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I heard that the way status conditions work has changed in the PLA. I want to know what are the changes for status condition (and I also watch someone have a Pokemon battle and his Pokemon is asleep but still could attack)

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2 biggest changes:

Sleep has been replaced by Drowsy.  It seems to be sort of a combination of Sleep and Confusion -- each turn, an afflicted Pokemon has a % chance of being unable to use a move that turn.

Frozen has been replaced by Frostbite.  When afflicted by Frostbite, a Pokemon suffers a reduction to their S.Atk equal to Burn's reduction of Atk.  The condition is more likely to take effect in Snow, which replaces Hail.

Additionally, all status conditions are healed at the end of battle.
Another one I think is that you can reinflict statuses instead of it failing. So the sleep timer can reset or change the status effect.
aah, so Drowsy is like Confusion but the afflicted pokemon doesnt take damage.
Frostbite! finally a status condition that lowers special attack. :)
reinflict statuses? i dont get it :/
is there anymore changes? and thanks!
Sorry, worded it confusingly. What I mean is that you can still use status effect moves on Pokemon that already have statuses, and the new status will replace the old one instead of failing.
aah i get it now, thanks!
wow status conditions sure changed alot in PLA.

1 Answer

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Best answer

So I did some research and I got a good answer for this.

Obscured, Primed, Fixated, and Drowsy as new Status conditions.

Obscured: Pokemon is concealed in mud, raises evasion

Primed: Pokemon takes a hard hitting stance and increases the damage it deals

Fixated: Pokemon is fixated on the last move it used, and increases the damage that moves does while fixated but also increased damage taken

Drowsy: Pokemon may fail to act, and damage it takes is increased

There was also a tweet mentioning frostbite, which acted like a burn with damage happening at the end of every turn, but I can't find it anymore. And that a new weather condition was also there, something to do with snow (rather than hail), but the tweet is gone.

Edit: the new weather is called snow. Pokemon are more likely to get frostbite, and Drowsy Pokemon are more likely to fail to act. Speed of ice type Pokemon is boosted.

There are also other status conditions, called wild might, terrific might, and terrible might.
For might,terrific might and terrible might no information is given of what they do.


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