PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
5 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, Tera Types, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

Link: richi3f's team planner

Is this early since the games haven't come out yet, I think. I want to start working on a team so this information is crucial for me.
Today is the release day, so the games are released. They also leaked a week ago.
It is probably too early to put a team here because information is still a bit patchy and most people have not actually done a playthrough to gauge the best options.

8 Answers

1 vote

Pokemon Scarlet

  1. Quaquaval: Aqua Step, Ice Spinner, Close Combat, Wave Crash/Brave Bird

    Quaquaval is the best starter to choose from Paldea because of how it's type covers almost all important battles. Aqua Step for STAB as you can also increase your speed stat. Ice Spinner is for coverage as it provides excellent coverage for Bombirdier and Larry of the E4. Close Combat provides excellent STAB and provides a clear counter to almost all important trainer battles in the game. Wave Crash is it's best water Stab move, Brave Bird is for coverage and only an option if you didn't choose Kilowattrel.

  2. Kilowattrel: Air Slash, Thunderbolt, Tailwind, Volt Switch

    You get Watrtrel very early in the game and it's easy to get. It covers the 1st and 2nd gym easily because of it's typing and moves alone. It has a very limited movepool, however he is still a valuable asset to the team thanks to ability and amazing speed stat. Air Slash and Thunderbolt is it's main STAB moves. Tailwind activates it's Wind Power ability as it charges up it's Thunderbolt. Volt Switch is for safe switching. (Note: Only if you want it, otherwise Roost is a better option).

  3. Arbolivia: Giga Drain, Strength Sap, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam

    Like Wattrel, you can get Smoliv very early in the game. It takes a bit longer to get it going because of how limited it's movepool is, however, it's great bulk and high Sp. Attack helps it beat Kofu and tank Ryme very easily, also it can sweep Rika and Hassle of the E4 alone. Giga Drain is for STAB Strength Sap is a better choice for it's healing move so that it can stay longer in fights. Earth Power is for coverage, good counter to Iono. Dazzling Gleam is for fighting type coverage and also a great way to deal with dragons.

  4. Tinkaton: Gigaton Hammer, Fake Out, Ice Hammer/Stone Edge, Play Rough

    You can find Tinkaton at the ruins(west province) walking along. Arguably the best type combination of the game, as it not only has resistance to 11 types, it also blocks dragon and poison moves completely. Gigaton Hammer is it's signature move and STAB as it helps it's decent attack stat. Fake out is to cancel out Pokemon that has Sturdy ability. Ice Hammer is for coverage as it claps ground types easily (Note: If you have time to breed it, otherwise Stone Edge is the option as it destroys Fire types). Play Rough is STAB and spamming this move completely claps Hassle of the E4.

  5. Armarouge: Armor Cannon, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Psyshock

    Ignoring the speed stat, Armarouge is like the Lucario of this gen. For it's wide movepool, it can easily take down foes completely, 4 of the gyms and Poppy of the E4 are no match for this Pokemon. Armor Cannon is it's main STAB and has a 120 base attack stat. Aura Sphere is it's coverage for DARK types. Dark Pulse is coverage for GHOST and PSYCHIC types. Psyshock it learns by evolving as soon as it becomes a Armarouge, this provides excellent STAB.

  6. Baxcalibur: Dragon Dance, Ice Shard, Dragon Claw, Icicle Crash

    Baxcalibur is a monster in terms of Stats, it's attacking stat is higher than any Psuedo Legendary there is, with it's Dragon typing, it gives more type coverage. Dragon Dance TM (located northeast of Poco Path and west of Inlet Grotto. It is on the west of a pond that can be found there, in a dark area) is it's bread and butter, using only 1 DDance will win you the fight instantly. Ice Shard is there for priority + STAB (fun fact: Last time we got a Psuedo Legend that has a priority for Stab is Metagross from Gen 3, but we didn't get the move until gen 4). Dragon Claw is a reliable Dragon STAB and is a better option than Dragon Rush or Outrage because of its lack of negative side effects, while still hitting hard enough. Icicle Crash is a powerful move and reliable STAB.

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Hey, I will let you know that Skeledirge is the best stater in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.
Hey, hey, calm down, we all know the best starter is Meowscarada.
Kidding btw
Oh, we have our Pokémon starter choices! And Skeledirge is a Fire/Ghost type, so he is a very good special attacker! And the other staters are physical attackers!
I hid my first comment because I actually wound up using an Arboliva after realizing how hard it hits, so I was willing to work around the poor coverage. Armarouge is still an exclusive though.
Ceruledge would work as well
1 vote

Scarlet or Violet

I’ve played both Scarlet and Violet and the music to end The Way Home made everything worth it.

Skeledirge @ Charcoal
Ability: Blaze
Tera Type: Fire
- Torch Song
- Shadow Ball
- Earth Power
- Will-O-Wisp / Fire Blast

The starter will be Skeledirge. Fuecco makes the game easy to start by having an immediate advantage against the first two gems. Not having the Ghost typing to start also makes Giacomo easier. Torch Song is STAB that allows you to attack and setup, roasting Grusha and Poppy as well as Katy and Brassius. Shadow Ball is the other STAB. Earth Power is coverage. Will-O-Wisp to burn dangerous physical attackers or Fire Blast for more power. Earth Power can be found in the Asado Desert. Charcoal powers up Skeledirge’s Fire-type attacks and can be found at Mesagoza’s Delibird Presents.

Lokix @ Expert Belt
Ability: Swarm
Tera: Dark / Bug
- Lunge
- Axe Kick
- Throat Chop / Sucker Punch
- Bounce / Agility / Trailblaze

Lokix is a cool new Pokémon with a wide movepool, allowing it to hit many opponents. Expert Belt takes advantage of this and powers up Lokix’s super-effective moves. Nymble is pretty easy to find, wandering around where the Klawf Titan is. Lunge is a STAB move that lowers the opponent’s attack. Axe Kick is powerful coverage. Throat Chop is Lokix’s other STAB. Sucker Punch can provide priority if you’re afraid Lokix won’t be fast enough. The last move is up in the air. Bounce gives Lokix Fighting coverage while Agility and Trailblaze raise speed. The Expert Belt can be found at Mesagoza’s Delibird Presents after defeating 4 gym leaders. Trailblaze is a TM that can be earned after defeating Brassius.

Azumarill @ Leftovers
Ability: Huge Power
Tera Type: Preferably Fairy
- Aqua Tail
- Play Rough
- Ice Spinner
- Aqua Ring / Superpower

Azumarill has the nice ability of being a strong defensive pivot with offensive capabilities through Huge Power. Most notably Azumarill completely walls Hassle’s Baxcaliber. Azumarill also helps with quite a few Star Boss battles. Azurill is extremely easy to find, usually around a pool of water with Wooper as you make your way to Mesagoza. Aqua Tail is Water STAB and Play Rough Fairy STAB. Ice Spinner provides some coverage. Aqua Ring stacks nicely with Leftovers, although Superpower has strong coverage. Ice Spinner can be obtained by defeating Grusha. Leftovers can be bought at Casscarrafa’s Delibird Presents.

Revaroom @ Anything
Ability: Overcoat
Tera: Poison / Steel
- Gunk Shot / Poison Jab
- Spin Out / Iron Head
- Bulldoze
- Shift Gear

Revaroom walls and destroys Fairies. A few of these and Ortega isn’t a challenge at all. On top of that Varoom and Revaroom are pretty easy to find, with both of them heavily populating Glaseadeo Mountain. Gunk Shot and Spin Out are STAB and powerful. Poison Jab and Iron Head are also STABs, just weaker and without drawbacks. Bulldoze is a coverage move and can be found on the Socarrat Trail. Shift Gear is setup that can allow Revaroom to sweep. The item is up to you. I’m not sure if you can trick A.I. with Air Balloon, but if so, try it.

Fun fact, you can easily get Tera Normal Boomburst Toxtricity with those free Normal Tera Shards you get at the Treasure Eatery.

Flamigo @ Black Belt
Ability: Scrappy
Tera Type: Fighting / Flying
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat
- Throat Chop / Roost
- Swords Dance / Bulk Up / Focus Energy

Flamigo is Hawlucha that’s easier to obtain, maybe better! With Scrappy, nothing will escape the bird’s fiery wrath. Black Belt increases Close Combat’s power. Brave Bird and Close Combat are powerful STABs. Throat Chop for coverage, but with Scrappy it’s not necessary. You could use Roost and save up on some Potions. Swords Dance or Bulk Up are preferred, but both are hard to acquire. Swords Dance takes 3 Zangoose claws, 3 Gible scales, and 3 Sycther claws, while Bulk Up takes 3 Makuhita sweat and 3 Axew scales. If you can’t manage to get either Focus Energy is a good replacement, with a critical hit having a damage output of +1. The Black Belt can be found at Levencia’s Delibird Presents.

Baxcaliber @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Thermal Exchange
Tera: Dragon / Ice
- Glaive Rush
- Icicle Crash
- Crunch / Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

Oh yeah! Godchilla (stolen from some random Showdown user) is here. You can find Bax on Glaseadeo Mountain on a certain cliff near the peak. Bax shows up just in time to clutch up and break the Elite 4s’ hearts, destroying Rika and Larry with Icicle Crash, Poppy with E-Quake, and Hasszle with Icicle Crash and Glaive Rush. Glaive Rush and Icicle Crash are powerful STAB moves. Crunch for coverage or Earthquake if you can get it. Dragon Dance is a must that can allow you to easily win battles. Using a TM machine you can get it using 3 Tatsugiri scales, 3 Gible scales, and 3 Noibat fur. Hard to get but well worth it. You could find it as an item, but I don’t know the exact location. Never-Melt Ice can be found at Levincia’s Delibird Presents.

I hope you enjoy the team!

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0 votes

My Violet Team is as follows:

My Starter is "Parsley" the Meowscarada and, obviously, the starters can be found by Nemona's house in Cabo Poco. She (Again, another 1st try female starter. How lucky am I? :3) has the moves of Flower Trick (Level), Night Slash (Level), U-Turn (Level), and Tera Blast FIRE (TM). (Yes, I had to hunt for a bunch of Tera Raid Dens so that I can acquire Fire Tera Shards). Her Ability is Overgrow and she was used to take out the Titan Klawf, Kofu's Team, Tulip's Team, part of Ryme's Team, the Titan Dondozo, and E4 Member Rika's Team.

My deemed second member is "Tenderizer" the Tinkaton. Her pre-evolution of Tinkatink (In which I thought her name was Tinkatot) can be found in South Province Area Two. She has the moves of Play Rough (Level), Bulldoze (TM), Foul Play (TM), and Gigaton Hammer (Level). Her Tera-Type is Fairy and she has the Mold Breaker Ability. She was used to take out Team Star's Dark, Fairy, and Fighting Crews as well as part of Ryme's Team, the Titan Bombirdier, and the Titan Tastugiri.

Another member is "T-Bone" the Clodsire. Her pre-evolution of Paldean Wooper can found in South Province Area One. She has the moves of Megahorn (Level), Rock Tomb (TM), Poison Jab (Level), and Earthquake (Level). Her Tera-Type is Ground and she has the Water Absorb Ability. She was used to take out Team Star's Fire, Poison, and Fairy Crews as well as Brassius's Team, Iono's Team, and almost all of Penny's Team and Professor Turo's Team.

Yet Another member is "BBQ Sauce" the Grafaiai. His pre-evolution of Shroodle can be found in South Province Area One. He has the moves of Metronome (TM), U-Turn (Level), Shadow Claw (TM), and Poison Jab (Level). He did utilize Low Sweep to take out Larry's Team. His Tera-Type is Poison and has the Poison Touch Ability. He helped out against Brassius's Team and Team Star's Fairy Crew.

My next member is "Cutlery" the Ceruledge. His pre-evolution of Charcadet can be found in South Province Area Two. He has the moves of Psycho Cut (Level), Brick Break (TM), Iron Head (TM), and Bitter Blades (Level). His Tera-Type is Steel (Again, I had to hunt down Tera Raid Dens to acquire Steel Tera Shards) and he has the Flash Fire Ability. He was used to take out Katy's Team, the Titan Orthworm, Grusha's Team, the Titan Iron Treads, and E4 member Poppy's Team.

If you are playing Scarlet, you can use Armarouge. It has the Ability Flash Fire. I'd recommend using the moves of Aura Sphere (TM), Expanding Force (Level), Flash Cannon (TM), and Armor Cannon (Level) with the Tera-Type of Steel. It can also take Team Star's Poison and Fighting Crews.

My final member is "Buffet" the Cetitan. Her pre-evolution of Cetoddle can be found in Dalizapa Passage. She has the moves of Bounce (Level), Ice Punch (TM), Heavy Slam (TM), and Earthquake (TM). Her Tera-Type is Flying (You guessed it. I had to hunt down Tera Raid Dens to acquire Flying Tera Shards) and she has the Thick Fat Ability. She was used to take out E4 member Larry's Team and E4 member Hassel's Team.

For the other trainers not mentioned above (i.e. Nemona, Arven, Professor Turo, and Geeta), I switched my members around to equalize the experience that each was receiving from those battles. My goal when assembling this team was to cover almost every type. The only type I had little cover for was against Pure-Normal-types as well as Fire/Flying-, Water/Flying-, Water/Bug-, and Fire-Bug-types. This was why I chose to give my Ceruledge the Brick Break move and my Clodsire the Rock Tomb move respectively. This was also why I sought out the abilities of Mold Breaker, Water Absorb, Flash Fire, and Thick Fat (especially for against Iono's Tera-Electric Mismagius with Levitate.).

Alright, I'll wrap this up and say "Good Luck" to those of you just starting your journey in Paldea. Stay in school and take your Exams seriously.

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I just recently realized that, had I'd put Pawmot on my team instead of Grafaiai, I would have coverage for every known type-combo available excluding Fire/Bug. That's 1186 Super Effective and only 4 Normal Effectiveness!

If only I hadn't set up my Ingame ruleset to have atleast 1 dupe type on my team. :(
0 votes


I just finished playing through Pokemon Scarlet and using this team, I mostly swept through the game, excepting a few areas where I was really underleveled and needed to do a little grinding. Besides that, this team was amazing and is going down az one of my favorites I've ever used.

Basil // meowscarada [dark / grass // grass tera-type] [male, lv. 64] (overgrow) (miracle seed)

  • Moveset: Play Rough, Flower Trick, Seed Bomb, Night Slash

Basil's speed stat is amazing. Admittedly, he's a little fragile and did get taken out in one hit a few times. But with his speed, he so often outspeeds his opponent that it wasn't too often an issue. Flower Trick always crits so it's damage is great and Seed Bomb is a good back up when you just need a little extra damage to finish something off since it has more PP. Both are also STAB. Night Slash is also STAB and is great with his high attack. Play Rough I kept for coverage since there's only one fairy-type on this team. Otherwise, you could use Slash for neutral coverage (I had it on Basil for a long time). Miracle Seed is for boosting grass-type attacks and making him even stronger.

Chosen as your starter at the beginning of the game.

Wilbur // oinkologne [normal // normal tera-type] [male, lv. 61] (gluttony) (clear amulet)

  • Moveset: Double-Edge, Earth Power, Work Up, Headbutt

Wilbur is probably the weakest member of this team and could be replaced if you wanted something else. He has a very low speed stat, so a lot of things hit him first. However, his large pool of health and his strong attack made him useful when going up against more fragile Pokemon. Double-Edge and Headbutt are STAB. Work Up is good when you have a chance to set up a little. Earth Power is for coverage and was useful when I couldn't risk sending out my clodsire. I gave him a Clear Amulet because I didn't know what else to give him, but it ended up being really useful in later battles when no one could lower his accuracy.

Can be caught on Poco Path.

Charlotte // spidops [bug // bug tera-type] [female, lv. 63] (insomnia) (shell bell)

  • Moveset: Bug Bite, Silk Trap, Skitter Smack, Headbutt

Bear with me--yes, I know, tarountula is very, very weak when you first get it. I wasn't even sure I was going to keep Charlotte at first with how often everything knocked her out. I told myself to just wait until she evolved and see if she got better--and she seriously did. By a lot. This thing is surprisingly tanky against the oddest things and can hold out pretty well. She has good defense and special defense and shockingly is faster than oinkologne. Her attack is good, too. Bug Bite and Skitter Smack are both STAB, but Bug Bite has better accuracy when you absolutely need a hit to land. Headbutt is for neutral coverage. Silk Trap both protects the user and slows down an attacker that uses a physical move, so it was very beneficial to slow down an opponent before being OHKO'd so a different teammate could come in and sweep. Shell Bell didn't help me a lot, personally, but I didn't have anything better and sometimes it worked out.

Can be caught on Poco Path.

Styles // pawmot [electric / fighting // electric tera-type] [male, lv. 64] (volt absorb) (covert cloak)

  • Moveset: Revival Blessing, Close Combat, Spark, Double Shock

Styles is so fast and strong it's a little insane. A speed stat of 182? Attack of 190? This thing could take out a lot on his own. Even against flying-types (which did a lot of damage due to his being part fighting-type), he was often so fast he OHKO'd them before they could land a hit. Revival Blessing is because it could come in handy (I haven't used it yet). Close Combat is STAB and very hard-hitting. Spark is STAB and uses his massive attack stat while Double Shock does amazing damage if you need to end a fight immediately. Volt Absorb was super useful and is definitely the ability I recommend (Natural Cure would also be fine, but I think this one is more useful). Covert Cloak is there because I didn't have anything else I liked, but he initially had Loaded Dice when I had Arm Thrust on him.

Can be caught on Poco Path.

Sprinkles // dachsbun [fairy // fairy tera-type] [female, lv. 64] (well-baked body) (expert belt)

  • Moveset: Last Resort, Crunch, Play Rough, Covet

Sprinkles was definitely the MVP. She has good all around stats and is surprisingly tanky, with well-baked body just being absolutely amazing. I didn't even realize this was her ability until I was fighting the fire-type boss. Everything else got knocked out, and I threw Sprinkles out figuring she would be a OHKO. Instead the fire attacks just...boosted her defense? This ability is amazing and gives dachsbun two immunities. Play Rough is STAB and the only fairy-type move she learned naturally. Covet and Last Resort are neutral coverage. Crunch helps to deal with pesky ghost types or anything you don't want to risk your meowscarada against. Expert Belt makes Play Rough insanely hard-hitting, though it's 90% accuracy makes the move vexing at times.

Can be caught in South Province Area One on the way to Los Platos.

Oleander // clodsire [poison / ground // poison tera-type] [female, lv. 62] (water absorb) (quick claw)

  • Moveset: Yawn, Earthquake, Amnesia, Poison Jab

If any Pokemon has ever needed a Quick Claw, it's this one. Let's acknowledge the elephant (the donphan?) in the room--this thing is s l o w. So slow it's sometimes painful. In my game, my Quick Claw only rarely worked, so it's a rare and joyous day when clodsire can hit first. Despite that, thing's special defense and attack are amazing, and its health helps it weather special attacks. As well, if you get one with Water Absorb, it gives it immunity to what is otherwise a major weakness, so I definitely recommend that ability on it. This thing tanked the oddest Pokemon in the game--whenever I expected her to get OHKO'd, she took hardly any damage (but did often faint against things I expected her to live through, so not flawless by any means). I never quite knew what to do with this thing but she powered through and earned her spot on the team. Yawn is useful when you don't expect to make it and need to set up for the next teammate to enter. Amnesia raises that special defense even higher when you can set up. Earthquake and Poison Jab are both STAB. Quick Claw is the best thing for clodsire (at least in my playthrough) because when clodsire can hit first, it really counts. It's also a good one to follow spidops if you got to set up with Silk Trap, as the lowered speed can sometimes be an advantage.

Can be caught in South Province Area One on the way to Los Platos.

Locations of Held Items Mentioned

  • Miracle Seed: buy at Mesagoda's Delibird Presents
  • Clear Amulet: West Province Area One reward for beating nine trainers, occasionally found in Porto Marinada auctions, or at Delibird Presents for $30,000.
  • Shell Bell: South Province Area Three reward for beating six trainers or Delibird Presents for $20,000.
  • Covert Cloak: found in Montenevera on the ground or at Delibird Presents for $20,000.
  • Loaded Dice: East Province Area One reward for defeating five trainers or at Delibird Predents for $20,000.
  • Expert Belt: Dalizapa Passage reward for beating four trainers or at Delibird Presents for $30,000.
  • Quick Claw: found laying on the ground in Artazon near the wooden walkways or at Delibird Presents for $8,000.
0 votes

My team:

Ability: Blaze

Torch Song
Shadow Ball
Earth Power
Flame Charge

Torch Song for stab along with boosting special attack, shadow ball for stab, earth power for coverage and flame charge for stab along with raising speed.

Ability: Water Absorb

Poison Jab
Toxic Spikes
Stealth Rock

Poison jab and earthquake for stab and toxic spikes and stealth rock to set up hazards as Clodsire can tank hits.

Ability: Seed Sower

Terrain Pulse
Leech Seed
Petal Dance
Dazzling Gleam/Hyper Voice

Terrain Pulse becomes a 100 power grass move when seed sower activates grassy terrain, leech seed to regain health, petal dance if you need a powerful grass move without having to wait to get hit and either hyper voice for stab or dazzling gleam for coverage.

Ability: Volt Absorb

Electro Ball
Air Slash

Kilowrattrel's high speed makes electro ball a strong electric type stab move, air slash for stab and with Kilowrattrel's speed, it makes it flinch a lot of Pokemon, agility to raise speed and roost to regain health.

Ability: Supreme Overlord

Iron Head
Kowtow Cleave
Low Kick

One of the most annoying to evolve but highly recommended. Iron head for strong stab, kowtow cleave for an always guaranteed stab hit, low kick for coverage and retaliate as Kingambit is best used after anther Pokemon faints.

Ability: Thermal Exchange

Glaive Rush
Ice Fang/Icicle Crash

Glaive rush is a powerful guaranteed move and while it powers up the opponents move on the next turn and makes the users attack hit, it rarely matters as it knocks out most things, ice fang or icicle crash depending on your level for strong stab, Crunch for coverage and the fourth move can be anything but I chose Snowscape.

0 votes

Since MysticUmberon’s Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Team builder came out! I will change the team and make it my own because it said original content only! I will provide nicknames for each Pokémon too!

Alliflamer (Skeledrige)

Here’s the First Pokémon! I will use the Pokémon to do my job easier! It can take on the first two gyms which are Bug and Grass respectively and it can take on the Steel Titan and Ice Gym with it’s Fire Powers!

Torch Song
Shadow Ball
Earth Power
Fire Blast

The Rock (Garganacl)

This Pokémon rocks! Being a rock type, it can defeat the Fire Crew and the Flying Titan! And its first stage is based on the Rock Mushroom from Super Mario Galaxy 2! Good stuff!

Salt Cure
Stone Edge
Hammer Arm

Sakura (Tinkaton)

Hey! Amy Rose from Sonic joined the team! It can destroy the Dragon Titan and too many Coviknights (Got the Pun)!

Gigaton Hammer
Play Rough
Brutal Swing
Swords Dance

Danger Fish (Veluza)

A fish that can beat the fire crew will be awesome! It is the best Water type ever made.

Aqua Cutter
Psycho Cut
Ice Fang
Drill Run

Aratiri (Kilowatterl)

Good Electric Type, takes down the Water gym with ease! This bird will rock out the Pokémon and shock them with electricity.

Air Slash

Destroyer (Garchomp)

Oh! Garchomp is the Dragon of the team! It learns a lot of attacks! You can run it whatever you want to!

Dragon Claw
Poison Jab

Like the team? I will hide the other team right now!

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I'm not sure how early you can get the Water Tera-type Garchomp with Liquidation, but if you can get it, then you can deal with Ice Types more effectively with Garchomp.
Oh, if not, a Water-type will be okay!
0 votes

Pokemon Violet
Heya, it's been a while( a REALLY LONG while), so here's my team for Pokemon Violet.

Meowscarada: The starter I chose. This magician cat is really good, considering it's fast speed and access to some really good and versatile moves such as U-Turn, and it's pretty broken signature move, Flower Trick

Item: Miracle Seed - To give a nice boost to it's already awesome grass move, Flower Trick.
Ability: Overgrow - The standard ability of any grass starter - would be cool if I ability patch it to Protean.
Tera Type: Grass

My moveset: Flower Trick, Night Slash, U-Turn, Play Rough.
It's pretty simple. Flower Trick is it's go-to STAB Grass move which never misses AND always Crit. How cool is that? Though I might be over exaggerating with it being broken, but still it's a really good move. Then we have Night Slash which is also STAB and has a naturally higher Crit. Chance. Then U-Turn for coverage as well as escaping a tricky opponent. And finally Play Rough for extra coverage against those Fighters who threatens this cat, also Dragons and Dark types.

Pawmot: The Pikachu clone of this region. It's pre-evo Pawmi can be found pretty much very early before the Miraidon quest(where you fall of a cliff), and this mouse is one of my favourite. It's fast, has a pretty good type combo, and can learn pretty strong moves as well.

Item: Muscle Band - This boosts physical moves. Also ensures that Pawmot can easily knock out any opponent fast enough before it gets knocked out itself(seriously I found myself expecting Pawmot to survive, but gets one shotted by the same actual species with the same move(i'm looking at you Nemona's Pawmot).
Ability: Volt Absorb - Gives a nice immunity to Electric moves as well as heals it up(if i'm not mistaken.)
Tera Type: Electric

My moveset: Double Shock, Bite, Close Combat, Dig.
To be fair, Bite can easily be switched for Crunch, but honestly, I haven't really been using TMs because I haven't grind as much materials, also not really wanting to waste TMs if I only have 1 of the move I need to use. Plus Bite can be used while catching Pokemon for a weaker move option, and has a flinch chance. Anyway, Double Shock is an extremely powerful Electric-type Burn Up, which gets a STAB boost, but removes it's own Electric typing. Close Combat, I don't really need to explain much: STAB, super-powerful but lowers all defensive stats by a stage. And finally Dig for coverage against those venomous Pokemon.

Ceruledge: Seriously, this guy looks absolutely cool. I mean, just at those blades of violet fire. Trying to get this Pokemon may be a little bit of a chore since you need to find Sinistea chips and trade them for it's evo item at Zapapico. Charcadet can be found pretty in many places, but the earliest one is on the way to titan Klawf and Artazon Gym.

Item: Life Orb - To give a nice damage boost, though in exchange for a little HP, but it's ok, because it's signature move will make up for it.
Ability: Flash Fire - Becomes immune to fire type moves while boosting it's own when hit by one.
Tera Type: Fire

My moveset: Bitter Blade, Swords Dance, Shadow Claw, False Swipe.
Ceruledge helps me when it comes to catching Pokemon, which explains False Swipe. Then there's it's signature Bitter Blade, which is STAB and restores it's own HP by 1/2 of damage dealt. Swords Dance to boost it's attack by 2 stages, and finally Shadow Claw as it's other STAB move with a naturally higher Crit. Chance.

Tinkaton: This little fairy type is actually really scary considering the fact it's also a Steel-type and brings a literal giant iron hammer around. It's pre-evo, Tinkatink can be found within many of the ruins scattered around Paldea.

Item: Rocky Helmet - I don't know, I just feel like she's tanky enough to take hits, so I gave her this to also give passive damage to physical direct contact attackers.
Ability: Mold Breaker - Her moves won't be affected(if this is what "being umimpended" means) by the target's ability.
Tera Type: Fairy

My moveset: Play Rough, Fake Out, Gigaton Hammer, Knock-Off
Play Rough is pretty self-explanatory. STAB, a good choice for physical fairy moves, and chance to lower the target's Attack by a stage. Then we have Fake Out for a little chip damage early on. And then this Gigaton Hammer, seriously, this move sounds scarier than most other moves I have heard, combine it with STAB boost, and 160 base power. But you can't use it consecutively in a row(fyuh.) And last is Knock-Off for coverage against Psychic and Ghost.

Veluza: I don't know, is this a tuna or a longer piranha? Anyways, this fish can be found quite early given that you've beaten the 2nd titan and go to the East Paldean Sea near Levincia.

Item: Razor Claw - Boosts it's Crit. chance even further. Why? Because of it's moves.
Ability: Mold Breaker - Same like Tinkaton, but I would probably ability patch it for Sharpness instead, why? Because it combos REALLY WELL with its moves and item, with it being able to boost all slicing moves.
Tera Type: Psychic

My moveset: Aqua Cutter, Psycho Cut, Fillet Away, Crunch.
Aqua Cutter is the new water type slicing move. It gets STAB and a naturally higher crit. chance. And I don't need to repeat the same thing for Psycho Cut. Crunch for coverage against Ghost, but Night Slash would be better. And finally Fillet Away which is like Shell Smash but the cost is 1/2 Max HP instead of defense drops.

Baxcalibur: My dragon type choice for this team. I just like the design, pretty simple. It's a pretty late game Pokemon considering it can only be found in the Glaseado Mountain area.

Item: Never-Melt Ice - Boosts Ice moves
Ability: Thermal Exchange - Now this is interesting. This ability raises it's attack by a stage when hit by Fire moves. Also this thing can't be burn with this ability.
Tera Type: Dark

My moveset: Glaive Rush, Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Crunch
Glaive Rush is new. It's a really strong move which gets STAB, but after using this move, Baxcalibur will receive 2x damage from any moves on the next turn. Then we have Icicle Crash which is also STAB and has a nice flinch chance, but a slightly lower accuracy(90 or 95%). Then Earthquake, I don't really need to explain much(coverage for Steel and Rock, and finally Crunch for coverage against Psychic and Ghost.

That's it for my team. This team is pretty easy to get kinda early on(apart from Baxcalibur), i'm not counting Tera Raid ones since I haven't visited too many of them.

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There's some type overlap in this team but it's not that bad and doesn't matter much. This is very similar to my playthrough team and it's also made up of Pokemon from OU/Ubers competitively. (I know it's not supposed to be a competitive team, but it works well for playthroughs anyway)

Ability: Blaze
Tera Type: Fire
- Torch Song
- Shadow Ball
- Earth Power
- Yawn / Roar

Skeledirge can span Torch Song and Shadow Ball against most gym leaders and elite four members, but if you need extra coverage, Earth Power is your best bet. Yawn offers the utility of shutting down a Pokemon even if Skeledirge faints, but roar is useful alongside Clodsire's Toxic Spikes and can also get rid of opposing stat boosts and scare away fast wild Pokemon.

Ability: Huge Power
Tera Type: Normal / Water
- Liquidation / Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Double-Edge / Superpower
- Ice Punch

Azumarill is accessible very early on and the power of its physical attacks with Huge Power is incredible. For the early game you'll be clicking Trailblaze, but as you go on, you get much more powerful attacks. Its water STABs and Play Rough do enough damage to make Azu useful in almost every battle, especially with their devastating side-effects, but you also have the staggering power of Double-Edge and Superpower, as well as the coverage of Ice Punch.

Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Poison
- Toxic Spikes
- Yawn
- Earthquake
- Poison Jab / Recover

Clodsire is easy to find early on and has great utility against otherwise challenging trainers like Mela and Atticus. Its Toxic Spikes can also rack up a ton of damage against trainers it has no business actually beating. Additionally, Yawn is useful for putting the first Pokemon on the opponent's team to sleep to get up TSpikes. Earthquake and Poison Jab are hard-hitting moves that are hard to beat without very specific Pokemon, and Recover (although it is learned at a high level) allows it to have even more potential utility.

Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Flying
- Brave Bird
- Body Press / Steel Wing
- U-turn
- Roost

Corviknight can be found near Artazon and is very useful late game against Pokemon that have trouble with steel-types. Alternatively, you can use Tinkaton. Corv is useful for pivoting in and taking out one Pokemon, then U-turning against one that it doesn't beat to allow another Pokemon on your team a free switch. (Corv is almost always slower.) Brave Bird, Body Press, and Steel Wing are its usual attacking moves, as well as Roost for healing.

Ability: Purifying Salt
Tera Type: Rock
- Salt Cure
- Recover
- Earthquake / Stealth Rock
- Body Press

Garganacl is found in the same place as Corviknight and is also a very bulky Pokemon. Its Salt Cure has endless utility and allows for it and its team to slowly chip away at the opposing trainer's Pokemon. Its Earthquakes and Body Presses help deal reliable damage, and Stealth Rock is also an option to increase passive damage.

Ability: Vital Spirit
Tera Type: Fighting
- Close Combat / Drain Punch
- Rage Fist
- Taunt
- Earthquake

Annihilape is probably the most useful Pokemon on this team. Its fighting moves and Rage Fists deal so much damage that no late game trainer can deal with them. Earthquake is good coverage and Taunt can shut down annoying status move spamming Pokemon.

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