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This is not a q to find out how to get Spiritomb in Platinum, I want to know if you have to have internet to talk to people in the Underground, as I'm pretty sure I remember it being said they're real people playing. Thanks!

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I know you can trade just by putting 2 devices near each other without using Internet, but I have not tried that with the Underground.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

Yes you can get Spiritomb without internet. You don't need to have internet to access a wireless connection to talk to actual people to get Spiritomb. Each time a player talks to another player, the counter on their card is incremented. This counter reaching 32 is one of the prerequisites for encountering Spiritomb.
Source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/The_Underground
I hope I've helped!

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By wireless connection do you mean turning on that little switch on the side of a 3ds that says Wireless?
Also, thanks, I was wondering whether or not I could get him, because the internet doesn't work on my 3Ds's only the wireless connection switch thing.
No, you need to talk to an actual players to get it, sorry. About your first question, I'm searching it up. I think it shut down, but I'm not sure.
Which part is the above answering?
Oh, idk lol imma keep researching
The source just says you need a wireless connection. It does not say you need Internet.
Cool, so all I have to do is go in the Underground, turn on the wireless, and wait for a person to come in? Or do I invite people in, I don't have another copy of Platinum, or any other Gen 4 game, and I don't know anyone who does, so...
Also, why was this downvoted, I see nothing wrong with it.
Yeah, all you have to do is turn on wireless and invite someone. And sorry I was wrong, you don't need internet. I'm very naive in device knowledge lol.
It's fine, me too.
I think the word "Internet" technically means any connection made using something called transfer control protocol/internet protocol. Then again, it's possible that all local wireless stuff uses this protocol, so you technically still need Internet.
Gotcha. :)