PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

A very useful tool for assessing your team's strengths and weaknesses is this team builder made by @richi3f on GitHub, updated for these new games. This site makes it very easy to set up and assemble a team!

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45 Answers

9 votes

To start the thread off, I'm going to post the team I personally am using to play through Ultra Moon. There are no version exclusives in this one though, so feel free to check it out if you have Ultra Sun. This team includes at least one Pokemon that can resist each type in the game, and so should be reasonably well balanced.



image Primarina @ Primarium Z
Ability: Torrent
- Sparkling Aria
- Moonblast
- Ice Beam
- Psychic

After playing through Sun with Litten, I'm going for something different this time. Primarina offers the team fantastic power to break through bulky or overlevelled opponents thanks to its high Special Attack and good STAB moves. Sparkling Aria and Moonblast are said STAB moves, chosen as they mix power and consistency the best as tends to be best for in-game breakthroughs. Primarium Z allows Primarina to plainly eliminate a threat on the spot due to its sheer power. Ice Beam and Psychic are coverage, allowing Primarina to pick off Grass- and Poison-type Pokemon by itself if it can outspeed them.


image Magnezone @ Magnet
Ability: Sturdy
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Thunder Wave

Magnezone makes a pair with Primarina early-game -- you can find a Magnemite outside the Trainer's School on Route 1. Magnemite is a fantastic early-game asset thanks to its Normal resistance and base 95 Special Attack. Though this Pokemon evolves slowly, Eviolite becomes available as early as Konikoni City, which will keep it caught up. The moveset is fairly standard -- Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are consistent STAB damage, with Thunderbolt also boosted a bit with the Magnet. Volt Switch is a helpful way to pivot, and Thunder Wave proves an asset for catching Pokemon. Sturdy is decidedly better for in-game use. If you'd rather not use Magnemite until it evolves, you can find them also at level 28 in Malie City.

image Honchkrow @ BlackGlasses
Ability: Insomnia/Super Luck
- Night Slash
- Fly
- Roost
- Sucker Punch

Murkrow is another great early-game asset, as its Speed and two offensive stats are both extremely high. Found as early as Hau'oli Cemetary, this Pokemon will be your go-to for Totem Lurantis. Though its movepool is plagued somewhat by a lack of access to egg moves and tutors, Night Slash ends up a fun option if your Pokemon gets Super Luck, for a super-high critical hit ratio. Fly is an acceptable in-game move since the AI tends not to switch, and offers consistent power. Roost allows Honchkrow to heal off damage, saving you some Potions. Sucker Punch allows Honchknow to move first in case you know a move is coming that might threaten it. Also: use Poke Pelago to get a Dusk Stone faster! You'll be waiting until Poni Island otherwise.


image Bewear @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Fluffy
- Return
- Superpower
- Shadow Claw
- Swords Dance

Bewear is a Pokemon that comes along a little later at Route 8, so you aren't filled up with too many Pokemon too quickly. It is an incredibly powerful Pokemon in its own right, with an incredible resistance to most physical moves and a base 125 Attack stat to boot. This moveset gives it a set of two powerful STAB moves in Return and Superpower that can allow it to cleanly knock out Pokemon on neutral hits. Shadow Claw allows it to win matchups against Ghost-type Pokemon, and Swords Dance bolsters its Attack to an extremely threatening level.


image Salazzle @ Charcoal
Ability: Oblivious/Corrosion
- Sludge Wave
- Flamethrower
- Toxic
- Nasty Plot

Salazzle adds some much-needed pace to the team, threatening with its fast and powerful STAB attacks. Sludge Wave and Flamethrower maximise power and consistency as STAB moves, though Fire Blast is an option if you'd like Salazzle to be as powerful as Magnezone and Primarina. Toxic is an option that is especially good with Corrosion, and allows Salazzle to do something against Pokemon it can't break through. Nasty Plot lets it capitalise on Pokemon it can wall using its decent defensive typing (with numerous good 4x resistances). You can get it together with Bewear on Route 8, or even wait a little while if you want to train Stufful first.


image Flygon @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Levitate
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Dance

Found at Haina Desert on Ula'ula Island, Flygon is another Pokemon with some good pace and power to it. Though base 100 is pretty average nowadays, Earthquake's high base power and Dragon Fang help Flygon keep its damage output up. Dragon Claw is a good STAB that pairs with Earthquake for good dual STAB coverage. Stone Edge gives Flygon a response to Ice-type Pokemon, and Dragon Dance allows Flygon to set up and sweep opposing teams should it find an opportunity. Great way to deal with Hapu's Grand Trial. Garchomp is also a good option here if you want to SOS chain a Gabite.

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I like the team but wouldn't Murkrow start dropping off because of how late the dusk stone comes (unless I'm mistaken).  I really wanted to use it on my first run becuase I love it but waiting till Poni to get Honchkrow seemed late so I left it out.
I'm glad you like the team! I probably should have specified in my answer, but I got my Dusk Stone a lot earlier thanks to Poke Pelago (unlocked on Akala Island IIRC). I think it is with the second phase of the Isle Aphun that you unlock the option that can get you evolution stones. If you repeatedly use the feature (which is a good idea anyway) then you will get one pretty fast with some luck. I'll add it to my answer though, thanks for bringing it up.
But even regardless of that, I think Murkrow could hold out if you share around the Eviolite. It's faster than Honchkrow and has usable offensive stats, it's just quite frail.
Scope lens on Honchkrow for an even more insane crit rate and you might want corrosion on Sallazzle just so you can toxic totem Togedemaru (Who is absolutely scary)
to be honest, I would prefer Aegislash over Bewear: Sacred Sword replaces superpower, shadow ball replaces shadow claw, and with 150 base atk and spA in blade form with those same stats in shield after king's shield makes him very tanky and very strong if paired with leftovers and substitute
I like this! I used both Primarina & Bewear on an Ultra Sun play through and they did fabulous!
dude, i love this team with all of my heart. but, is it ok if i had Decidueye instead of Primerina? i chose rowlet and im too lazy to go back hehe.
To be honest, Lopunny is also a great option as well. It is available on Route 1 and evolves very quickly, and though it lags early on, it gets Return on evolution. By far the greatest appeal is the Z-Move it gets right after getting the Normalium-Z, being Z-Splash. This combined with Lopunny's good speed, decent coverage, and the fact that AI always tries to set up on Lopunny makes it a phenomenal choice in my experience.
I am going to change Honchcrow to Zoroark and Flygon to Noivern
5 votes

Hello all! Faust here, and this is a team I built focused on Decidueye for my second playthrough of Ultra Sun! There is ONE version exclusive in this build (Houndoom), so please keep that in mind. The team is built around the Elite Four, Hau, and a few encounters that gave me trouble the first time around. Please note, that this team is built for just before the E4. No post E4 moves or items are used. Now, without further ado, here's the team. Enjoy!

Decidueye (Grass/Ghost)
@ Grassium Z
• Leaf Blade
• Spirit Shackle
• Steel Wing
• Swords Dance/Sucker Punch

Your Starter and the first member of the team, Decidueye. With the stats to be a decent mixed attacker, Decidueye can be a potent threat with a variety of viable sets. However, I feel the Swords Dance set makes the most of what Decidueye has to offer. Leaf Blade for STAB, and gives Decidueye a massive Kingdom Hearts-esque nuke in Bloom Doom. Spirit Shackle for additional STAB, which covers Psychic and, especially, Ghost types. Steel Wing for coverage on Fairy and Ice types, but also as an option against some of the Rock types in the E4, namely Cradilly. Swords Dance for setting up a sweep, or alternatively Sucker Punch for added offensive pressure against faster opponents.

Pelipper (Water/Flying)
@ Leftovers
• Scald
• Hurricane
• Ice Beam/Shock Wave
• Roost

Taking the Water spot in the Grass/Water/Fire core, Pelipper is the second team member. Scald is STAB, boosted by Rain via Drizzle, and has a chance to Burn opponents which can cripple strong physical attackers. Hurricane for STAB, and 100% accuracy in Rain for massive damage, with the added chance of Confusion to mess with the enemy's momentum. Ice Beam for Dragon/Ground types and especially the Flying E4 member. Alternatively, Shock Wave can be run to help deal with opposing Water Types. Can also be used with Flyinium Z early to help deal with Totem Araquanid. Along with Decidueye, helps immensely with Hala.

Houndoom (Fire/Dark)
@ Choice Specs
Early Bird
• Flamethrower
• Dark Pulse
• Sludge Bomb
• Destiny Bond

The third member of the team and final Pokémon to complete the Grass/Water/Fire core, it's the original Incineroar; Houndoom! Coupled with Choice Specs, it fires off devastating attacks that not many Pokémon appreciate. Flamethrower for STAB, essential for the Steel E4 member. Dark Pulse for STAB, essential for the Ghost E4 member. Sludge Bomb for Fairy and Grass/Water coverage. Destiny Bond in case you need to sacrifice Houndoom to net a kill on a tough opponent. The prime use of this is for Ultra Necrozma, coupled with a Focus Sash.

Flygon (Ground/Dragon)
@ Soft Sand
• Earthquake
• Dragon Claw
• Fire Punch/Rock Slide/Stone Edge
• Dragon Dance

The resident Ground type of the team, Flygon is your boi. Getting Dragon Dance this generation, Flygon is preferred over Garchomp for ease instead of SOS Chaining, as well as a similar moveset. Earthquake for STAB, paired with Soft Sand and Dragon Dance, you can essentially "Earthquake all the things" into Oblivion. Dragon Claw for STAB. The third move is up to preference. Fire Punch gives you a way to hit Grass types and Steel/Electric types with Magnet Rise/Levitate, or the likes of Skarmory. Either Rock move can be used to assist Raichu in defeating the Flying E4 member. Dragon Dance to boost ATK/SPEED and make sweeping easier.

Raichu-Alola (Electric/Psychic)
@ Aloraichium Z/Electrium Z
Surge Surfer
• Thunderbolt/Thunder
• Psychic
• Surf/Grass Knot/Focus Blast
• Nasty Plot

Only obtainable as a Gift after placing 1st at every Surf Spot, this Raichu-Alola comes with Surf. However, if Surf doesn't interest you, you can catch a Pikachu and secure this team member much sooner. Thunderbolt for STAB, as well as using Stoked Sparksurfer, Raichu-Alola's unique Z Move. Also helps immensely with the Flying E4 member. Psychic for STAB. Surf for coverage of Ground/Rock/Fire types, Grass Knot for Water/Ground types, or Focus Blast for Dark and Normal types. Nasty Plot to boost Raichu-Alola's decent SP ATK stat. Raichu-Alola is also key in defeating Totem Kommo-o, with Pelipper supporting it. If running Thunder to play off of Pelipper bringing in Rain, I would suggest Electrium Z instead of Aloraichium Z. Both work well to nuke.

Bewear (Normal/Fighting)
@ Silk Scarf
• Return
• Drain Punch/Hammer Arm/Superpower
• Thunder Punch/Ice Punch/Fire Punch
• Shadow Claw/Payback

The last member of the team, Bewear! This adorable pink monster is here to kick @$$ and chew bubble gum. Thanks to Fluffy, Bewear can take virtually any physical attack and fire back. Bewear's Normal typing also helps counter the Ghost E4 member. Return paired with a Silk Scarf releases insane damage, and hits almost every type. The Fighting move is purely preference, however if you go with Hammer Arm, it is advised to use a Brave nature and Payback to make the most of the set. Thunder Punch for Water types, and helps with the Flying E4 member. Any of the elemental punches can be used, based on what you think benefits you more. Again, the last move is purely preference based on how you run Bewear. Typically Shadow Claw is preferred, but Payback has it's niche. Bewear is essentially a coverage Pokemon, so his moveset is flexible to adjust to your team's needs. Swords Dance is an option on Bewear, but generally is unnecessary due to it's already skyscraper-level ATK stat, and the rest of the team typically appreciates the coverage more.

Final Notes: All in all, I feel as though this team is very well balanced, with only a few types that have an advantage over it. If you play smart, and keep momentum, you should have no problem with the Alola region. Bewear is the easiest Pokémon to swap out, as just about every other Normal type in the game can fill it's role just the same, but Bewear's typing of Normal/Fighting is a very welcome change to the game and functions rather uniquely. Also, I really wanted to find a way to fit an Eeveelution on the team, but I couldn't find a cohesive way to fit one in. If you can, by all means go for it!

I hope y'all enjoy the team! Happy trails in Alola!

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I have Ultra Moon, so what should I use instead of Houndoom?
If it were me specifically, I would modify the team a bit. Swap Bewear for Scrafty, and make either Arcanine, Torkoal, or Flareon the fire type. Flareon to make use of the Eevee you get early on. There's really a limited number of Fire types Pre-E4 in Alola. I would normally say Alolan Marowak, but I didn't want 2 Ghost types. Arcanine is Arcanine, no intro needed. Torkoal got Drought and makes use of Choice Specs with Lava Plume/Earth Power/Solarbeam/Sludge Bomb. And Flareon finally has a decent movepool, so it can be used well too.

But, it's really up to you what you'd feel fits best my friend! Whatever way you can mix the typings up, I say go for it. Experiment.

But if you like the team, make sure to update it so more people can see it too
There is literally no reason for you to use Flygon over Garchomp, it outclasses Flygon in terms of Stats, and Movepool I would run Dragon Claw/ Outrage, Dig, Iron Head, Crunch
For pelipepper couldn't you just use thunder instead of shockwave because of the rain it has 100percent accuracy and more power than shockwave
2 votes

This team works best with Ultra Sun since Alolan Ninetales is a version exclusive. You could use an Alolan Sandslash, but that fairy typing is unfortunately acquired. Though, I'm going to get Ultra Moon and trade over an Alolan Vulpix from my Pokemon Sun, so it is possible to use this team on Ultra Moon. I've checked all the important battles in the whole game, and this team does really good against all of them. I personally prefer if the team can be as small as possible so that it's easier to train up, and that's why this team only got five pokeymans. This team got a move from every type except water (but there is no Pokemon that's only weak to water so it doesn't matter). This team also has a resistance to every single type except fire, but I mean, most fire types should be dead to an Earthquake or two (or maybe a Stone Edge) by Krookodile so it doesn't really matter, does it? I mean you could add a water type to the remaining spot of the team if you want (I think Araquanid, Slowbro, Toxapex or Dragalge could work really well).

-- Decidueye --
Item: Decidium Z
Ability: Overgrow
Location: Route 1 (Starter)

- Leaf Blade
- Spirit Shackle
- U-turn
- Sucker Punch

Decidueye does good against the fighting grand trial on Melemele since it’s still a flying type then. It also does good against the water and grass trial, since it still will have flying type moves. Olivia’s grand trial is also no match for Decidueye. After that it does good against the grand trial on Poni island. In the elite four it does good against Metagross, most of Olivia’s Pokemons, Acerolas whole team (if you can KO them). Decidueye does good against Hau’s Alolan Raichu and his Primarina.

-- Magnezone --
Item: Steelium Z
Ability: Sturdy
Location: Trainers’ School

- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Tri Attack
- Charge Beam

Magnezone does good against Ilima's trial since it can resist all STAB normal type moves. It does good against the water type trial, Olivia’s Grand Trial, totem Mimikyu and totem Ribombee. In the league it does really good against most of Olivia’s team and destroys Kahili’s whole team. It also does good against Hau’s Primarina and could maybe take Crabrawler on. Magnezone doesn’t really have any special place where it shines, it just does really good in the whole game. Especially in the beginning with all those normal type moves being around everywhere.

-- Krookodile --
Item: Groundinium Z
Ability: Moxie
Location: Haina Desert

- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Dragon Claw
- Stone Edge

Krookodile does good against totem Togedemaru and could maybe take down totem Mimikyu as well. Molayne’s team get’s destroyed (maybe not Klefki) by Krookodile, and the same with Olivia’s team. Especially Acerola get’s destroyed. Krookodile can knock out Hau’s Raichu and Flareon really easy.

-- Ninetales --
Item: Fairium Z
Ability: Snow Cloak
Location: Route 14/Trade

- Ice Beam
- Dazzling Gleam
- Psyshock
- Nasty Plot

Alolan Ninetales absolutely demolish Nanu and totem Kommo-o. Just watch out for Kommo-o’s Poison Jab. It also destroys most of Hapu. Molayne is no match for that Dazzling Gleam. That Ice Beam can also be used for Acerola’s Palossand. Whole Kahili’s team except Hawlucha and Oricorio is no match for Ninetales. Hau’s Noivern is no match for Ninetales.

-- Hawlucha --
Item: None
Ability: Limber
Location: Route 3

- Drain Punch
- Acrobatics
- Flying Press
- Fire Punch

Hawlucha does good against totem Raticate/Gumshoos, Ilima's trial and Hala’s Grand Trial. It also does good against totem Araquanid and totem Lurantis. Drain Punch should be able to take care of Olivia, Nanu and totem Togedemaru. Totem Ribombee will be down to a Acrobatics. Three out of Molayne’s five Pokemon can be taken down by a Drain Punch. Same goes for Olivia. Hawlucha is the only Pokemon on our team that can take down Hau’s Tauros, so it needs to stay alive for that.

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thats 5 pokemon
yes, i said that in the beginning and you honestly don't need any more pokemon to beat the game easily. if you want you can absolutely add another pokemon to the team. preferably a normal type like snorlax maybe?
yeah, i guess. the only thing then is that you would have two dark types, but i'm sure it would work :)
1 vote

I plan to build this team in my copy of Ultra Sun! Hope you enjoy!
So let’s start Off with-

Incineroar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Brave Nature
- Darkest Lariat
- Fire Blast
- U-turn
- Fake Out

Darkest Lariat hits many typical bulky Water-types for super effective damage as well as hitting Ghost- and Psychic-types hard. Fire Blast is the preferred Fire-type STAB move, as its lack of recoil damage lets Incineroar last longer in the match to continuously check Pokemon like Sneasel and takes stress off hazard removal. U-turn helps Incineroar switch out against counters and gain momentum for the team. Fake Out helps rack up useful chip damage on the opposition and can KO severely weakened or frail foes in a pinch, such as Vivillon and Sceptile. However, Earthquake can be used over Fake Out to hit Rock-types that hope to check Incineroar and deals a large amount of damage to many of them bar Rhydon. It is also a quick way to dispose of Houndoom while threatening Emboar and opposing Incineroar.


Umbreon @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Wish
- Protect
- Heal Bell
- Foul Play

Wish is the biggest reason to use Umbreon, as it lets it heal itself and teammates that need it, along with Protect, which guarantees that Umbreon gets recovery from Wish alongside passive recovery from Leftovers, gives the enemy an extra round of Toxic damage if they're poisoned, and scouts for moves and Choice-locked Pokemon. Heal Bell is a good option to get rid of harmful status for Umbreon and its team, but Toxic can be used over Heal Bell if it's not needed, as it can allow Umbreon to cripple bulky Pokemon such as Slowbro and Milotic, which it otherwise wouldn't be able to. Foul Play is the only way that Umbreon can do any meaningful damage, so it's chosen as the fourth move.


Flygon @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Iron Tail

Dragon Dance allows Flygon to boost its Attack and Speed to threatening levels. Earthquake is Flygon´s main STAB move, hitting Rock-, Fire-, and Electric-type Pokemon super effectively while being a really good move that Flygon can repeatedly use without much risk involved. Outrage is Flygon´s secondary STAB move that allows it to hit targets that resist or are immune to Ground for great damage, complementing Earthquake really well. Lastly, Iron Tail is necessary in order to hit Gardevoir, which would otherwise completely wall this set thanks to it Tracing Levitate, and it has the added benefit of dealing good damage to other Fairy-types like Florges and Whimsicott, the latter of which resists Earthquake.

Lunala/Solgaleo (Version Exlusive)

Solgaleo @ Leftovers
Ability: Full Metal Body
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Sunsteel Strike
- Morning Sun
- Toxic
- Earthquake

Sunsteel Strike is the mandatory STAB move, allowing Solgaleo to check Xerneas and other Fairy-types as well as dealing decent damage to anything that doesn't resist it.
Morning Sun provides reliable recovery and allows Solgaleo to continuously switch into resisted hits and recover the damage.
Toxic allows Solgaleo to put Ho-Oh, Primal Groudon, Giratina-O and support Arceus formes on a timer, which otherwise switch into Solgaleo with ease.
Earthquake allows this set to have a shot at OHKOing Mega Gengar and a good chance to do so after Stealth Rock damage, and hits Primal Groudon and opposing Solgaleo for decent damage.
Flare Blitz hits the Steel-types that otherwise wall Solgaleo, such as Ferrothorn, Skarmory, Bronzong, and Mega Scizor.

Lunala @ Choice Specs
Ability: Shadow Shield
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Moongeist Beam
- Focus Blast
- Ice Beam
- Psyshock

Moongeist Beam is extremely powerful when boosted by Choice Specs, allowing Lunala to be more reckless when using it against bulkier Dark-types such as Alolan Muk and Tyranitar. Focus Blast, however, is still the superior option against Dark-types, cleanly KOing non-Chople Berry variants of Extreme Killer Arceus and Tyranitar with no residual damage, as well as chunking Arceus-Dark. Ice Beam always KOes Mega Salamence and Zygarde-C and hits Yveltal hard. Psyshock is a useful tool for Lunala to circumvent Blissey and Chansey, as they are the only special walls that can handle a Calm Mind-boosted Focus Blast and ignore Never-Ending Nightmare. Thunder can be used over Psyshock to better break through defensive Ho-Oh and defensive Primal Kyogre, as Psyshock doesn't OHKO Ho-Oh and 2HKO Primal Kyogre after Stealth Rock. Also, Thunder can KO Celesteela after Stealth Rock damage.
Lycanroc - Midday

Lycanroc @ Rockium Z
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- Brick Break
- Accelerock

Swords Dance boosts Lycanroc's Attack by two stages and makes sweeping and breaking walls such as Gourgeist-XL and Weezing easier in the late-game. Stone Edge is Lycanroc's main STAB move and means of dealing damage. Brick Break covers Steel-types like Aggron and gives Lycanroc a fully accurate move to use against Pokemon that won't be OHKOed by Accelerock such as a weakened Regirock. Fire Fang is an alternative that hits Pokemon like Ferroseed, Torterra, and Bronzor super effectively. Accelerock provides priority, which allows Lycanroc to revenge kill threats such as Choice Scarf Oricorio-G and Lilligant.

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch
- Taunt
- Waterfall

Dragon Dance increases Gyarados's Speed and firepower, allowing it to have a better matchup against offense teams and the potential role of a late-game sweeper. Crunch is Gyarados's most powerful physical Dark-type attack and gains STAB after it Mega Evolves, allowing it to hit Pokemon such as Lunala, Mega Gengar, and Giratina-O super effectively. Taunt stops slower defensive foes from freely recovering and phazing Gyarados, attackers from setting up, and Pokemon like support Arceus formes and Lugia from statusing it. Waterfall is Gyarados's best Water-type attack and hits Pokemon such as Arceus-Ground and Ho-Oh; it's also useful for hitting Dark- and Fairy-types that resist Crunch and also comes with a slight chance to flinch. Earthquake is used to hit Primal Groudon, Magearna, and Alolan Muk super effectively.

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Dude you have no reason to have 2 dark types,get a jolteon to neutralize your water weakness.
the movesets on this team is mostly competitive, but this is supposed to be an in-game team?
Considering the gyaradosite, this team has THREE dark types and is incredibly weak to fighting, ground, and fairy types. Maybe swap Umbreon out for Jolteon or Sylveon?
Gyradoesite is post game only
1 vote

I used this team in my playthrough and it was so much fun. It's really well-rounded, so I suggest it.

  1. Incineroar

    - Fire Punch (stab)
    - Darkest Lariat (stab)
    - Brick Break (rock coverage and good for Light Screen or Reflect)
    - Thunder Punch (water coverage)

  2. Toucannon (more like TWOcannon, since it's number two on this team... I'm sorry)

    - Beak Blast (stab)
    - Bullet Seed (rock coverage, acts as the team's grass type)
    - Steel Wing (rock coverage, acts as the team's steel type)
    - Roost (good for healing)

  3. Raichu (Alolan, of course)

    - Thunderbolt (stab)
    - Psychic (stab)
    - Nasty Plot (to get the Special Attack stronger)
    - Thunder Wave (good for catching Pokemon)

  4. Mudsdale

    - Earthquake/High Horsepower (stab)
    - Rock Slide (ice coverage)
    - Iron Head (more ice coverage, and fairy coverage)
    - Stealth Rock (if you want to use this team in competitive or in the Battle Tree/Battle Royal)

  5. Bewear

    - Hammer Arm (stab)
    - Return (stab)
    - Ice Punch (flying coverage)
    - Shadow Claw (psychic coverage and for ghost types it can't hit)

  6. Jellicent

    - Scald (stab)
    - Shadow Ball (stab)
    - Sludge Bomb (grass coverage)
    - Dazzling Gleam (dark coverage)

So, that's my team! I hope you enjoy it ^_^

Definitely gonna try this team for Ultra Moon
how did the team do in-game? i’m planning on trying it out
Hey quick question, what items should i use for all the pokémon it could be quite useful
1 vote

Primarina @ Primarium Z
Sparkling Aria - Oceanic Opperetta
Moonblast - STAB
Psychic- - Poison Coverage
Ice Beam - Grass Coverage
Ability - Torrent
Alolan Raichu @ Aloraichium Z
Thunderbolt - Stoked Sparksurfer
Psychic - STAB
Calm Mind - Forgot Nasty Plot...
Focus Blast - Dark Coverage
Zoroark @ Darkinium Z
Night Daze - Black Hole Eclipse
Nasty Plot - Ups Special Attack
U-Turn - Quick Switch-Out With Damage
Flamethrower - Fairy Coverage
Noivern @ Draginium Z
Boomburst - Strong Attack
Draco Meteor - Devastating Drake
Hurricane - STAB
Flamethrower - Ice Coverage
Bewear @ Fightnium Z
Superpower - All-Out Pummeling
Return - STAB
Swords Dance - Ups Attack
Shadow Claw - Ghost Coverage
Solgaleo @ Solganium Z
Sunsteel Strike - Searing Sunraze Smash
Zen Headbutt - STAB
Flare Blitz - Needed Fire Move
Crunch - Ghost Coverage

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1 vote

Primarina @ Primarium Z
-Sparkling Aria/Scald
-Psychic/Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball

Sparkling Aria is amazing STAB as it is Primarina's signature move but Scald is a great substitute. For fairy STAB, Moonblast is the best move it can learn. For coverage, I really wanted to take advantage of it's high special attack so I gave it Psychic to deal with poison types and Shadow ball for more coverage. You can use Ice Beam if you are having trouble with Mallow or Totem Lurantis. Primarina is an amazing starter because it is strong against all the Kahunas and is very useful against the Elite Four as well as the captains.

Vikavolt @ Quick Claw or Magnezone @ Quick Claw
-Bug Buzz/Signal Beam
-Energy Ball/Flash Cannon
-Thunder Wave/Volt Switch/Flash Cannon

Vikavolt has an extremely high special attack stat however it's speed is horrible so I gave it the Quick Claw. For it's moveset, Thunderbolt is obviously it's best electric STAB. For bug type , you can use either Bug Buzz or Signal Beam - both are really good moves and will put in the effort. Then for coverage , I went for Energy Ball to deal with Rock types and Thunder Wave to slow down the opponent so that Vikavolt can outspeed. If you want more coverage or utility then use Flash Cannon or Volt Switch. NOTE: If Vikavolt is not working out in your favour , you can use Magnezone with a similar moveset.

Alolan Muk @ Black Sludge
-Gunk Shot
-Ice Punch
-Toxic/Fire Punch

Alolan Muk is an amazing physical attacker and is useful since alola features alot fairy and ghost Pokemon like Totem Mimikyu and Totem Ribombee. Gunk Shot is incredibly powerful and makes up for it's accuracy. Crunch is a strong dark move as it can also lower the Pokemon's defense. This makes beating bulky Pokemon like Lusamine's clefairy easy. Ice Punch is great coverage and helps out with it's ground weakness. Toxic is great for Totem Pokemon as well as Ultra Necrozma. Or if you want more coverage use Fire Punch.

-Brick Break
-Swords Dance/Flying Press

This Pokemon is amazing for how early you can get it - you can get it before Ilima 's Trial and Kahuna Hala. To make things better, it has perfect attack IVs. It's amazing speed means it will most likely outspeed anything. Brick Break and Acrobatics are both strong STAB moves being useful against a lot of Totems. X-Scissor is used to deal with Psychic/Grass types. You can set up with Swords Dance then sweep. Or use Flying Press, which got buffed from 80 Base Power to 100 Base Power.

Mudsdale @ King's Rock/Rocky Helmet or Garchomp @ King's Rock/Rocky Helmet
-Rock Slide
-Heavy Slam/Iron Head
-Payback/Dragon Claw

Both Mudsdale and Garchomp are strong ground types , however I recommend Mudsdale as you can get a Mudbray much eariler and Mudsdale has access to Earthquake, while Garchomp does not - TM26 is Post-Game.
They both perform very well - Earthquake/Bulldoze is strong STAB and makes easy work of Oliva, Kiawe and Sophocles. Rock Slide is great coverage as well as to deal damage to Ice/Flying types. Heavy Slam/Iron Head to mainly to deal with alot of fairy and rock types. The last move is mainly filler so you can use any move that may benefit your team. I like to use Payback on Mudsdale because it's pretty slow.

Snorlax @ Leftovers/Snorlium Z
-Giga Impact
-Return/Brick Break/Ice Punch
-Wild Charge/Thunder Punch
-Heavy Slam/High Horsepower/Rock Slide

Not only is Snorlax bulky and a strong physical attacker but it's the ultimate coverage Pokemon - thanks to it's large movepool it can coverage almost anything. Giga Impact hits like a truck and if you have the Snorlium Z it will do even more damage. Return is great STAB but Ice Punch and Brick Break are also great moves. Wild Charge/Thunder Punch is useful for dealing with Alola's wide range of water and flying types. Heavy Slam/High Horsepower are hard hitting moves, which can take out any bulky or defensive Pokemon. You can also use Rock Slide for double battles.

1 vote

Decidueye @ Decidium Z
Ability: Overgrow
- Spirit Shackle
- Leaf Blade
- Sucker Punch
- Brave Bird
Your starter. Incredibly useful in tons of fights, and comes at a naturally high level. It’s got very good moves and typing that is very helpful in a playthrough in USUM. He has an overpowered Z-Move, too.

Vikavolt @ Electrium Z / Buginium Z (change for when necessary)
Ability: Levitate
- Thunderbolt
- Bug Buzz
- Crunch
- Flash Cannon
Although not too strong when first found on Route 1, it becomes incredible when it evolves in to Vikavolt. Powerful STAB attacks paired with it’s 145 SpA make it a force to be reckoned with.

Pelipper @ Waterium Z
Ability: Drizzle
- Hydro Pump
- Hurricane
- Roost
- Quick Attack
The awesome ability in Drizzle, typing suited to take on lots of Alola’s strong fights, and obtainable as early as Route 1 makes this bird a very powerful choice in these games. It’s especially strong when it gets Hydro Pump and Hurricane right before the league.

Stoutland @ Normalium Z
Ability: Intimidate
- Take Down
- Retaliate
- Crunch
- Work Up
Although not being super effective against much, it’s access to a Z-Moves takedown which has 175 power and being obtained at Route 4 make it incredibly strong even when neutral, especially early in the game. The intimidate ability is also incredibly useful.

Salazzle (F) @ Firium Z / Poisonium Z (change when necessary)
Ability: Corrosion
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Bomb
- Toxic
- Nasty Plot
It’s worth the time looking for a female salandit at Wela Volcano Park! With great typing, strong moves, and great stats, this is a great choice for your team. It gets access to Dragon Rage when caught, which 2HKOs just about everything at that point in the game.

If you use legendaries:


Necrozma-Ultra @ Ultranecrozium Z
Ability: Neuroforce
- Moongeist Beam / Sunsteel Strike
- Photon Geyser
- Power Gem
- Night Slash
italics = Ultra Sun only
No italics = Ultra Moon only
Overpowered. Seriously overpowered. It’s got GINORMOUS attacking stats and speed, awesome moves, and a great ability. It makes the E4 and Champion easy. You find Necrozma on Mount Lanakila and Big Nebby on Mohalo Trail
If you don’t like using legendaries:


Hariyama @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Thick Fat
- Close Combat
- Fake Out
- Knock Off
- Fire Punch

Fighting is always a useful type. Being obtained at the early point of Route 2, it can be used against the first totem Pokémon and do great. It’s got a high attack stat, decent bulk, and awesome attacks that make it a very useful Pokémon in this game.

Major battles:
Totem Raticate/Gumshoos
If you chose Makuhita, great, this will be especially easy. If not, it’s still pretty easy.
Dartrix beats him easily, Wingull does well too
Totem Araquanid
Dartrix’s flying attacks, as well as Wingull’s do well. Herdier’s 175 power Breakneck Blitz is very helpful.
Totem Marowak
Wingull’s Hydro Vortex is incredible here. Salandit’s Dragon Rage also takes about 1/2 of Marowak’s health.
Totem Lurantis
Tough fight here. If you evolve Wingull in to Pelipper, it’s rain and flying attacks do very well. If you don’t, use Roto Boosts and Dire Hits on Dartrix and try and beat it with flying attacks.
Pelipper’s Rain boosted Water Attacks, as well as Dartrix’s Grass Attacks and (potentially) Hariyama’s fighting attacks make this fight quite easy. The lileep is really bulky, though.
The Elite 4 fight is much the same, Decidueye does better here than it did before, though. And Ultra Necrozma also does good (ultra sun only) with Sunsteel Strike.
Totem Togedamaru
Salandit’s Inferno Overdrive does good here, and so does Hariyama’s All-Out Pummeling if you chose not to use legends. Herdier’s Intimidate is great here.
Flying attacks from Dartrix/Decidueye and Pelipper are good against Guzma, as well as electric attacks from Charjabug/Vikavolt against his Golisopod and Masqerain. This goes for all fights.
Totem Mimikyu
Lead with Stoutland to intimidate and break the disguise, and let Decidueye OHKO with it’s Z-Move.
Vikavolt’s bug attacks and Hariyama’s fighting attacks make this easy as pie. Nothing much else to mention. This goes for both fights (the second is UM only)
Not much to say about the Aether Foundation, so I’ll skip that part
Totem Kommo-o
Very tough fight here. Flying attacks from Decidueye and Pelipper do nicely, and Stoutland’s intimidate is very helpful.
Necrozma DM/DW
In UM, sinister arrow raid, easy OHKO. It still hits DM super hard, and one more spirit shackle and he’s done.
Ultra Necrozma
The hardest fight in the game. This fight doesn’t as much come down to your power, but with your love for your Pokémon (isn’t that heartwarming?). Get your Pokémon to very high affection, and hope they tough out hits. Salazzle’s toxic is very helpful, and Decidueye’s Sinster Arrow Raid as well. This is also the most epic fight in the series (in my opinion)!
Mina’s trial:
Mina:Salazzle. Done.
Lliama:he’s not very tough, but Hariyama if you chose it can kill him easily.
Mallow (US):Vikavolt, Pelipper, Decidueye, and Salazzle are all great here.
Lana (UM):Decidueye and Vikavolt take care of this one.
Kiawe:Pelipper, easy.
Sophocles (US):Hariyama beats all of his Pokémon. Salazzle beats two of em.
Nanu (UM):See his section above.
Totem Ribombee
Flying attacks from Pelipper and Decidueye are good, but Salazzle is the best. It 1/4 resists both STABs from it, can toxic poison it, and can deal strong super effective STAB damage from both Sludge Bomb and Flamethrower.
Decidueye and Pelipper, as well as Vikavolt taking advantage of Levitate, all do great.
Vikavolt beats Zoroark and Crobat, Pelipper beats Silvally, and Salazzle beats Lucario.
Salazzle can deal with his team pretty nicely, as well as Hariyama (if you chose it). Necrozma (UM) and Decidueye can take out Metagross.
Decidueye and Ultra Necrozma (UM) do nicely here. Stoutland’s crunch, as well as Vikavolt’s, can do well too.
See the section near the top.
Ultra Necrozma’s Power Gem is awesome. Vikavolt’s electric attacks do great too.
The final fight!! Decidueye can deal with Alolan Raichu and it’s oldest rival, Primarina. Hariyama (if chosen) or Stoutland can beat Tauros. Pelipper beats Flareon and can do well against Crabominable. Ultra Necrozma beats Crabominable. None do particularly well against Noivern, but their strong attacks can take him out.

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A full team of Z-moves isn't viable. You should probably add item suggestions for Pokemon that won't be using Z-moves
...........? How so? What’s bad about each Pokémon being able to use an incredibly powerful move once per battle? I know there can be one Z-Move per battle, but c’mon now, being able to easily OHKO one Pokémon is great. The majority of trainers in the game only have one or two Pokémon, and being able to OHKO one of em speeds it up.
You should have one specific Z-user, such as Ultra Necrozma or Decidueye. The rest should have boosting items.
But why is that? Isn’t using a move twice as powerful as your normal moves that come from items you don’t have to waste your time getting kinda...way better?
A full Z-move team is like a full mega team. Using a boosting item on a Pokemon isn't as powerful as a Z-move, but it isn't one-time use and still boosts power.
I mean, this is In-Game tho, most fights can be won with one Pokémon, perhaps two
I do get your point.
1 vote

Versatile, powerful and fun to use. All Pokemon can be found during the first hours of the game, so it is a particularly practical team to pass the adventure quietly and with excellent class convertures. For in-game breackthoughs, its it is preferable to use powerful moves with good accuracy. Keeping that in mind, and without further ado, let's begin:

Primarina @Primarium Z
Ability: Torrent
- Sparkling Aria
- Moonblast
- Ice Beam
- Psychic

The starter, Primarina, is in my opinion the most consistent starter Pokemon of the three, being, unlike the other two, very difficult to replace. Primarium Z allows Primarina to eliminate almost every threat that is weak to her. Sparkling Aria and Moonblast are powerfull STAB moves. Ice Beam is for coverage, as well as Psychic. Those allow to defend herself of grass or poison Pokemon.

Magnezone @Magnet or Quick Claw
Ability: Magnet Pull
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Signal Beam
- Thunder Wave

Magnemite can be captured outside Trainer's school on route 1. Its combination of types, especially the steel type, is ideal during the first steps of the game. Flash Cannon and Thunderbolt are powerful STAB moves, while Signal Beam is to expand the coverage and give more options to a Pokemon that already has a huge special attack. Thunder Wave is a must, not only for capturing Pokemon, but also as a powerful defensive tool, allowing to slow down opponents against a team that is not known for its speed. About the attached item, I tend to preffer Quick Claw, but it's just a personal preference.

If you want to use Pokemon exclusive to this generation, you can replace it with Vikavolt, although the bug type is generally not very practical in my opinion.

Alolan Muk @Black Sludge
Ability: Poison Touch
- Gunk Shot
- Crunch
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch

Alolan Grimer can be captured outside Trainer's shcool on route 1. It is a very strong Pokemon, with an exceptional combination of types, being only weak against the Ground type. Gunk Shot and Crunch are powerfull STAB moves, while Ice Punch is for coverage agains Ground and other threats. Fire Punch gives you more options to face Pokemon weak to fire, especially Grass types (Fomantis totem) and ice/steel types. Black Sludge is like Leftovers, as its gradually restores HP of Poison type Pokemon.

Hawlucha @Expert Belt
Skill: Limber
- Flying Press / Acrobatics
- Fire Punch
- X-Scissor
- Sword Dance / Brick Break

Hawlucha can be found on route 3. He is one of the few fast Pokemon in the game, and his type combination, coupled with its decent statistics for in-game play, makes him one of the best Pokemon to use in the game, especially during the first half. Flying Press is a very powerfull STAB move, that works both as Flying and Fighting type. Fire Punch and X-Scissor is to increase its options against other Pokemon, making it more versatile and useful in different situations, specially against Psychic tipe. The decision between Sword Dance and Brick Break is up to you: You can set up with Swords Dance and then sweep, or use Brick Break if you use Acrobatics instead of Flying Press for STAB. Personally, I prefer Sword Dance.

Mudsdale @Leftovers
Skill: Stamina
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Iron Head
- Superpower

Mudbray can be found outside Pokemon Ranck on route 4. Mudsdale is a Pokemon that surprised me. The Stamina ability, along with its high defensive and attack power, make it ideal for the adventure. Very entertaining to use, useful from the very moment of its capture, resistant and reliable, it is an essential part of the team.

Earthquake is a well-known powerfull STAB move. Rock Slide, Iron Head and Superpower are to expand your possibilities during the adventure, giving you a great type coverage. Please note that Superpower drownbacks are mitigated by Stamina. Leftovers pairs very well with Mudsdale, especially for long battles such as the Totems.

Marowak Alolan Totem @Thick Club
Skill: Rock Head
- Flare Blitz
- Shadow Bone
- Earthquake / Bonemerang
- Sword Dance / Low Kick

Alolan Marowak Totem is a gift from Professor Oak for collecting 40 medals and comes with his hidden ability Rock Head. You can get it just before the Lush Jungle Grass Totem in the second island, if you were careful and found all possible medals so far. Thick Club can be stolen from the Fire Totem (Alolan Marowak) a little before having access to this Pokemon, which is perfect as it allows to double Marowak's attack since the very begining.

Flare Blitz y Shadow Bone are very powerful STAB moves. Flare Blitz is spameable as your Alolan Marowak has the Rock Head skill, and you can get early access to Shadow Bone, because the Pokemon is given away at level 25. Bonemerang is a very solid cover until you can get access to Earthquake. The decision between Sword Dance and Low Kick is up to you: You can set up with Swords Dance and then sweep, or use Low Kick for more coverage. Personally, I prefer Sword Dance.

Alternatively, or while you get Alolan Marowak, you can capture a Growlithe in route 2 and evolve it to Arcanine. I suggest if it has the Intimidate skill, as its defenses are particularly low and it tends to fall easily to the enemy, even if it has the advantage.

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Please explain your choices. For example, why do you use flying press over high jump kick?
Sure! I will edit my post.
1 vote


My team covers most/all types in the game.


Held Item: Incinium Z/Leftover/Life Orb
Ability: Blaze

  • Fire Punch/Flare Blitz (STAB)
  • Darkest Lariat (STAB)
  • Brick Break (Destroys light screen/reflect)
  • Earthquake (Generally a strong move)

I won't glaze this guy but he is absolute unit and my favorite out of the 3


Held Item: Assault Vest
Ability: Emergency Exit

  • Liquidation (STAB)
  • Leech Life (Heal to use emergency exit again)
  • First Impression (Priority move, it only works at first turn in battle but resets on every switch, pairs with its ability)
  • Sucker Punch (Another priority)

A strong revenge killer. Despite having a horrible speed, it compensates it with its access on good priority moves, high Atk stat and good bulk. Not to mention, its design is just peak.


Held Item: Kommonium Z
Ability: Bulletproof/Soundproof

  • Clanging Scales (STAB)
  • Close Combat (STAB)
  • Earthquake (Coverage)
  • Poison Jab (Coverage)

A strong mixed attacker with excellent defense stats and good speed, its strong movepool can cover mostly its weakness. But its a late game Pokemon so I suggest crabominable first or Bewear.

Lycanroc - Midday form

Held Item: Choice Band
Ability: Keen Eye

  • Stone Edge (STAB)
  • Accelerock (Priority/Revenge killer)
  • Stealth Rock (Good against pkmn with sturdy, pretty much a good set up move)
  • Drill Run (Coverage)

A fast strong dog. its high speed and Atk stat speaks for it self.


Held Item: Focus sash
Ability: Skill Link

  • Beak Blast (STAB, he isn't fast so it doesn't matter if you get hit first but remember, its a 1 turn move)
  • Rock Blast (Coverage, good with Skill Link)
  • Bullet Seed (Coverage, good with Skill Link)
  • Roost/U-turn/Steel Wing
    (U-turn is optional if you want to abuse Golisopod. Steel Wing is for pesky Fairy types)

It has balanced spread stat and high attack stat. Its ability to maximize multiple-hit attacks can make a weak move into a strong move.


Held Item: Light Clay/Weakness Policy (Post game)
Ability: Sturdy

  • Thunderbolt/Discharge (STAB)
  • Flash Cannon (STAB)
  • Reflect/Thunder wave
  • Light Screen/Volt Switch

I use him as a dual screen setter due to his fairly good bulk, or you can use him to cripple fast Pokemon using thunder wave and use volt switch to use Golisopod. (Dual screen is still viable tbh)

Yeah, Golisopod is the main character..

Feel free to suggest some changes

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0 votes

This team is for Ultra Sun and is based around the fire type starter Litten
This team has 3 physical and 3 special attackers.
Note: As some of the Pokemon are version exclusive if you ask I will add alternatives for them.

Incineroar @ Incinium Z

Ability: Blaze
Type: Fire/Dark
Nature: Adamant
-Darkest Lariat (STAB)
-Flare Blitz (STAB,power)
-Brick Break (Coverage)
-Sunny Day (Boosts Flare blitz, Good combo with Leaf guard)

Great starter with good typing and moves.

Tsareena @ None

Ability: Leaf Guard
Type: Grass
Nature: Adamant
-Trop Kick (STAB)
-Acrobatics (Power, coverage)
-Payback (Power if used after opponent)
-High Jump Kick (Power, coverage)

Great attack and has access to some good moves.

Lycanroc (Dusk Form) @ Focus Band

Ability: Tough Claws
Type: Rock
Nature: Jolly
-Crunch (Good power)
-Rock Slide (STAB)
-Brick Break (Coverage)
-Façade (Great power with status condition)

Easy to obtain as it's an event Pokemon, great attack and speed and good moves

Raichu (Alolan form) @ Aloraichuim Z

Ability: Surge Surfer
Type: Electric/Psychic
Nature: Timid
-Thunderbolt (STAB)
-Psychic (STAB)
-Nasty Plot (Sp Atk boost)
-Psyshock (STAB)

Great Speed and Sp Atk after boosted by Nasty Plot, good moves and typing.

Ninetales (Alolan form) @ Pixie plate

Ability: Snow Cloak
Type: Ice/Fairy
Nature: Timid
-Dazzling Gleam(STAB)
-Ice Beam (STAB)
-Dark Pulse (Good power)
-Calm Mind ( Sp atk/Sp def boost)

Good Typing and movepool, Great stats>

Kommo-o @ Draco Plate

Ability: Bulletproof
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Nature: Bashful
-Clanging Scales (STAB,power)
-Flash Cannon (Power)
-Hyper Beam (Great power)
-Flamethrower (Good power, coverage)

Good special movepool and is very overpowered.

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Might use this team, although I'm playing Ultra Moon, and I've already used Alolan Raichu and Kommo-o before. Are there any other options for special attackers?
I suggest that you use Vikavolt instead of Raichu, Sylveon instead of Ninetales and Noivern instead of Kommo-o.
I'm using this team but Noivern over Kommo-o and Tyranitar over Lycanroc since I missed event.  Is there a better option that Tyranitar since he evolves so late?
Use Close Combat on Kommo-o instead of Hyper Beam, you can teach it to it via move reminder until you get Close Combat use Sky Uppercut.
@SilentWarrior you could use Minior or Midday/Midnight form Lycanroc instead of Tyranitar.
0 votes

This is the team I am using in Ultra Moon.

Nature: Modest
Item: Primarium Z
Ability: Torrent
-Ice Beam/Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball/Psychic
-Sparkling Aria

I did another play-through with Decidueye and found myself hard-pressed to find a good water type and fairy type. Primarina also helps cover a lot of types with its Move pool. Also has far better special bulk which comes in handy at times. Moonblast and Sparkling Aria are givens for stab. Ice Beam and Energy ball are good coverage but can easily be switched out since there is some redundancy with some of these moves.

Nature: Naughty<--It has terrible defenses anyways so it won't take super effective hits well either way.
Item: Scope Lens/Blackglasses
Ability: Super Luck
-Aerial Ace/Fly <--Sadly these are the best you have unless you have access to egg moves.
-Steel Wing
-Psychic/Any filler special move

After finding out you can buy a dusk stone on Akala island (I believe) it becomes a lot more viable. Nightslash is a given for the high crit-rate with scope lens and super luck (if you can get scope lens in game). Aerial Ace and Fly are as far as it goes for physical flying moves until late game move tutors unless you breed it. I ran into multiple in-game poke's that use minimize so I use Aerial Ace to deal with the annoyance. Steel Wing covers both ice and rock weakness and possibly raises its terrible defenses. Psychic is just coverage since Honchy here has a usable Sp. Attack stat. Honchcrow is all around good with its offenses and its HP makes up for its bad defenses a bit.

If you don't mind a trade evolution:

Nature: Mild
Ability: Flame Body
Item: Firium Z
-Thunderbolt/Solar Beam
-Brick Break/Focus Blast
-Sunny Day

Yes it is a trade evolution and a late game one at that, but it definitely makes up for it. Magmar with eviloite is actually completely viable until late game if you can't get early access to a magmarizer. Flamethrower is a given for stab. Thunderbolt is a good powerful coverage move playing off a good Sp. Attack. Solar Beam works if you decide on Sunny Day and takes care of three of its weaknesses. The fighting type is up to you. If you go with a modest nature I'd say Focus Blast, otherwise Brick Break because of its better accuracy and it still works off of a good attack stat. Sadly there aren't a ton of truly good fire types to get somewhat early on.

Alternative to Magmortar: Arcanine works well as it has great stats and can be a mixed attacker, the only problem is that because it is a stone evolution it learns all of its good moves as a Growlithe and if you want those good Growlithe moves you will have to forgo Arcanine's extreme speed because of how its leveling goes. Another option is Salazzle but it can be a pain because of the strict gender evolution and its terrible defenses. Marowak works as well but doesn't get a ghost type stab until at least the league and it has very little for physical fire stabs until flare blitz, plus without a thick club its attack isn't even that good. Volcarona is just way too late sadly. Best bet is an island scan for a fire type but it depends on if you want to deal with that. Just remembered Flareon is a possibility. Because of its decent Sp. Attack it can get by until Flare Blitz comes around.

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Strong Jaw
Item: Hard Stone/Z-crystal
-Crunch/Iron Head
-Dragon Claw/Tail
-Rock Slide/Stone Edge

I have never used a Tyrantrum and it looked interesting so thought I'd give it a try at least. It's actually pretty good an gets the move it needs. The item is up to you. Hard stone boosts its rock type attacks while the z-crystal has its purpose. Crunch works well with strong jaw and gives some extra coverage. Iron head works as well if you want a steel type move as well. Dragon Claw is preferable to Tail in my mind. Becuase this generation is slow this guy can actually go first so a negative priority move makes little sense. Rock slide is available earlier and is more accurate as well as being good for taking on multiple opponents, but stone edge is stronger I guess. E-quake for the win, plus it gets it through level up.

Nature: Modest
Ability: Surge Surfer
Item: Magnet/Twisted Spoon
-Signal Beam

I will be the first to say I don't like Raichu. It is average in everything other than speed and it causes this thing to be borderline in everything. Sadly I figured I would try it out as most other electric types (bar Jolteon) are either worse or the full evolution comes way too late in the game so here we are. With its typing and move pool its attack stat is pretty useless so Modest nature is the way to go. Psychic is a given and it gets it immediately after evolving so no waiting a long time. Thunderbolt is a given as well, but it needs to be learned as a Pikachu and comes late at level 42 as where discharge comes at Pikachu 34 (Latish I guess but manageable). Psyshock allows it to hit physically and signal beam covers its dark weakness.

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Leaf Guard
Item: Miracle Seed
-Seed Bomb/Leaf Blade
-Iron Tail/Aerial Ace
-Swords Dance

I have always wanted to try Leafeon out because of its good stats but the moss rock either comes way too late or its move pool gets screwed. But here in All it can be pretty good since the moss rock is in Lush Jungle and there are move tutors. Seed Bomb is a tutor move that will work until you get leaf blade, X-Scissor is a good powerful move for coverage. Iron Tail and Aerial Ace are both coverage and easy to get through move tutor and TM. Swords Dance is to turn it into even more of a power house.

If you guys have any that you don't want I can suggest others. Also any recommendations are welcome as I am always looking to improve my team.

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Moss Rock is also found in Verdant Cavern
I must agree that I don’t like Raichu that much. One thing to note is that Raichu can use the move reminder in the Pokémon League Pokémon Center to learn Thunderbolt. Vikavolt may be a better alternative although it takes forever to get Chargeabug to evolve. Magnezone might not be terrible either since there is no steel type on this team.
Leafeon and Primarina are an absolutely busted combo, and I highly suggest them to anyone playing ultra sun and ultra moon for the first time.
0 votes

Alola, Trainers! I used this team during my Ultra Sun run. However, there are no version exclusives, so anyone playing Ultra Moon can use this too.

Dr. Hoo (Decidueye) (M) (Starter)
Ability: Overgrow
- Leaf Blade (level 44)
- Spirit Shackle (upon evolution from Dartrix)
- Acrobatics (TM62, Route 15)
- U-Turn (TM89, Malie City Pokemart)

Leaf Blade is an amazing STAB move, as it has high power and benefits from Decidueye's fairly decent base 107 Attack stat. Spirit Shackle is STAB and is basically a damage-causing version of Mean Look. Acrobatics is still fairly powerful even though Decidueye dos not receive STAB from it anymore. If you want your Decidueye to hold an item, then replace Acrobatics with Brave Bird (level 55). U-Turn is good for countering Dark-types and get-out situations.
(Rowlet, Decidueye's pre-evolution, is given to you on Route 1 by Professor Kukui. Rowlet evolves into Dartrix at level 17, and Dartrix evolves into Decidueye at level 34.)

Lisa (Noivern) (F)
Ability: Infiltrator
-Dragon Pulse (move reminder, Mount Lanakila or Battle Tree tutor for 12BP) or Dragon Claw (TM02, Vast Poni Canyon)
-Air Slash (level 53)
-Psychic (TM29, Aether Paradise)
-Leech Life (TM28, Akala Outskirts)
I used Dragon Claw all the way until I made it to Mount Lanakila and got rid of it for Dragon Pulse. It served its purpose fairly well, given that Noivern's Attack stat isn't the greatest. Either one works pretty good, so it's entirely up to you. Air Slash is STAB, and Psychic and Leech Life are coverage.
(Noibat, Noivern's pre-evolution, can be found in Verdant Cavern, and evolves into Noivern at level 48.)

Rocky (Lycanroc (Dusk Form)) (M) (holding Lycanium Z)
Ability: Tough Claws
-Stone Edge (level 48) or Rock Slide (level 34)
-Crunch (level 40)
-Fire Fang (comes on the event Rockruff)
-Brick Break (TM31, Verdant Cavern)

Stone Edge is powerful STAB, but if accuracy is your concern, Rock Slide is another option, but be aware that you are sacrificing some power. Crunch is good coverage, Fire Fang is good coverage and handles the weakness to Grass, and Brick Break covers the weakness to Steel.

If you did not claim the Rockruff before the event expired, you can also use Aurorus.
-Ancient Power (level 26 as an Amaura)
-Ice Beam (level 50)
-Flash Cannon (TM91, Seafolk Village)
-Psychic (TM29, Aether Paradise)
Ancient Power and Ice Beam are STAB, and the two coverage moves cover Aurorus' two 4x weaknesses, Steel and Fighting.
(Amaura, Aurorus' pre-evolution, can be bought as a fossil in Olivia's shop in Konikoni City and can be revived at the Fossil Restoration Center on Route 8. Amaura evolves into Aurorus at level 39 during the night time.)

Mark (Ampharos) (M) (holding Electrium Z)
Ability: Static
-Dragon Pulse (move reminder, Mount Lanakila, Battle Tree tutor for 12BP, or Level 65)
-Discharge (level 40)
-Power Gem (level 35)
-Signal Beam (level 51)

Discharge is a good STAB substitute for Thunderbolt, which cannot be obtained until post-game. The rest are coverage.
(Mareep, Ampharos' pre-evolution, can be found at Paniola Ranch. Mareep evolves into Flaaffy at level 15, and Flaafy evolves into Ampharos at level 30.)

Cory (Arcanine) (M) (holding Firium Z)
Ability: Intimidate
-Flamethrower (level 34 as a Growlithe)
-Thunder Fang (move reminder, Mount Lanakila)
-Crunch (level 39 as a Growlithe)
-Bulldoze (TM78, Konikoni City TM Shop)

It always seemed that my Arcanine's Attack was getting lower, so for a STAB move, I gave him Flamethrower as opposed to Fire Fang or Flame Charge. Thunder Fang covers the Water weakness, Bulldoze covers the Rock weakness, and Crunch is a filler.
(Growlithe can be found on Route 2. It evolves into Arcanine when it is exposed to a Fire Stone.)

Larry (Blastoise) (M) (Golding Waterium Z)
Ability: Torrent
-Aqua Tail (level 33 as a Wartortle)
-Ice Beam (TM13, Mount Lanakila) or Ice Punch (Ula'Ula Beach tutor for 8BP)
-Bulldoze (TM78, Konikoni City TM Shop)
-Brick Break (TM31, Verdant Cavern)

Aqua tail is STAB. Ice Beam/Ice Punch covers the Grass weakness, Bulldoze covers the Electric weakness (until you get Earthquake in the post-game), and Brick Break is coverage.
(Squirtle, Blastoise's pre-evolution can be found using the Island Scan. It can be found in the Seaward Cave on Melemele Island on Mondays. Squirtle evolves into Wartortle at level 16, and Wartortle evolves into Blastoise at level 36.

I hope you all enjoyed my team! Safe travels in the Alola region!

0 votes

I had thought on a Sun/Moon team which I think would work just as well in USUM.


Bubble Beam
Disarming Voice
Sparkling Aria

All of them are good STAB moves with their own advantages:Bubble Beam can slow your enemy down, Disarming Voice never misses, Moonblast can weaken your enemy's special attack, and Sparkling Aria is Primarina's trademark.


Aerial Ace
Beak Blast
Drill Peck
Bullet Seed

The first 3 are strong STAB moves with their own advantages:Aerial Ace never misses, Beak Blast can cause burns, and Drill Peck can hit non-adjacent enemies in Triple Battles. Bullet Seed is coverage against Rock types, as well as compensation for the lack of a Grass type.


Flash Cannon
Magnet Bomb

All 4 moves are good STAB moves with their own advantages:Discharge can cause paralysis and hits every Pokemon in multi-battles, Flash Cannon can weaken the enemy's special defense, Magnet Bomb never misses, and Thunderbolt can also cause paralysis.


Earth Power
High Horsepower

The first 3 moves are good STAB moves with their own advantages:Bulldoze and Earthquake hit everything in multi-battles wit the former slowing enemies down, and Earth Power can weaken the enemy's special defense.High Horsepower is a strong STAB move too, but with no real advantages.


Flame Burst

Flame Burst and Flamethrower are both good STAB moves with perks: Flame Burst hits non-adjacent enemies in Triple Battles and Flamethrower can cause burns. Toxic is for poisoning and to take advantage of Salazzle's Corrosion ability,which lets it poison any and all Pokemon. This move leads into Venoshock, which gets stronger when used on poisoned enemies.


Karate Chop
Sky Uppercut
Bullet Punch

The first 3 are good STAB moves with their perks:Crunch can weaken the enemy's special defense, Karate Chop has a high chance of getting a critical hit, and Sky Uppercut can hit airborne enemies. Bullet Punch is coverage against Fairy types.

Tell me in the comments what you think of this team.

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Fair. Swap any of magnezone's move for volt switch. Give salazzle nasty plot so she can sweep comfortly.
0 votes

Greninja @Life Orb/Leftovers (252 SpA, 4 SpD, 252 Spe), timid
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse
-Gunk Shot

Life Orb helps with pure damage since Greninja lacks some, moves are STAB and coverage

Volcarona @BuginiumZ (252 SpA, 4 Def, 252 Spe), timid
-Fiery Dance
-Quiver Dance
-Giga Drain
-Bug Buzz

Main sweeper: Buginium on Quiver Dance takes away screech, scary face, etc... Extreme sweeping power as well as sustain from giga drain (and coverage from rock)

Aegislash @Leftovers (0IV SPD, 252 HP, 4 SpA, 252 SpD), sassy
-Shadow Ball
-King's Shield
-Gyro Ball

Main Stall, amazing atk, 0 IV speed and sassy means hes always last, so Gyro ball has strong damage, and theres almost no risk of being exposed to an attack in Blade form

Garchomp @Garchompite/Leftovers (252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe), jolly
-Dragon rush/claw
-Swords Dance
-Rock Slide/Stone Edge

High damage, if you want even more, you can swap out swords dance for crunch

Hawlucha @nothing/focus sash (252 Atk, 4 HP, 252 Spe), adamant (Must have Unburden)
-Swords Dance
-High Jump Kick

-He is my pure DPS: Acrobatics gets 110 dam STAB because of no item; if you really want, you can go focus sash to get a free turn of Swords Dance, then next turn you are guaranteed a strong attack with acrobatics and double speed from unburden. Roost is sustain, High Jump Kick is strong STAB

Gardevoir @Choice Specs (252 SpA, 4 Def, 252 Spe), timid, (trace > synchronise)
-Energy Ball/Grass Knot

-Mostly coverage, still fast with timid and max EVs on speed, trace means you can scout out for abilities (and helps with grinding for hidden abilities in the wild)

0 votes

Ultra Sun Team

Primarina (Starter, Popplio)
- Moonblast (Fairy STAB)
- Ice Beam (Grass Coverage)
- Sparking Aria (STAB/Z-Move) or Surf
- Psychic (Poison Coverage)

Malamar (Route 1 beach, Inkay)
- Topsy Turvy (reverse stat changes)
- Psycho Cut (STAB)
- Superpower (boost attack/special attack)
- Night Slash (STAB)

Charizard (Route 3 Island Scan, Charmander Sunday)
- Blaze
- Dragon Claw
- Flamethrower (STAB)
- Earthquake (Rock Coverage)
- Thunderpunch (Water Coverage)

Arcanine (Route 2, Growlithe)
- Flamethrower (STAB)
- Outrage
- Thunder Fang OR Wild Charge (Water Coverage)
- Bulldoze (Rock Coverage)

Mudsdale (Paniola Ranch, Mudbray)
- Earthquake (STAB)
- Heavy Slam
- Rock Slide
- Low Sweep (Slow opponents down, chance of going first in battle)
- Bulldoze (Same thing, with STAB)

Could replace with:
Krookodile (Blush Mountain, I think, Sandile)
Moxie, Adamant
- Earthquake (STAB)
- Crunch (STAB)
- Aerial Ace (Grass Coverage)
- Iron Tail (Fairy Coverage, Tutor)

Tsareena (Lush Jungle, Bounsweet)
Queenly Majesty, Admant
- Trop Kick (STAB)
- Power Whip (Stronger STAB)
- Acrobatics (Bug/Fighting Coverage)
- Zen Headbutt (Poison Coverage, Tutor)

Alolan Raichu (Somewhere on Melemele, Pichu or Pikachu)
Surge Surfer
- Psychic (STAB)
- Thunderbolt (STAB)
- Calm Mind (Boost Special Stats)
- Signal Beam (Grass Coverage, Tutor)
- Psychock (STAB)

Just gonna say, if you have earthquake, why use bulldoze if you also have a move that does the exact same as bulldoze? Also setting up in-game isn't needed because the npc's are pretty weak. Also you don't need to put natures because most casual players use a pokemon with any nature. Nice team nonetheless.
Instead of Calm Mind, I would run Nasty Plot on Alolan Raichu. - You get it at Level 13 on Pichu.
Also, instead of Signal Beam, I would run Focus Blast.
0 votes

Here is a team for you people wanting to use popplio as you're starter in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon:

Primarina (obtained by choosing starter)
Water, Fairy
@Primarinium Z/Mystic Water
-Sparkling Aria
-Ice Beam

Primarina is our chosen starter because of its insanely high special attack, and special defence, its type which destroys all of the kahunas. It's typing also does really well in the story and we need a pretty good fairy type and a pretty good water type to defeat all of those ground and dragon Pokemon. Primarina can also be used to just body Pokemon kind of like the alakazam of gen 1. I also decided to put primarina on this team because of its movepool, functionality and because I have never used it in a gen 7 game before (i actually did except it was with other starters and it was traded over from normal Pokemon Sun.

Magnezone (caught outside the trainer school)
Electric, Steel
@Magnet/Metal Coat
-Flash Cannon
-Volt switch
-Signal Beam

Magnezone is a really good electric type you can get quite early on in the game (well magnemite and magneton), Magnezone is so much better in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon than it is in sun and moon because of more tutor moves and how much earlier you can get Magnezone. Instead of having to evolve it at Vast Poni Canyon, you just have to do it at Blush Mountain. I also choose Magnezone because of its dual typing steel and electric and because of its monsterous special attack stat.

Alolan Muk (caught outside of the trainer school)
Poison, Dark
@Black Sludge
-Gunk Shot/Poison Jab
-Brick Break
-Ice Punch

Alolan Muk is another really good Pokemon in Ultra Sun and Moon because of its deadly physical attack. That stat with Gunk Shot will be a 1 hit-ko basicly on any unlucky fairies. Its type does extremely well in Alola plus we needed a poison and dark type on the team. Also its wide movepool like ice punch + the monsterous physical attack will make ground types, muk's only weakness will make it not even a weakness. Plus with poison touch, if the ground type survives it will faint by the poison damage. Anyway you should see my points and move onto the next 3 Pokemon on this team.

Alakazam (can be caught in hao'li city's gates)
@Twisted Spoon/Mind Plate
-Shadow Ball
-Signal Beam/Energy Ball/Dazzling Gleam

Do I really need to talk about Alakazam? This is gen 1 all over again.

If you dont have a friend or another ds to trade with, just use kantonian exeggetor... Somehow? And to make things worse... ive never really used an exeggetor before and I dont know a good moveset for it so um... use another Pokemon?

Hawlucha (trade a spearow to a girl in the Pokemon center just before Verdant Cavern)
Fighting, Flying
-High Jump Kick
-Poison Jab/X-Scissor
-Fire Punch/Iron Head

Hawlucha destroys mostly every single kahuna except proboly Hapu, but still does obserdly well against the normal trial, fighting, water, grass, rock, dark and fairy. It also destroys mostly every single trainer th High Jump Kick and Acrobatics. There are alot more really good things about Hawlucha in these games that I cant really think off because I'm not really a good thinker, but hawlucha atleast has pretty good physical attack and speed.

Garchomp (in Ula Ula islands desert, but I'm getting it traded/transferred to me :D)
Dragon, Ground
@dragon claw (or is it called dragon scale or tooth)
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge
-Iron Head/Crunch

This is proboly the best dragon type gen 4+ to use in a play through in any Pokemon game, its beast physical with STAB dragon claw and earthquake, plus dragon claw is a little bit stronger becauase of the dragon scale (claw or tooth), which will almost 1 shot everything, besides from fairies of cause. You may not want to bring it out when there is a ice type out in battle but youre confident to iron head or stone edge it, then go for it. You could use this thing fot anything. To me the only bad thing about him in Ultra Sun and Moon is because of how late you get it and how long it takes to actually level Garchomp up, and that is it.

So there we have it. Another Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon team you can use to play and enjoy these games. Usum are actually my favourite Pokemon games. If theres any suggestions you want me to know type it in the coments below and I will look at it and possibly change the team. Thank you for reading this, now I am going to play Ultra Sun with this team.

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0 votes

I personally use this team in Pokemon ultra sun. there aren't any version exclusives so you can use it in either ultra sun, or ultra moon. the only types this team doesn't resist by type are fighting and ground.

Image result for incineroar
darkest lariat(stab)
cross chop(rock coverage)
fire punch(rock coverage)

Image result for pikachu

electro ball(stab)
iron tail
quick attack

Image result for primeape

brick break(stab)
seismic toss
thunder punch

Image result for golduck

hydro pump(stab)
shadow claw

Image result for sableye

shadow claw(stab)
foul play(stab)
poison jab
dark pulse(stab)

Image result for forretress

heavy slam(stab)
bud bite(stab)

Pikachu is total garbage without light ball, and you can't get light ball till 4th island
true the light ball doubles pikachu's attack and special attack stats but surely you should be able to train pikachu to a high level before needing the light ball.
i just want to note, rock resists fire so how is fire punch rock coverage?
It's pretty clearly a typo.
0 votes

(Keep in mind this team is based on ultra sun and if you use the other version exclusives in ultra moon it should still be a usable team in game)

A lot of people don't like using legendaries in game (including me) and don't really like to work very hard in actually catching the Pokémon. if you just want to breeze through the game and have a good time and If you like offensive teams without having to stall and Pokémon that can hit hard and hit fast then this is the team for you.

Incineroar - Blaze
-> flare blitz
-> darkest Lariat
-> rock slide (TM)
-> U-turn (move tutor) / brick break (TM)

Incineroar is probably the easiest starter to run through the game with. With moves like double kick coming in really early it helps get through the first Island without having to do too much.

Raichu alola - surge surfer
-> thunderbolt
-> nasty plot
-> thunder wave
-> psychic

Pichu is pretty easy to get right of the bat and it learns nasty plot pretty early on. By setting up with one or two nasty plots, it's easy to take out a lot of mons, and really helps with the water trial on the second island. With access to thunder wave to slow down Pokémon and the dual STAB, raichu alola becomes pretty useful towards the end game.

Lycanroc day - keen eye
-> stone edge
-> accelrock
-> swords dance
-> drill run (tutor)

Lycanroc hits hard and it hits fast. With the lycanium Z you can knock out a lot of mons that are a little troublesome for the rest of your team. If you get a chance to boost your attack with the swords dance lycanroc becomes unstoppable with coverage in drill run. Accelrock helps pick up the KO with priority.

Gyarados - intimidate
-> ice fang
-> crunch
-> waterfall (TM)
-> dragon dance

Gyarados might be a little harder to get as it is a pain in the behind to train your magikarp but once you get the evolution it definitely feels worth it. Dual STAB with coverage in ice fang, paired with dragon dance helps the gyarados hit any Mon hard and fast. Intimidate helps you deal with opposing physical attackers. It also helps that gyarados mega can be used post game with the gyaradosite.

Ninetales alola - Snow warning
-> aurora veil
-> dazzling gleam
-> blizzard
-> calm mind

Ninetales alola gives this team a much needed defensive boost with the aurora veil and does chip damage with the hail. It outspeeds most mons in game and can set up with calm mind and hit hard with blizzard. Both dazzling gleam and blizzard help in double battles. Although it might be a little hard to grind for the alolan vulpix to find the perfect one with the snow warning. (SOS)

Metagross - clear body
-> agility
-> meteor mash
-> zen headbutt
-> earthquake

Metagross with its high stats is a pretty good Pokémon to use and with agility lets you outspeed any Mon that would normally outspeed you. Earthquake provides coverage and meteor mash has a pretty good probability of increasing your attack and let you hit harder.

With a lot of options for mega's in the post game and a lot of amazing Z moves, This team is pretty easy to get and covers most bases. Considering the fact this game has a lot of dark and ghost types, having two Psychic types might put you at a disadvantage but the other mons more than make up for the fact. Before getting gyarados it might be a little hard to face ground types but considering the fact that you only run into mudsbray it shouldn't be too hard to deal with. This was the team I used, and I had a lot of fun and I never felt overwhelmed as I didn't get too many mons right at the start. All the mons can be found in balanced intervals, and once you get the gyarados the game starts becoming way easier. If you had the good fortune to get a lycanroc dusk I would recommend using it, as tough claws make it a much stronger offensive Mon than the lycanroc day. Hope you have as much with this team as I did.

0 votes

I decided on a all attacking (mostly attacking ig) moves team because the a.i. in Pokemon isn't good. They wont switch out of any incoming attack unless it looks absolutely hopeful for them. Boosting moves and set up moves like toxic and stuff aren't necessary. I mean, if that's how you want to play go ahead, I won't judge. But just letting you know, Pokemon a.i. aren't competitive masterminds. Also, I try to get as much type variation as possible because it gives more STAB variations.
Incineroar Fire-Dark
Ability: Blaze (But if you're a try-hard Intimidate ig)
- Darkest Lariat
- Flare Blitz
- Outrage
- Cross Chop
There's a reason they put him in Smash, he's a beast (haha, quite literally)! Darkest Lariat for decent STAB and Z-Move, Flare Blitz for good physical STAB as well, although beware recoil. Outrage for the dragons (even though there's like no dragons). Cross Chop for Olivia in the E4. I mean, I don't really recommend it but... Good for Molayne, Olivia, Acerola, Hau's team besides Vaporeon, Professor Kukui besides Primarina and Braviary. DO NOT USE FOR ANY KAHUNAS UNLESS YOU HAVE TO.

Toxapex Poison-Water
Ability: Merciless (Pokemon that looks like it should get Poison Point the most but doesn't)
- Baneful Bunker
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Sludge Bomb/Poison Jab/Venoshock
Good for Hapu, Olivia, Hala ( for defenses ), Hau's Noivern and if your ballsy, his Decidueye, Kukui's Primarina, Lycanroc and NInetales, and Kahili ig.

Shiinotic Grass-Fairy
Ability: Effect Spore
- Moonblast
- Sludge Bomb/Spore
- Energy Ball
- Strength Sap/Dream Eater
This mon is kinda filler. You can use it for some stuff like Olivia, Hapu or Hau's Vaporeon, Noivern or Crabominable. Not the most viable but can come clutch.

Bewear Normal-Fighting
Ability: Fluffy
- Superpower
- Return
- Shadow Claw/Dragon Claw
- Earthquake/Bulk Up
Wrecks Molayne, Olivia, Hau ( Caution his Noivern and Raichu) Half of Kukui's team, Acerola. This big fluffy boi can wreak havoc across all kinds of grounds.

Palossand Ground-Ghost
Ability: Water Compaction
- Earth Power
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Energy Ball/Giga Drain
Palossand can damage Acerola and Olivia and Kukui. That's about it. I mean, random trainers he can destroy, no doubt. But other than that, his E4 usage is subpar.

Alolan Sandslash Ice-Steel
Ability: Snow Cloak ( Slush Rush is way better though, just harder to get)
- Iron Head
- Icicle Crash
- X-Scissor/Leech Life
- Shadow Claw/Poison Jab/Earthquake ( If you care about abilities really badly then absolutely get Hail)
Finally something to completely f**k Kahili and then some. Acerola's Driftblim and Dhelmise, half of Kukui's team and Hau's everything.

ligit power