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2 votes

The only ones I can think of are Toxitricity, galarian zen mode darmanitan, and salandit/salazzle. Just to be clear, I mean the elemental status conditions, burn, frozen, paralyzed, or poisoned, not confused, as I don't think any typing resists confusion, although if there is an ability that makes the Pokémon immune to confusion, list the Pokemon that have that ability, as I wouldn't know.

Oh, and same thing with a pokemon that has an ability that resists sleep, I forgot about that.
Are we counting abilities or no? And which generations?
All gens, and yes, I want abilities as well
I will count nightmare or curse, but not attraction, because you just need the opposite gender
Sorry, didn't see Nightmare/Curse, working on that
Own Tempo makes them immune to confusion.

4 Answers

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Best answer

NOTE: I am using the Gen 6+ type chart in which Electric-types cannot be Paralysed.

ANOTHER NOTE: The ability that gives the Pokemon immunity to :status condition: is listed in (parenthesis) after the stated immunity.

ANOTHER ANOTHER NOTE: I am not including the ability Flash Fire, as those Pokemon can still be Burned by Tri Attack, or the ability Hydration, as you can technically still give these Pokemon status conditions but they are healed at the end of the turn of it is Raining.

Gen 1

  • Magby/Magmar/Magmortar: Immune to Burns and Sleep (Vital Spirit)
  • Elekid/Electabuzz/Electivire: Immune to Paralysis and Sleep (Vital Spirit)
  • Galarian Slowbro/Slowking: Immune to Poison and Confusion (Own Tempo)
  • Mr. Rime: Immune to Freezing and Sleep (Vital Spirit)
  • Alolan Sandshrew/Sandslash: Immune to Freezing and Poison
  • Magnemite/Magneton/Magnezone: Immune to Paralysis and Poison

Gen 2

  • Spinarak/Ariados: Immune to Sleep (Insomnia) and Poison
    Slugma/Magcargo: Immune to Burns and Freezing (Magma Armor)

Gen 3

  • Numel: Immune to Burns and Confusion (Own Tempo)
  • Camerupt: Immune to Burns and Freezing (Magma Armor)
  • Roselia/Budew: Immune to Poison by typing and Freezing/Burns/Paralysis/Sleep/Poison if they have Leaf Guard and it is Sunny

Gen 4

  • Heatran: Immune to Burns and Poison
  • Heat Rotom: Immune to Paralysis and Burns
  • Frost Rotom: Immune to Freezing and Paralysis

Gen 7

  • Togedemaru: Immune to Poison and Paralysis
  • Salandit/Salazzle: Immune to Burns and Poison
  • Komala: Immune to Sleep/Poison/Paralysis/Burns/Freezing (Comatose)

Gen 8

  • Arctozolt: Immune to Freezing and Paralysis
  • Toxtricity: Immune to Poison and Paralysis
  • Galarian Darmanitan Zen Mode: Immune to Burns and Freezing

I don't think any Pokemon are immune to Curse/Nightmare.

Please comment if I missed something.

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Oh, I didn't know that, thanks.
Ground Pokemon aren't really immune to paralysis. They're just immune to most paralysis moves because those moves happen to be electric type.
Should I remove all the Ground-types then?
Probably yes, except Numel and Camerupt. If you count abilities, then you should probably add all Pokemon with comatose (which I think is just Komala).
Okay, thanks
2 votes

Technically every single Pokemon is immune to a few Sleep moves and Stun Spore if they hold Safety Goggles.

Gen 1

  • Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Mega Venusaur: Immune to Poison, (Gen 6 onwards)immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore.
  • Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Sandslash: Immune to Freeze, poison
  • Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume: Immune to poison, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore
  • Paras, Parasect: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore
  • Alolan Diglett, Alolan Dugtrio: Immune to poison, immune to paralysis
  • Alolan Meowth, Alolan Persian: Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel: Immune to poison, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore
  • Magnemite, Magneton: Immune to poison, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to paralysis
  • Alolan Grimer, Alolan Muk: Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Alolan Exeggutor: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder
  • Alolan Marowak: Immune to burn, immune to Thunder Wave if it has Lightning Rod
  • Tangela: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder. Immune to all status conditions in sun if it has Leaf Guard.
  • Galarian Mr Mime: Immune to freeze, immune to sleep if it has Vital Spirit
  • Electabuzz: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to paralysis, immune to sleep if it has Vital Spirit
  • Magmar: Immune to burn, immune to sleep if it has Vital Spirit
  • Mega Gyarados: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.

Gen 2

  • Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder. Immune to all status conditions during sun if it has Leaf Guard
  • Spinarak, Ariados: Immune to poison, immune to sleep if they have Insomnia
  • Natu, Xatu: Immune to all manual status-causing moves it they have Magic Bounce
  • Belossom: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Power, (Gen 6
    onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison
  • Azurill, Marill, Azumarill: Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder if it has Sap Sipper, immune to Stun Spore if it has Sap Sipper
  • Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder. Immune to all status conditions in sun if it has Leaf Guard
  • Sunkern, Sunflora: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder
  • Espeon: Immune to all manual status-causing moves if it has Magic Bounce
  • Umbreon: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Murkrow: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability. Immune to sleep if it has Insomnia.
  • Girafarig: Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder if it has Sap Sipper, immune to Stun Spore if it has Sap Sipper
  • Pineco, Forretress: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder if it has Overcoat, (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Stun Spore if it has Overcoat, (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Poison Powder. Forretress is immune to poison
  • Gligar: Immune to Thunder Wave, immune to Poison if it has Immunity
  • Steelix, Mega Steelix: Immune to Thunder Wave, immune to poison
  • Sneasel: Immune to freeze, (Gen 7 onwards) immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability
  • Slugma, Magcargo: Immune to burn, immune to freeze if it has Magma Armor
  • Swinub, Piloswine: Immune to freeze, immune to Thunder Wave
  • Delibird: Immune to freeze, immune to sleep if it has Vital Spirit or Insomnia
  • Houndour, Houndoom, Mega Houndoom: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability
  • Stantler: Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder if it has Sap Sipper, immune to Stun Spore if it has Sap Sipper
  • Elekid: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to paralysis. Immune to Sleep if it has Vital Spirit
  • Magby: Immune to burn. Immune to sleep if it has Vital Spirit
  • Miltank: Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder if it has Sap Sipper, immune to Stun Spore if it has Sap Sipper
  • Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Celebi: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder

Gen 3

  • Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Mega Sceptile: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder. Mega Sceptile is immune to Thunder Wave
  • Poochyena, Mightyena: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone: Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Wurmple, Dustox: With Shield Dust, it is immune to a move's secondary effect, which means it is also immune to being statused by certain moves like Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and Tri-Attack. Dustox is immune to poison.
  • Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder.
  • Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder. (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Ralts, Kirla, Gardevoir: Can use Trace to copy an ability that makes the user immune to status or to certain status causing moves.
  • Shroomish, Breloom: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder. Does not take damage from poison or bad poison if it has Poison Heal. Since you cannot by afflicted by other status conditions if you already have a status ailment active, if Poison Heal Shroomish and Breloom are poisoned, they become immune to all other status conditions.
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1 vote

Continuing from Gen 3

  • Sableye, Mega Sableye: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Mega Sableye: Immune to all manual status-causing moves if it has Magic Bounce
  • Roselia: Immune to Poison, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore.
  • Carvanha, Sharpedo, Mega Sharpedo: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Camerupt: Immune to burn, immune to freeze if it has Magma Armor
  • Cacnea: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder.
  • Cacturne: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder. (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Crawdaunt: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Lileep, Cradily: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder.
  • Kecleon: Kecleon can shift its type to Poison to become immune to poison, fire to become immune to burns, Ground to be immune to Thunder Wave, Electric to be immune to paralysis, Grass to be immune to Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Spore, and Poison Powder, and Ice to become immune to freeze.
  • Tropius: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Stun Spore, (Gen 6 onwards) immune to Poison Powder.
  • Absol, Mega Absol: (Gen 7 onwards) Immune to all manual status moves if the user of the status move is a Pokemon with Prankster as its ability.
  • Shelgon: (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Spore and Sleep Powder if it has Overcoat, (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Stun Spore if it has Overcoat, (Gen 6 onwards) Immune to Poison Powder if it has Overcoat.
  • Primal Groudon: Immune to burn, immune to Thunder Wave

Will try to complete later

I feel like these answers are inaccurate, as a Pokemon such as Cacnea can't be put to sleep by Spore and Sleep Powder, however they can be put to sleep by Hypnosis. So their not immune to status conditions, only certain moves. Thoughts?
1 vote

Update for Gen 9

Garganacl: Immune to all Status conditions via Purifying Salts.

Scovillain: Immune to burn via Fire Type and Sleep via Insomnia.

Tinkatink/Tinkatuff/Tinkaton: Immune to poison via Steel type and confusion via Own Tempo.

Frigibax/Artibax/Baxcalibur: Immune to freezing via Ice type and Burn via Thermal Exchange.

Hisuian Lilligant: Immune to all Status conditions while in harsh sunlight via Leaf Guard.

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