Bea
Energy Ball - TR, Covers all of Ninetales's weaknesses and can be used as a Vulpix to try and hit Nessa
Shadow Ball - TR again, and while fairly redundant, gives you another option against Bede and Allister

Suggested nature: Adamant
Liquidation - Crawdaunt has a volley of amazing Water STAB moves, but TR98 Liquidation is the best one
Crunch - Best Dark STAB move Crawdaunt gets. It's a TR but it also learns this through level up
Avalanche - This TM arrives very late on Route 9 but is Crawdaunt's best coverage move because it's slow
Dig/Rock Slide - The TM for Dig is in Route 6 and the TM for Rock Slide is in Route 9, both nice moves

Suggested nature: Timid
Preferred ability: Serene Grace
Suggested item: Focus Sash
Dazzling Gleam - TR you can obtain pretty easily. Main STAB move and gets rid of pesky Dragons
Air Slash - Make sure your Togekiss has Serene Grace for this one. You can get Togekiss before Milo, so...
Aura Sphere - Covers three of Togekiss's weaknesses and is a nice move overall
Thunder Wave/Psychic - Two excellent options for if you want a basic Paraflinch set or cover Poison types

Suggested nature: Naughty/Rash
Physical Moveset:
Iron Head - TR and Main Physical Steel STAB Aegislash has access to (five capitalized words in a row, wow)
Shadow Sneak/Shadow Claw - SS is at the move relearner and SC is in Lake of Outrage. I prefer to use SS
Fury Cutter/Sacred Sword - Both at the move relearner. FC's bad but many Fighting moves are already used
King's Shield - For when you need to tank an attack and strike back immediately afterward, learns on evo.
Special Moveset:
Flash Cannon - TR. Not much to say here, it's Aegislash's Special Steel STAB.
Shadow Ball - TR again. It's the only practical Ghost STAB option for Special Aegislash so you may as well...
Air Slash - Axew's Eye once you can Surf. Not too remarkable but Aegislash lacks Special moves anyway
King's Shield - Same drill, but expect to use it more often in this set

Suggested nature: Brave/Relaxed/Sassy
Preferred ability: Stamina
Earthquake - Level 40/TR. Ground STAB that I would lecture you for if you didn't run it on Mudsdale
Heavy Slam - Level 34/TR. Mudsdale is 920kg. Yes, heavier than Wailord, which is why we're running this
Body Press - TR. Were you hit? Increase your Defense through Stamina and hit Body Press even harder!
Payback - Behind the professor's house on Route 2. Use a -Speed nature and watch Payback destroy foes
Wow. I absolutely loved building that team. I'll be playing through it soon and I will update this post on my success and I hope every single member will be on your wishlist soon.
As for explanations regarding the Pokémon, I might not be able to because of the character limit, but I could put it somewhere else.
Goodbye for now! :)