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So I am playing Pokemon X, and my team is

Mega Charizard X
Mega Lucario

I also need a flyer. I am not using a Talonflame as I already have a Charizard. I consider using a Hawlucha, but I am having doubts because I have a Lucario, and it's stats are not so good that I should use it with a Mega Lucario. Any help will be appreciated. I just got my Kanto Starter and just left Lumiose City

Thanks in advance
Kindly answer as soon as possible :)

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cant you use Charizard as a flyer? Its Charizard x too, so extra damage in battle too.
You can use Hawlucha as a HM slave (with cut, fly, and strength) and never use it in battle so your other 5 Pokemon can get more experience. Also IVs and natures don't matter very much in-game, so your Lucario should be fine.
Oh yes I forgot I am using Charizard but it is a special attacker and Noivern is also pretty good also can you suggest someone else to add to my team
> Oh yes I forgot I am using Charizard but it is a special attacker and Noivern is also pretty good also can you suggest someone else to add to my team
commented 3 minutes ago by LAWTON_Badazz

You can add Hawlucha/Noivern for the last slot, for the flyer.
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2 Answers

1 vote

You could definitely use Hawlucha, yes.

I have another suggestion though: Noivern.

I ran into this problem too, I had Delphox and Lucario. So I decided on Noivern for my flyer.

I will say though, overlapping types isn't too bad in game. While you want to try to have type diversity, Hawlucha is undeniably still a very good flyer, even if you have a Fighting overlap.

Hope this helps! :)

0 votes

I had the same problem,after the 3rd gym I guess? I had Charizard, Talonflame and Hawlucha along with Lucario and Greninja
And Hawlucha was good and I had a charizard, so I dropped Talonfame.
My team was:
Charizard, Lucario, Hawlucha, Greninja, Goondra, Gogoat.
It isnt that a strong team, better combinations are available, but I play using what Pokemon I loved in the anime.
