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What is the max possible multiplier a move can get? For instance a darmanitran uses flamethrower on a grass type it gets 2x damage for being super effective and 1.5x damage for same type as move power up making the move do 3x damage. This is what I'm looking for. Any abilities, moves, typings, and anything else that is possible in the game can be used.

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Metronome can potentially be stronger than choice band, so that's what I used to calculate the max possible multiplier.
In original Sun/Moon, I have this battle video: A28W-WWWW-WWW7-7AX7  
It makes use of the move Ice Ball, which under this system can receive a 32x multiplier on its own: 2x for each consecutive use up to 5 turns, and another 2x if it was preceded by Defense Curl in the first place. Being maximally rosy, we have:  
32x for Ice Ball "turn 6"  
8x for type  
2x for Pure Power  
2x for full strength Metronome  
4x for Attack +6  
4x for opponent Defense -6, though it would be trivial to manipulate this up to being worth 7x by using a level 5 Smeargle instead of level 1 as the damage recipient  
3.375x for triple Helping Hand  
1.5x for STAB  
1.5x for critical hit  
1.5x for Flower Gift  
All together, that's a "multiplier" of 186624 as-is, or 326592 if you use the stat manipulation to get 7x from a -6 defense drop. In fact, you can think of Power Trick as giving about a 5x multiplier to the attack stat in the first place, given the way the stats were actually aligned in that match, or if you want to be even more extreme you can manipulate the stats so that Power Trick represents an increase of about 28x--if you count that, you could be looking at a "multiplier" of over **9 million**. Hopefully this demonstrates the frivolity/uselessness of looking at multipliers alone, whatever's supposed to count under that umbrella.
@SadisticMystic honestly, just post all of this as an answer. This question is vague, nearly to the point I'd take it down -- if this level of insight is not at least passable, then there is no point to this question at all.
Multipliers should be consistent with Pokémon of every level. Even in your case of 7/4, 1.75 rounding down to one, you can't really claim that as 7x rather than 4x. One thing, 3 Helping Hands? How is that possible? An opposing Pokémon can't use Helping Hand on your own, so 2 is the best you can do.
There are no triple battles in Alola (the only region in which the Fluffy ability exists, for one thing), so normally it would be impossible to get more than a single Helping Hand from a doubles partner. That same generation did, however, introduce the move Instruct: if both of your opponents are faster than the damage-dealer, they can Instruct the Helping Hand user and make it use that move three times in a single turn. There's a bit of a visual bug when that happens, causing the "<Partner> is ready to help <Pokemon>!" message to appear a total of six times over the course of the turn, but I have thoroughly tested it and it gets credit for exactly three of them.

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The Mystic person won't answer for whatever reason, so I might as well answer for him.

32x for Ice Ball "turn 6"
8x for type
2x for Pure Power
2x for full strength Metronome
4x for Attack +6
4x for opponent Defense -6, though it would be trivial to manipulate this up to being worth 7x by using a level 5 Smeargle instead of level 1 as the damage recipient
3.375x for triple Helping Hand
1.5x for STAB
1.5x for critical hit
1.5x for Flower Gift
All together, that's a "multiplier" of 186624

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