If you didn't know, because there have been remakes and stuff for games and generations, Pokemon has introduced logos that let you know what game/generation your Pokemon comes from. For example, Pokemon transferred from Gen 1 and 2 have a GameBoy logo, Pokemon transferred from Gen 6 have a pentagon, Pokemon transferred from Gen 7 have a star kinda looking thing, Pokemon transferred from LGPE have a little Eevee logo, and Pokemon transferred from Go have a Go logo.
This makes it so you can identify what game and generation any Pokemon is from, (except the difference between BW and B2W2.) So, say you have a Pokemon that says it originated from the Kanto region. Well, there are three iterations of Kanto. If it has a Game Boy logo, it comes from Gen 1, and if it has a Eevee logo it comes from LGPE. But if it doesn't have a logo, then it comes from FRLG.
I know from a YouTube video that I used for research this, any Pokemon transferred from XD: Gale of Darkness will have the National Ribbon in Swsh, giving it the title, The Triumphant. Is there any similar logo, ribbon, or "originated from the __ region" for Pokemon from any Ranger game?