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I need a Special Attacker. The sets I'm going to use will be:

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Recover

Or I could use

Tapu Lele @ Psychium Z
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Moonblast
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Aromatherapy

it depends on the rest of your team. They have different specifics that depends on your team.
Ah good point
I have never seen someone run Orb Latios in OU
That kinda solves it!
I've seen Orb Latios. It swept my team with Ice Beam a while back. Serves me right for making my team Ice weak, and taught me the importance of Heatran and Scizor. :P

> | Life Orb 18.615%                       |

You must not play OU as much as I, Latios's second most Likely item is a Life Orb. :P

Just for the sake of statistics:

> | 10   | Tapu Lele          | 16.50361% | 312673 |  9.687% | 235579 |  9.494% |

> | 65   | Latios-Mega        |  2.10860% | 42079  |  1.304% | 31593  |  1.273% |

> | 96   | Latios             |  0.60112% | 67296  |  2.085% | 48809  |  1.967% |

Tapu Lele is used far more than Latios or it's Mega Form. You should probably use Tapu Lele unless you team also benefits more from using Latios (like, say, developing a Fairy-Dragon-Steel core). :P
Just saying you need a dragon and psychic move on latios.

1 Answer

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Tapu Lele is generally better because its psychic surge powers up its attacks and stops threats like Scizor and Mawile. It can also learn taunt to break walls, STAB moonblast to cover dark and hit psychics harder, and focus blast to cover steel.

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