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So, I'm planning on making this Baton Pass Blaziken for the Battle Tree in Gen 7 and occasionally online battles. I have 3 moves planned, but I'm not sure about the last move, what the item, EV spread, and nature should be.

Blaziken @ ???
EVs: ???
Nature: ???
Ability: Speed Boost
Bulk Up
Baton Pass

This will be on a team that will have a Focus Sash Venomoth, Leftovers Golem, and a Salamence holding the Salamencite. That means I can't have Blaziken hold the Focus Sash, Leftovers, or Blazikenite.

A little insight: Venomoth puts the foe to sleep, uses Quiver Dance, and if the foe wakes up, puts the foe back to sleep to get in more Quiver Dance. Then, I Baton Pass while the opposing Pokémon is still sleeping (hopefully) to Blaziken, who will then use Bulk Up. Quiver Dance + Baton Pass allows Blaziken to get a Special Defense boost. If the foe wakes up, Blaziken will use Will-o-Wisp to halve the opponent's Attack. If Blaziken is still alive, I would try to Baton Pass the boosts from Quiver Dance and Bulk Up to another Pokémon.

Sorry if this is too much, but thanks for reading.

How about flame charge on Blaziken? It boosts speed and does damage

1 Answer

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How about flame charge on Blaziken? It boosts speed and does damage
commented 1 minute ago by PrimalKyogre

I agree, but I would also take out Will-O-Wisp and use Protect for a free Speed boost. A Mental Herb would be the best option, in my opinion.

Blaziken @ Mental Herb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Protect
- Baton Pass
- Flame Charge

252 HP gives it bulk, therefore increasing your turns of setting up. Jolly and 252 Speed allow it to almost always go first at +1.

Alternatively, you could try this set, though I recommend the above one.

Blaziken @ Mental Herb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bulk Up
- Protect
- Baton Pass
- Hone Claws

Works well with a Pokemon that carries a low-accuracy move.

Hope this helps! :)

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"That means I can't have Blaziken hold the Focus Sash, Leftovers, or Blazikenite"

So the Mental Herb one is the only one of the two that works.
Oh, oops. I missed that sentence.
It's still a good set, though!
I could do Leftovers on Blaziken, it's just I have to think of an item alternative for Golem, maybe Weakness Policy since it's the special shiny Golem I have. :P
Anyways, thanks!
No problem! :)