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Just wondering since I am using a pretty good wingull so I am wondering if gyarados is any better or worse?

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Gyarados and Pelipper have the same type, so I definitely wouldn't recommend using both at the same time. However, they're different enough that I don't know for sure which is better. Pelipper is better earlier in the game and relies more on special attacks like surf and ice beam (and wing attack before it evolves). Gyarados is useless early on and later becomes good at using physical attacks like thrash, return, and earthquake.

I will say that Gyarados is worse than both Swampert and Zangoose, so use Gyarados only if you don't want to use Swampert or Zangoose for whatever reason.
Pelipper is better I believe.

4 Answers

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Personally I old go for the cooler looking one but...
Comparing Gyarados and Pelipper...By the way, its your choice
Firstly,Gyarados has a total base stat of 540 with Pelipper with a lesser 430.Stat-wise, go with Gyarados
Secondly, Pelipper can learn Surf and Fly and Gyarados can learn Surf, Waterfall, Dive, Rock Smash and Strength.If you need a HM Slave, Gyarados is your man.
Thirdly, You can get wingull earlier so if you want to assemble your team quickly, got for Pelipper
Fourthly, If you’re doing contests, Pelipper can do well in Cuteness and Coolness contests while Gyarados does well in Toughness and Coolness contests

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Pelipper has better stat-movepool compatibility because both their STAB attacks are special, and Pelipper has better special attack. Pelipper's special attacks also have better type coverage than Gyarados's physical attacks.
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You should use Gyarados because it has Dragon Dance which is good for competitive uses
Gyarados also has higher attack stat than pelipper's special attack stat
And lastly I like gyara more lol

Gyarados doesn't get STAB for its physical attacks, and its normal attacks aren't super effective against anything.
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In gen 3 Gyarados doesn't have any physical STAB due to water type being special so I would say use peliper

Gyarados's non-STAB attacks might be stronger because it has a higher base physical attack.
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Gyarados has lack luster SpA, which means it's only source of stab does pitiful damage. Go with a water type like Sharpedo or Starmie who's SpA isn't quite as dreadful (95 & 100 respectively) so that they can make use of their water stab (and dark & psychic stab as well, gyarados can't even utilize it's flying stab...)

Also both Sharpedo and Starmie are much more easier to train than a Magikarp.

Gyarados has much better defensive stats (and ability) than both Sharpedo and Starmie.