That’ll depend largely on what TM’s you have left. Red/Blue/Yellow contains a lot of Pokémon that require TM’s to make up their best movesets (Primeape included), but for the vast majority of TM's, you can only find 1 throughout the whole game.
Typically the first offensive TM's that you come across in game are Water Gun (TM 12) and Mega Punch (TM 01), both found in Mt Moon. There are better offensive TM's available after this, however there is typically only 1 of each. Here's what I'd consider to be 'the list' of sought after offensive TM's in Red/Blue/Yellow:
- Thunder Wave (TM 45, Route 24)
- BubbleBeam (TM 12, Misty Gym)
- Dig (TM 28, Cerulean)
- Body Slam (TM 08, SS Anne)
- Thunderbolt (TM 24, Surge Gym)
(Game becomes more open ended once reaching Celadon)
- Ice Beam (TM 13, Celadon)
- Rock Slide (TM 48, Celadon)
- Tri Attack (TM 49, Celadon)
- Submission (TM 17, Celadon Store)
- Mega Drain (TM 21, Erica Gym)
- Double Edge (TM 10, Rocket Hideout)
- Horn Drill (TM 07, Rocket Hideout)
- Hyper Beam (TM 15, Celadon, requires ~$100k in game coins)
- Psychic (TM 29, Saffron)
- Earthquake (TM 26, Silph Co.)
- Blizzard (TM 14, Pokemon Mansion)
- Fire Blast (TM 38, Blaine Gym)
- Thunder (TM 25, Power Plant)
It's probably also worth noting that:
- Surf (95 BP Water, best Water move in the game)
- Strength (80 BP Normal, one of the best Normal Moves in the game)
- Fly (70 BP Flying, one of the best Flying moves in the game)
... are available as HM's, meaning that they can be taught to infinite Pokemon, but they cannot relearn another move in that moveslot thereafter.
So! If you wanted to keep Primeape, that will depend on what on the list above, apart from Submission, is available to give to Primeape. Personally, I like giving it Dig/Rock Slide for the standard 'Rock/Ground coverage' set (a common physical moveset in Gen 1 that gets perfect neutral coverage and hits 7 types super effectively). However, if these TM's are taken, then you're pretty much left only with Submission, which is a pretty ordinary move by itself (even if it gets STAB). In which case, I'd ditch the Primeape.
As an aside: Primeape is better in Yellow than in Red/Blue. I wrote about in in my team/comment here (overpowered and easy going team for RBY) .