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Roar Of Time, Doom Desire....
Some people think that all signature moves are good, but they are not, so I want to see what moves that are signature aren't good in Competitive.


1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer
  • Kadraba/Alakazam --- Kinesis
  • Exeggcute/Exeggutor --- Barrage
  • Porygon/Porygon-2/Porygon-Z --- Conversion (2)
  • Spinarak/Ariados --- Toxic Thread
  • Delibird --- Present
  • Makuhita/Hariyama --- Smelling Salts
  • Jirachi --- Doom Desire
  • Dialga --- Roar of Time
  • Regigigas --- Crush Grip
  • Kyurem --- Glaciate
  • Kyurem-Black --- Freeze Shock
  • Kyurem-White --- Ice Burn
  • Vivillon --- Powder
  • Inkay/Malamar --- Topsy-Turvy
  • Helioptile/Heliolisk --- Electrify
  • Aromatisse --- Aromatic Mist
  • Oranguru --- Instruct
  • Pyukumuku --- Purify
  • Skwovet/Greedent --- Stuff Cheeks
  • Coalossal --- Tar Shot
  • Polteageist --- Teatime
  • Hatterene --- Magic Powder
  • Impidimp/Morgrem/Grimmsnarl --- Confide
  • Sirfetch'd --- Meteor Assault
  • Alcremie --- Decorate

Signature Moves

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How is confide a signature move to Grimmsnarl line? Tons of Pokémon get confide.

Confide is it's signature move in gen 8
I saw almost everything get it by TM in gen 7, I thought they carried over to gen 8
Instruct is the opposite of useless in double battles
Why Topsy-Torvy?
Topsy-Turvy is marked as "Usually Useless" by Showdown. So is Instruct
I am not sure about that. Malamar could use it on set up sweepers.
It is way too slow, and who needs Topsy Turvy when Contrary Superpower exists? Also, Malamar is weak also.
Eh, bad or not, I would still use Topsy-Turvy.
Doom desire isn't