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I want to know because shiny zeraora is awesome and I missed out on it so I want to know all of them.

Every game from 1-8?
yea but mostley gen 8
Is this including mythical pokemon which could be shiny from an event but isn't guaranteed shiny?
"-Mew (Obtainable via the Japan-only Faraway Island Event in Pokemon Emerald)
-Celebi (Obtainable via the Ilex Forest event in the Virtual Console version of Pokemon Crystal)
-Jirachi (Obtainable via the Pokemon Colosseum/Pokemon Channel Gamecube Bonus Disc and a Japan/China only Gen VI Download event)
-Deoxys (Obtainable via the Birth Island Event in Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald)
-Manaphy (Obtainable via Manaphy Egg, trading said Egg to a game other than the one it was downloaded in initially, and hoping it hatches into a Shiny)
-Darkrai (Obtainable via the Newmoon Island event in Pokemon Platinum)
-Shaymin (Obtainable via the Flower Paradise event in Pokemon Platinum)
-Arceus (Obtainable via a Japan-only Gen VI Download event)
-Genesect (Obtainable via a Japan-only Gen V Download event)
-Diancie (Obtainable via a Japan-only Gen VI Download event)"


Shiny Zeraora and Shiny Celebi are also available in Gen 8. (Shiny Zeraora was obtainable if one million people beat Dynamaxed Zeraoras, and Shiny Celebi is available from prebooking the distrubution of Pokemon The Movie: Coco)

Also, all event Pokemon are here https://www.serebii.net/events/
thanks! you should turn that into an answer tho
I'm not sure if it's everything
That list is missing Melmetal
it has to be 100% garenteed shiny, like zeraora.
@Kyogre Pulse You have all of the legitimate ones you are missing Hall of Origin Arceus can be SR'd for Shiny. Also Shiny Meltan/Melmetal in Go. That's it otherwise
No, Tizzoy wants *guaranteed* shinies, so SRing and stuff doesn't count.

1 Answer

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-Arceus (Obtainable via a Japan-only Gen VI Download event)
-Genesect (Obtainable via a Japan-only Gen V Download event)
-Diancie (Obtainable via a Japan-only Gen VI Download event)"


Shiny Zeraora and Shiny Celebi are also available in Gen 8. (Shiny Zeraora was obtainable if one million people beat Dynamaxed Zeraoras, and Shiny Celebi is available from prebooking the distrubution of Pokemon The Movie: Coco. These events have ended.)

Also, all event Pokemon are here.

edited by
Why did you say you needed "guaranteed shinies" when Mew, Celebi, Deoxys, Jirachi, Darkrai and Shaymin are all SR hunts