Hi all
I know there are a lot of previous questions on this topic, but none of the answers have been satisfactory for me.
on this Bulbapedia page, they explain the damage calculation formula and give an example of a lvl. 75 Glaceon (123 ATK) attacking a Garchomp (163 DEF) with Ice Fang (65 POWER).
Using the formula, the answer I get for a Max non-crit hit is 198, but their answer is 196.
Is there something I am missing? How do you more precisely calculate damage?
So flowing the damage formula on Bulbapedia my equation is:
((((2 75 / 5) + 2) 65 123 / 163) / 50) + 2 = 33.39141104
The answer is then multiplied by the modifier which is [5.10 , 6.00] depending on the random number used.
So at max it would be: 33 6 = 198
But on the site it is stated to be [168, 196]
So I would just like to know if I am doing something wrong, or why it does not match the site.