Pokemon Violet
Heya, it's been a while (a REALLY LONG while), so here's my team for Pokemon Violet.

Meowscarada @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Tera Type: Grass
- Flower Trick
- Night Slash
- U-turn
- Play Rough
Meowscarada: The starter I chose. This magician cat is really good, considering its fast speed and access to some really good and versatile moves such as U-turn, and its pretty broken signature move, Flower Trick
Item: Miracle Seed - To give a nice boost to its already awesome Grass move, Flower Trick.
It's pretty simple. Flower Trick is its go-to STAB Grass move which never misses AND always Crit. How cool is that? Though I might be over exaggerating with it being broken, but still it's a really good move. Then we have Night Slash which is also STAB and has a naturally higher Crit. Chance. Then U-Turn for coverage as well as escaping a tricky opponent. And finally Play Rough for extra coverage against those Fighters who threatens this cat, also Dragons and Dark types.

Pawmot @ Muscle Band
Ability: Volt Absorb
Tera Type: Electric
- Double Shock
- Bite / Crunch
- Close Combat
- Dig
The Pikachu clone of this region. It's pre-evo Pawmi can be found pretty much very early before the Miraidon quest (where you fall of a cliff), and this mouse is one of my favourite. It's fast, has a pretty good type combo, and can learn pretty strong moves as well.
Item: Muscle Band - This boosts physical moves. Also ensures that Pawmot can easily knock out any opponent fast enough before it gets knocked out itself(seriously I found myself expecting Pawmot to survive, but gets one shotted by the same actual species with the same move(i'm looking at you Nemona's Pawmot).
Ability: Volt Absorb - Gives a nice immunity to Electric moves as well as heals it up(if i'm not mistaken.)
To be fair, Bite can easily be switched for Crunch, but honestly, I haven't really been using TMs because I haven't grind as much materials, also not really wanting to waste TMs if I only have 1 of the move I need to use. Plus Bite can be used while catching Pokemon for a weaker move option, and has a flinch chance. Anyway, Double Shock is an extremely powerful Electric-type Burn Up, which gets a STAB boost, but removes it's own Electric typing. Close Combat, I don't really need to explain much: STAB, super-powerful but lowers all defensive stats by a stage. And finally Dig for coverage against those venomous Pokemon.

Ceruledge @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Fire
- Bitter Blade
- Swords Dance
- Shadow Claw
- False Swipe
Seriously, this guy looks absolutely cool. I mean, just at those blades of violet fire. Trying to get this Pokemon may be a little bit of a chore since you need to find Sinistea chips and trade them for it's evo item at Zapapico. Charcadet can be found pretty in many places, but the earliest one is on the way to titan Klawf and Artazon Gym.
Item: Life Orb - To give a nice damage boost, though in exchange for a little HP, but it's ok, because it's signature move will make up for it.
Ceruledge helps me when it comes to catching Pokemon, which explains False Swipe. Then there's it's signature Bitter Blade, which is STAB and restores it's own HP by 1/2 of damage dealt. Swords Dance to boost it's attack by 2 stages, and finally Shadow Claw as it's other STAB move with a naturally higher Crit. Chance.

Tinkaton @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fairy
- Play Rough
- Fake Out
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off
This little fairy type is actually really scary considering the fact it's also a Steel-type and brings a literal giant iron hammer around. It's pre-evo, Tinkatink can be found within many of the ruins scattered around Paldea.
Item: Rocky Helmet - I don't know, I just feel like she's tanky enough to take hits, so I gave her this to also give passive damage to physical direct contact attackers.
Ability: Mold Breaker - Her moves won't be affected(if this is what "being umimpended" means) by the target's ability.
Play Rough is pretty self-explanatory. STAB, a good choice for physical fairy moves, and chance to lower the target's Attack by a stage. Then we have Fake Out for a little chip damage early on. And then this Gigaton Hammer, seriously, this move sounds scarier than most other moves I have heard, combine it with STAB boost, and 160 base power. But you can't use it consecutively in a row(fyuh.) And last is Knock Off for coverage against Psychic and Ghost.

Veluza @ Razor Claw
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Psychic
- Aqua Cutter
- Psycho Cut
- Fillet Away
- Crunch
I don't know, is this a tuna or a longer piranha? Anyways, this fish can be found quite early given that you've beaten the 2nd titan and go to the East Paldean Sea near Levincia.
Item: Razor Claw - Boosts it's Crit. chance even further. Why? Because of it's moves.
Ability: Mold Breaker - Same like Tinkaton, but I would probably ability patch it for Sharpness instead, why? Because it combos REALLY WELL with its moves and item, with it being able to boost all slicing moves.
Aqua Cutter is the new water type slicing move. It gets STAB and a naturally higher crit. chance. And I don't need to repeat the same thing for Psycho Cut. Crunch for coverage against Ghost, but Night Slash would be better. And finally Fillet Away which is like Shell Smash but the cost is 1/2 Max HP instead of defense drops.

Baxcalibur @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Thermal Exchange
Tera Type: Dark
- Glaive Rush
- Icicle Crash
- Earthquake
- Crunch
My dragon type choice for this team. I just like the design, pretty simple. It's a pretty late game Pokemon considering it can only be found in the Glaseado Mountain area.
Ability: Thermal Exchange - Now this is interesting. This ability raises it's attack by a stage when hit by Fire moves. Also this thing can't be burn with this ability.
Glaive Rush is new. It's a really strong move which gets STAB, but after using this move, Baxcalibur will receive 2x damage from any moves on the next turn. Then we have Icicle Crash which is also STAB and has a nice flinch chance, but a slightly lower accuracy(90 or 95%). Then Earthquake, I don't really need to explain much(coverage for Steel and Rock, and finally Crunch for coverage against Psychic and Ghost.
That's it for my team. This team is pretty easy to get kinda early on (apart from Baxcalibur), I'm not counting Tera Raid ones since I haven't visited too many of them.