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3 votes

So, I plan I having a Pokémon Shield Monotype team, poison being the type. And what better Pokémon to put on a Poison Sword/Shield team then the two Galarian Bros! Except I only want one. No evolution family overlaps allowed and no type overlaps except poison. So, I want to you rate it on movepool, stats, abilities, competitive use, and the amount of coverage each one can have. Also I am mostly talking about singles, but if you want to add the better one for doubles in addition to singles, be my guest. Listing a moveset would also be appreciated. So, which one is better?

sprite | sprite

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Are you playing Singles or doubles? Slowing would be better for doubles with it’s ability
I am talking about singles for the most part, but if you want to answer with the good one for doubles too, you can do that.
Wait is this in-game or the Sword/Shield competitive metagame in general?

2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer



Galarian Slowbro gets a slew of nice moves from level up, TMs, and TRs.

Notable Level Up Moves:
- Surf / Water Pulse (Lv. 30/18)
- Shell Side Arm (Lv. 1/evolution)
- Psychic / Confusion (Lv. 36/12)
- Yawn (Lv. 9)
- Slack Off (Lv. 33)

Notable TM Moves:
- Weather Ball
- Thunder Wave
- Trick Room

Notable TR Moves:
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Shadow Ball
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Grass Knot
- Nasty Plot
- Calm Mind

In-game is usually offensively based, and Galarian Slowbro has a great base 100 Special Attack stat. It also has amazing Defense and HP, but subpar stats elsewhere, and only base 30 Speed.

Quick Draw is decent for in-game play, and Own Tempo probably won't be used very often but is still okay. Regenerator is it's best ability, restoring 25% of health on the switch, but Regenerator is also it's HA.

Competitive Use:
Galarian Slowbro is tier NU (NeverUsed). In NU, it only has 6.327% usage.



Galarian Slowking and Galarian Slowbro have basically the same movepools.

Notable Level Up Moves:
- Surf / Water Pulse (Lv. 30/18)
- Eerie Spell (Lv. 1/evolution)
- Yawn (Lv. 9)
- Slack Off (Lv. 33)
- Power Gem (Lv. 1)
- Nasty Plot (Lv. 1)

Notable TM Moves:
- Trick Room
- Thunder Wave
- Hex
- Venoshock

Notable TR Moves:
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Shadow Ball
- Power Gem
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Grass Knot
- Sludge Wave
- Nasty Plot
- Calm Mind

Galarian Slowking has 110 base Special Attack, 110 base Special Defense, and 95 base HP. It is also plauged with base 30 Speed, as well as 80 base Defense and 65 base Attack.

Galarian Slowking also gets Own Tempo and Regenerator (HA). Own Tempo is okay, but it's signature ability, Curious Medicine, is virtually useless in-game. There aren't very many double battles to begin with, and there probably won't be too many stat changes in said battles.

Competitive Use:
Galarian Slowking is tier OU (OverUsed). In OU, it has 7.533% usage.

Slowbro-Galar @ Twisted Spoon / Poison Barb
Ability: Quick Draw / Own Tempo
- Shell Side Arm
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Surf / Scald
- Ice Beam / Flamethrower / Nasty Plot / Shadow Ball / Trick Room / Calm Mind

Slowking-Galar @ Twisted Spoon / Poison Barb
Ability: Own Tempo / Curious Medicine
- Eerie Spell
- Sludge Wave
- Surf / Scald
- Nasty Plot / Power Gem / Flamethrower / Ice Beam / Shadow Ball / Calm Mind / Trick Room

Galarian Slowking is probably better, as it's used more in competitive, has higher Special Attack/Defense, and gets just a bit more coverage than Galarian Slowbro with Power Gem. It's regular abilities are pretty much useless, though.

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You didn’t specify which was better...
Oops (filler)
I like this! So, it sounds like on the offensive, Slowking is better, and on defensive, Slowbro is better. And for what I am using it for, then Slowbro would definitely be better.
Actually, now that you say that, the I might use Slowking.
Idont think poison fang is an item.
Its on galarian slowking set
Yeah, it is a move. Do you mean Poison Barb?
Oh darn it I always get those mixed up
XD, it is okay.
1 vote

Slowking-Galar is always preferred over Slowbro-Galar for Poison monotype teams in SwSh.

It's one of the most solid special walls for Poison teams and it forms a great Regenerator core with Toxapex and Amonguss. Slowking-G is capable of tanking hits from special attackers, notably acting as a switch-in to Psychic-type moves from Pokemon like Tapu Lele and Latias along with other hard-hitters like Kyurem, Heatran, Nihilego, etc. that would otherwise force Toxapex and Amoonguss out. In return, the latter two make up for its mediocre Defense and weakness to physical attackers such as Cinderace, Scizor, Landorus-T, Dragapult, Bisharp, Weavile, etc.

While Slowbro-Galar has better physical bulk, it unfortunately does not offer much that makes it worth using. Toxapex and other poison-types are better physical walls, and while it would be neutral to Psychic-type moves, most of those are special moves (excluding Psyshock, it's better to run a Poison/Dark like Drapion for that) so Slowking-G is a superior choice. What about offensive sets? Well, they're simply not outclassed. Slowbro-G's offensive stats are fine, but it is very slow with base 30 Speed. Its attack may be much higher than Slowking-G, but not good enough to be a serious contender for a sweeper/breaker. Although Quick Draw may look tempting to use, it's a luck based set and therefore not advised to use over consistent options, like Nidoking, Nihilego, etc.

The same applies to using offensively using Slowking-G, so it's best relegated to a RegenVest special wall in Poison teams.

Slowking-Galar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Future Sight
- Sludge Bomb
- Earthquake
- Flamethrower / Ice Beam

Future Sight and Sludge Bomb are strong STAB options coming from Slowking-G's decent base 110 SpA, with the former allowing Slowking-G and its teammates to break past bulkier Pokemon while Sludge Bomb lets Slowking-G fish for poisons on walls like Zapdos, Mantine, etc. and also breaking Kyurem's Substitute which is very threatening for Poison teams with the combination of Ice Beam and Earth Power. Earthquake is needed to prevent Heatran from coming on freely on Slowking-G and comfortably 2HKOes it. Flamethrower is for Steel-types like Aegislash, Melmetal, Scizor, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, etc. Alternatively, Ice Beam can be used to deal heavy damage to Ground-, Flying- and some Dragon-types like Landorus-T, Hippowdown, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Galarian Zapdos, etc.

