PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Like in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
Dark Monotype:
Catch Poochyena in Route 101
Psychic Monotype:
Catch Ralts in Route 102

What exactly does "early" mean? If you can catch a Plusle on Route 110, does that count as early? If you can catch a Nincada and raise it to level 20 to get Shedinja, does that count as early?
The first Pokémons that you can get in the first routes.
Does Route 110 count as one of the first routes?
No, it needs to be Route 101-103.
If you count petelburgh woods, tell me I'll edit.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Possible monotype challenges:
Normal : zigzagoon available in route 101 at earliest
Flying : wingull available in route 102 at earliest
Grass : seedot and lotad available in route 102, if you don't count starters
Water : lotad and surskit available in route 102, if you don't count starters
Bug: wrumple and surskit in route 102
As you said:

Dark Monotype:
Catch Poochyena in Route 101
Psychic Monotype:
Catch Ralts in Route 102

These 2 too.
Hope I helped!
(Note: no surskit if not playing OrAs)

Source: this, this and this.

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