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My SoulSilver keeps freezing up. It only just started happening today (March 3rd, 2020) and its frozen three times:

  • after beating School Kid Alan on Route 36 (near the Suduwoodo)

  • when the Bug Contest joiner guy started saying something

  • nicknaming a caught Beedrill (YaLikeJaz?) for the Bug Catching Contest

NOTE: This all happened on my New 3DS XL, as my DSi XL wasn't charged.

The first time happened ~3:30pm on the bus home from School.
Second time and third happened around 7:00pm.

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We simply don't allow you to recommend to other people that they hack their console to fix their problem. You wouldn't be in this position had you not done that in the first place.
Go ahead and answer their question this one time, if you want.
Where did you buy the game? I bought mine at Amazon. The game is not that old.
Like others said @flareon, legit copies of hg/ss are black like gen 5 games, not grey. Its likely your game is an illigimate copy acting up
im going to take a picture of all three versions sometime
Here flareon, here's an image of mine on instagram, the next slide has black and white:


All my games are legit except for platinum, you can use this to compare if you'd like

1 Answer

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This happened to me when I bought SS two times. My advice is talk to Nintendo company and they probably give you another one. When your mother bought the game, their phone number is back on the cartridge box or go to Nintendo website.

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my mom didn't buy the game i did

yur thinking of Mega?
also the game is 10 years old its unlikely they just HAVE some lying around to give away