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I have a lombre manectric gardevoir azumarill mighteyena and a combusken in alpha sapphire. There all level 30. I was thinking of replacing lombre due to his bad grass movepull currently and how he won’t evolve for a bit. I like breloom and I think it might be a good replacement but I have blaziken the fire fighting type so idk if I should.

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Lombre isn't that bad. You get TMs for grass knot and energy ball in Fortree City and Safari Zone, neither of which are long after defeating Norman. After getting those moves, the combination of surf, energy ball, and ice beam hit a lot of things super effectively. I'd recommend not using Azumarill, because having 2 water Pokemon on the team doesn't help you very much.
Why use either? I play through Alpha Sapphire with Treeko, Gible, Bagon, Axew, Gyarados and something I didn’t care about for HMs.
And why did you use Gible, Bagon, Axew, and Gyarados? You can easily beat AS with only Treecko and an HM slave.
I was leveling up some dragon types while doing a challenge.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the Bry person isn't doing a challenge or doesn't like dragon Pokemon?
Who doesn’t like dragon Pokémon?
me (filler)

1 Answer

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Lombre isn't that bad. You get trademarks for grass knot™ and energy ball™ in Fortree City and Safari Zone, neither of which are long after defeating Norman. After getting those moves, the combination of surf, energy ball™, and ice beam™ hit a lot of things super effectively. I'd recommend not using Azumarill, because you already have another water Pokemon and another fairy Pokemon.

However, you might want to upgrade your team from "not that bad" to "probably the best". This would involve having a Magikarp replace Lombre, Azumarill, and Mightyena because Gyarados probably outclasses all other water Pokemon and dark Pokemon in the game. Completely removing a few Pokemon from the team lets the remaining Pokemon get more experience.
