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Megas and Gigantamax are fair game. However, it is fine if they are not included.

Surely you knew before asking this question that if there are no bans, you can just use legendaries? What is the point of asking this, in that case?
It is still confusing what you're trying to do. Do you ask these questions because you're actually playing competitively, or just because you're curious?
Because I am curious, and I just wanted to know what Starters were better than others. I gave up on competitive because I don't have time to breed for perfect IVs and Nature.
Would like to hear an answer on what starters are good in old gens? I like talking  about competitive.
If you have no access to certain Pokemon, you should at least prepare for opponents who do. Also Groudon is pretty easy to find in most of the newer games.

1 Answer

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Best answer

For Smogon singles, here is the answer(read the note for how the rankings were determined):
1. Cinderace (Ubers)
Cinderace is the only starter to be Ubers in gen 8. You can read the reasons why here: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/np-ss-ou-suspect-process-round-6-fireball.3670532/.
However, despite being too powerful for OU, it has no real niche in Ubers.
2. Blaziken (UUBL)
Blaziken is an excellent wallbreaker on Hyper Offense teams in OU. However, due to its low initial speed, it can easily be revenge killed by common scarfers like Tapu Lele. It also often has it's sweep halted by Flare Blitz and Life Orb recoil. It also has issues finding setup opportunities due to its frailty.
Analysis unfinished.
Note: Rillaboom and Blaziken are neck and neck in terms of viability. Their positions on this list may be swapped.
3. Rillaboom (OU)
Rillaboom is a decent wallbreaker and cleaner in OU. It can also revenge kill offensive threats with grassy glide. However, it is held back by the popularity of bulky grass resists like Buzzwole, Tornadus-Therian and Corviknight. It also faces strong competition from Kartana.
You may read about it's niche here: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/pokemon/rillaboom/
4. Primarina (UU)
Primarina is a fantastic wallbreaker in UU with Specs. It can run a good defensive Resttalk set or a SubCM set to beat it's common checks.
Analysis: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/pokemon/primarina/
5. Swampert (UU)
Swampert is an excellent defensive pivot in UU.
Analysis: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/pokemon/swampert/
6. Venusaur (UU)
Venusaur is an excellent sun abuser in UU thanks to its ability Chlorophyll and access to Weather Ball and Growth.
You can read more about it's niche here: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/pokemon/venusaur/
7. Incineroar (RU)
He's a good Sp.Def defensive pivot in RU.
Analysis: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/pokemon/incineroar/
8. Blastoise (NU)
Blastoise has access to shell smash, making it a potent sweeper in NU.
Analysis: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/pokemon/blastoise/
9. Decidueye (NU)
Decidueye is a solid wallbreaker in NU. It can run both physical(Band or SD) and special sets.
Analysis: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/pokemon/decidueye/
10. Inteleon (NU)
It has a good Specs set in NU. It's speed makes it a good revenge killer.
No analysis available.
11. Sceptile (PUBL)
Sceptile has a small niche in NU with Electric Seed and Unburden on Electric Terrain HO teams.
No analysis available.
12. Charizard (PU)
Charizard is a very versatile Pokemon in PU. It can run Special attacking, Swords Dance or even Defensive sets.
Analysis: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/pokemon/charizard/
1. Starters in higher tiers are ranked over those in lower tiers.
2. When they are in the same tier, their ranking is determined by the Viability Rankings.
3. Though Blaziken and Rillaboom are both in B tier, people have been asking for Rillaboom to be moved down for a while now.

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Incineroar is very useful in Doubles, correct?
Yes, but this list is for singles. Any issues or doubts?
I hope this helped!
No, this answer was great and you definitely helped!
Thank you! Happy to help.