PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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When I try to use the qr scanner to get magearna it says that I can't do it on this system. Is this because I have the standard 3ds? Please help as I want this Pokémon.

Have you beaten the Elite Four yet? According to Pokemon.com you can only obtain Magearna after completing the main story.
What Astronautical said is right and did you scan the right QR Code? Because there is Different QR codes for North America, Europe and Japan.
Which is the European one?

2 Answers

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Hmm, well on my 2ds QR codes work. Maybe it's because you didn't beat the Elite Four, or possibly you are doing the QR code to the wrong continent.

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Go here: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/274814/how-do-you-get-magearna-in-pokemon-sun-and-moon

I asked the same question. You will get a very good answer if you click on the site given. There is even the Magearna QR code!
