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All that I know is Zekrom because I know that both of its type resist electric + if you add forest curse on Zekrom well then Electric type moves on Zekrom is a huge no no because of that 8x resistance due to forest curse but are there any other Pokemon that has 8x resistance with forest curse that I dont know? Thanks


1 Answer

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Best answer

Pokemon that have a dual typing which have 4x resistance to a type which is resisted by grass will effectively get a 8x resistance when afflicted with Forest's Curse. These typing are resisted by grass:

Electric, Grass, Ground, Water

NOTE: Dual types with Grass-typing won't count because Pokemon that have Grass-type already can't get afflicted by Forest's Curse.

Dual typing that have a 4x resistance to Electric, which effectively gets to 8x with Forest's Curse added:

  • Electric/Dragon

/nds electric, dragon:
Ampharos-Mega, Dracozolt, Zekrom

Dual typing that have a 4x resistance to Grass, which effectively gets to 8x with Forest's Curse added:

  • Fire/Poison

/nds fire, poison:
Salandit, Salazzle

  • Fire/Flying

/nds fire, flying:
Charizard, Fletchinder, Ho-Oh, Moltres, Oricorio, Talonflame

  • Fire/Bug

/nds fire, bug:
Centiskorch, Larvesta, Sizzlipede, Volcarona

  • Fire/Dragon

/nds fire, dragon:
Charizard-Mega-X, Reshiram, Turtonator

  • Fire/Steel

/nds fire, steel:

  • Poison/Flying

/nds poison, flying:
Crobat, Golbat, Zubat

  • Poison/Bug

/nds poison, bug:
Ariados, Beedrill, Dustox, Kakuna, Scolipede, Skorupi, Spinarak, Venipede, Venomoth, Venonat, Weedle, Whirlipede

  • Poison/Dragon

/nds poison, dragon:
Dragalge, Eternatus, Naganadel

  • Flying/Bug

/nds flying, bug:
Beautifly, Butterfree, Combee, Ledian, Ledyba, Masquerain, Mothim, Ninjask, Pinsir-Mega, Scyther, Vespiquen, Vivillon, Yanma, Yanmega

  • Flying/Dragon

/nds flying, dragon:
Altaria, Dragonite, Noibat, Noivern, Rayquaza, Salamence

  • Flying/Steel

/nds flying, steel:
Celesteela, Corviknight, Skarmory

  • Bug/Steel

/nds bug, steel:
Durant, Escavalier, Forretress, Genesect, Scizor, Wormadam-Trash

  • Dragon/Steel

/nds dragon, steel:
Dialga, Duraludon

Dual typing that have a 4x resistance to Ground which effectively gets to 8x with Forest's Curse added:


The dual typing that resist ground 4x all have grass as one of the typing. As explained earlier that grass-types can't have Forest's Curse, the resistances can't become 8x.

Dual typing that have a 4x resistance to Water, which effectively gets to 8x with Forest's Curse added:

  • Water/Dragon

/nds water, dragon:
Dracovish, Kingdra, Palkia


That's all I could find. Please comment if anything is missing!

Hope this helps!

selected by
Wow so many nice
Did a mistake. You should have mentioned those types who resist grass, not those who are resisted by grass. However, you have mentioned dual types correctly.

Grass moves are not very effective against:

@~BlazingStaraptor~ I think you misunderstood the question.
> All that I know is Zekrom because I know that both of its type resist electric + if you add forest curse on Zekrom

If I will do in the way you told, it will only count for typing that have 8x resistance to grass. Electric/Dragon only counts if I do take types which are resisted by grass.
Oh... then you should mention even those who are resisted by grass.
Why exactly though? The asker didn't asked about that...
That's what you've written in the beginning...
Oh oops, lol. Let me change it back...