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3 votes

Pokemon whose levels can be raised to match the player's, like the ones in Battle Towers, don't count. This is what I think I know already.
RBY: rival
GSCHGSS: some guy on a big mountain; forgot his name and which Pokemon he had
RSE: Steven
DPPt: rival
BW: Alder?
Please don't question my curiosity.

no when I posted that the answer hadn't been chosen lol
...but is your answer different from all the current ones?
Not after Molthree edited no
Okay then. I guess he/she/it stole all your points.
lol bro

2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

In RBY, it's your rival with a Level 65 starter/eeveelution.
In GSC, it's Pokemon Trainer Red with a Level 81 Pikachu.
In RSE, it's Steven with a Level 58/78 Metagross for Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald respectively.
In FRLG, it's your rival with a Level 75 starter.
In DPPt, it's your rival with a Level 74/85 starter for Diamond/Pearl and Platinum respectively.
In HGSS, it's Pokemon Trainer Red with a Level 88 Pikachu.
In Black and White, it's Cynthia, Alder, and Game Freak Morimoto with a Level 77 Garchomp/Volcarona/Zebstrika respectively.
In Black and White 2, it's Benga, Janna, and Jariel with various Level 80 Pokemon.
In X and Y, it's Diantha with various Level 80 Pokemon.
In ORAS, it's Wally with a Level 81 Gallade.
In SM/USUM, it's Pokemon Trainer Red with a Level 70/74 Pikachu for Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon respectively.
In LGPE, it's Pokemon Trainer Red with various Level 85 Pokemon.
In SWSH, it's Hop with various Level 70 Pokemon.
In SWSH (DLC), it's Mustard and Leon with various Level 80 Pokemon.
In BDSP, it's Cynthia with a Level 88 Garchomp.
In LA, it's Volo with a Level 70 Giratina.
In SV, it's Sada/Turo and Nemona with a Level 72 Koraidon/Miraidon/starter respectively.

Hope this helped!

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Whoops, let me edit that. I should have known that though since I am doing a OR nuzlocke.
I added some ties with Janna, Jariel, and Giovanni.
I know I’m about 4 years late, but I’d be very happy to see this updated for LGPLGE, SS, BDSP, LA, and SV
In the DLC epilogue in SV, Nemona's starter is Lvl.87.
0 votes

Rby Rival
Frlg rival
Gschgss red
Rse oras steven
Dppt rival
Bw alder
Bw2 n
Xy Serena
Sm red
Usum red
took me an hour to compile up correct me if one is wrong

reshown by
Red's Pikachu is USUM is Lv. 74, so your wrong on Giovanni
Where's FRLG?
Diantha can use level 80 Pokemon, which are higher leveled than Serena's level 70 starter.