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"Exp. Farm Pokémons: Wild mons' that'd give a lot of Exp. Points (800-1000~) despite being a low-level (15~) when defeated.

Gen 5 has Audino, Gen 1 has Chansey/Blissey, etc. I'm just curious. I hope that this question is alright.

I don't think there are any in the og hoenn and sinnoh games. You just have to grind in one spot and move to another when the level gets higher. In gen five, there's Audino, in xy I believe you go to a cafe in that giant city and grind there, in oras there's the Blissey base and some Audino mirage islands, gen seven has the Chanseys in the Poni Plains. Bulbapedia says that Chansey can be found in the meadow but it's actually in the plains where there are some shaking grass in between some palm trees
Not every region has a native pink EXP blob, some use a different region's. For the sake of this answer, I'll be listing which EXP farms are available in what gens.

**Gen 1 (RBY):** Chansey
**Gen 2 (GSC):** Chansey, Blissey
**Gen 3 (FRLG):** Chansey
**Gen 3 (RSE):** None. A case can be made for something like Lairon, Manectric, or the like, but the Chansey line isn't in Hoenn and the best way to get EXP is to challenge the League again and again.
**Gen 4 (DPPt):** Happiny, Chansey, Blissey
**Gen 4 (HGSS)**: Chansey, Blissey
**Gen 5 (BW/B2W2)**: Audino
**Gen 6 (XY):** Audino
**Gen 6 (ORAS):** No native pink blobs, but Blissey Secret Bases give massive amounts of EXP. You can find Audino on some Mirage Islands.
**Gen 7 (SM/USUM):** Chansey/Blissey on Poni Island, Audino in Wormholes
**Gen 8 (SwSh):** Chansey in the IoA. Gen 8 also introduced a new item called "EXP Candy XL". It's very easy to find and it gives one of your Pokemon 30,000 EXP each time you use one.
For GSC and HGSS, Blissey doesn't exist in the wild while Chansey is a pain in the ass to find.
As for FRLG you can't find Chansey outside of the Safari Zone.
They still exist, and they're some of the best sources of EXP, are they not?
in RSE there's manectric at route 118 which gives more EXP then lairon
EXP Candy XL isn't a pokemon. Its a item.
For RSE:
Sky Pillar is a good place to grind especially the EXP yield of Pokémons in there is pretty high.
Victory Road have stupid Pokémon with low EXP yield, Loudred and Lairon have 126 and 152 and Hariyama and Golbat are the only Pokémon with high EXP yield.
Sky Pillar has Altaria, Banette/Dusclops, Claydol and Golbat which all of them have high EXP yield. (Not counting Mawile/Sableye).
I'm just going to convert to a comment, seeing as my information about Gen 3 is mistaken.

1 Answer

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The definition of "exp farm" was never very good, so I'll just list the top 4 non-legendary non-mega Pokemon with the most base experience in each generation. Please tell me if this is not what you want.

Gen 1: Chansey (255), Lapras (219), Dragonite (218), Gyarados (214)
Gen 2: Chansey, Blissey (255), Lapras (219), Dragonite and Tyranitar (218)
Gen 3: Chansey, Blissey (255), Lapras (219), Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence (218)
Gen 4: Chansey, Blissey, Happiny (255), Togekiss (220)
Gen 5: Blissey (608), Chansey (395), Audino (390), Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp, Hydreigon (270)
Gen 6: Blissey (608), Chansey (395), Audino (390), Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Goodra (270)
Gen 7: Blissey (608), Chansey (395), Audino (390), Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Goodra, Kommo-O (270)
Gen 8: Blissey (635), Chansey (395), Audino (390), Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Goodra, Kommo-O (300)

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