PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

Note: Answering this question is a large undertaking.

I am looking for a list detailing the best and easiest method, game, and location for shiny hunting every single Pokemon. The list should include one method per Pokemon.

In some occasions, one Pokemon has equal odds and similar efficiency across multiple games, for example, the Regis. The three original Regis most efficient way of getting shiny is soft resetting in either ORAS or USUM. In these scenarios, use the newer game.

If a Pokemon's pre-evolution has an easier method of obtaining shiny than it's evolution, do not include that as the method of obtaining the evolution. This should be treated as creating a Shiny Living Dex. In some situations, like Silvally, this can't be helped.

Remember, Masuda Method is always an option, but do not specify a game with Masuda Method. Also, if you can get equal odds using a different method, such as Friend Safari, don't use Masuda Method.

If you have any questions, please ask! Good luck!

Edit: Do not use Dynamax Adventures for non-Legendary Pokemon, unless the Pokemon can't be found elsewhere with increased odds in main series Pokemon. Non-Legendary Pokemon cannot be targeted specifically in DA, so you cannot really hunt them.

Do not use PokeRadar unless there is no option even close to as good of odds as PokeRadar. PokeRadar is extremely luck dependent as I believe you only have a 5% chance to get to a chain of 40.

Formatting should be:
Bulbasaur: Catch Combos, LGPE, Viridian Forest

edited by
Ponyta is best obtained from the quest in Legends: Arceus.

Gyarados is best obtained from the Lake of Rage, and there's a lot of Pokemon you can manipulate via breeding said Gyarados in Gen 2 that might make them the easiest.

Gible/Dratini/Haxorus are guaranteed in Unova, but it's very tedious to get them. Depends if you're willing to try to get lucky.
Starters are best for MM.

Johto starters are best SR in HGSS due to how fast the resets are, and three at once.

Gen 3 starters are very fast in RSE, making SR a very good candidate for those.

Gen 1 starters can be found in friend safari, which have insane odds.

Gen 4 starters are best found in LA MO with the shiny charm.

All Pokémon found from Gen 8’s LA MO with the shiny charm and perfect entries are automatically top of the list for ease of access. MM is also valid for all those
Which game are you asking about?
The highest odds found in the series
Yeah I'm not finishing this any time soon

2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

I'm gonna start answering little by little I don't actually expect anyone else to do this. This is kind of a personal project that is being shared with anyone who wants it. If you're looking for a specific Pokemon, I recommend using Ctrl+F or Find in Page to find the Pokemon you're looking for

I will mention two methods for version exclusives most of the time. Remember Masuda Method is (almost) always an option.

Bulbasaur: Catch Combos, LGPE, Viridian Forest
Ivysaur: Friend Safari-Grass, XY
Venusaur: Evolve Ivysaur
Charmander: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 3
Charmeleon: Friend Safari-Fire, XY
Charizard: Catch Combos, LGPE, Any outdoor location or Evolve
Squirtle: Catch Combos, LGPE, Seafoam Islands
Wartortle: Friend Safari-Water, XY
Blastoise: Evolve Wartortle
Caterpie: Catch Combos, LGPE, Viridian Forest
Metapod: Catch Combos, LGPE, Viridian Forest
Butterfree: Catch Combos, LGP, Viridian Forest, or Evolve
Weedle: Catch Combos, LGPE, Viridian Forest
Kakuna: Catch Combos, LGPE, Viridian Forest
Beedrill: Catch Combos, LGE, Viridian Forest or Evolve
Pidgey: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 1
Pidgeotto: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 16
Pidgeot: Catch Combos, LGPE, Any outdoor location, or Evolve
Rattata: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 1
Alola Rattata: SOS chains, USUM, Route 2
Alolan Raticate/Raticate: Evolve
Spearow: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 22
Fearow: Evolve or Catch Combos in the air on Route 22
Ekans: Catch Combos, LGE, Route 3
Arbok: Evolve or Horde Encounters on Route 19
Pikachu: Catch Combos, LGPE, Viridian Forest
Raichu/Alolan Raichu: Evolve
Sandshrew: Catch Combos, LGP, Route 3
Alolan Sandshrew: SOS chains, UM, Tapu Village
Alolan/Sandslash: Evolve
NidoranF: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 22
Nidorina: Evolve or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 221
Nidoqueen: Evolve
NidoranM: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 22
Nidorino: Evolve or PokeRadar in XY Route 11
Nidoking: Evolve
Clefairy: Catch Combos, LGPE, Mt. Moon
Clefable: Catch Combos, LGPE, Mt. Moon or Evolve
Vulpix: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 5
Alolan Vulpix: SOS chains, US, Tapu Village
Ninetales: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 7 or Evolve
Alolan Ninetales: Evolve
Jigglypuff: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 7
Wigglytuff: Sandwich hunting, SV, North Province Area One or Evolve
Zubat: Catch Combos, LGPE, Mt. Moon
Golbat: Catch Combos, LGPE, Rock Tunnel
Oddish: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 1
Gloom: Catch Combos, Route 12, or Evolve
Vileplume: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 21 or Evolve
Paras: Catch Combos, LGPE, Mt. Moon
Parasect: SOS chains, USUM, Route 11 or Evolve
Venonat: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 24
Venomoth: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 14 or Evolve
Diglett: Catch Combos, LGPE, Diglett's Tunnel
Alolan Diglett: SOS chains, USUM, Verdant Cavern
Dugtrio: Catch Combos, LGPE, Diglett's Tunnel or Evolve
Alolan Dugtrio: SOS chains, USUM, Haina Desert or Evolve
Meowth: Catch Combos, LGE, Route 24
Alolan Meowth: SOS chains, USUM, Trainer's School
Galarian Meowth: Masuda Method, SwSh
Persian: DexNav, ORAS, Mirage Spot North of Route 124 or Evolve
Alolan Persian: SOS chains, USUM, Malie Garden or Evolve
Psyduck: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 24 or Mass Outbreaks, Obsidian Fieldlands, LA
Golduck: Catch Combos, LGPE, Cerulean Cave
Mankey: Catch Combos, LGP, Route 3, or SOS chains, USUM, Route 3
Primeape: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 225, or Evolve
Growlithe: Catch Combos, LGP, Route 5 or SOS chains, USUM, Route 2
Hisuian Growlithe: Mass Outbreaks, Cobalt Coastlands, LA
Arcanine: Most likely Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 7 or Evolve
Hisuian Arcanine: Evolve
Poliwag: Chain Fishing, XY, Route 14
Poliwhirl: Chain Fishing, XY, Route 16
Poliwrath: Catch Combos, LGPE, Cerulean Cave or Evolve
Abra: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 5
Kadabra: Mass Outbreaks, Obsidian Fieldlands, LA
Alakazam: Evolve (B2W2 trade SRs in Accumula Town could be fun tho)
Machop: Catch Combos, LGPE, Rock Tunnel
Machoke: Catch Combos, LGPE, Victory Road
Machamp: Evolve
Bellsprout: Catch Combos, LGE, Route 1 or Horde Encounters, XY, Route 14
Weepinbell: Catch Combos, LGE, Route 12 or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 224
Victreebel: Catch Combos, LGE, Route 21 or Evolve
Tentacool: Chain Fishing, Route 128, ORAS or Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 19
Tentacruel: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 24 or Evolve
Geodude: Horde Encounters, XY, Victory Road
Graveler: Catch Combos, LGPE, Rock Tunnel
Golem: Evolve
Ponyta: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 17
Galarian Ponyta: Masuda Method, SwSh
Rapidash: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 17 or Evolve
Galarian Rapidash: Evolve
Slowpoke: Catch Combos, LGPE, Seafoam Islands
Galarian Slowpoke: Masuda Method, SwSh
Slowbro: Catch Combos, LGPE, Seafoam Islands or Evolve
Galarian Slowbro: Evolve
Magnemite: Horde Encounter, ORAS, Route 110
Magneton: Catch Combos, LGPE, Power Plant
Farfetch'd: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 12
Doduo: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 17
Dodrio: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 17 or 18
Seel: Catch Combos, LGPE Seafoam Islands
Dewgong: DexNav, ORAS, Shoal Cave
Grimer: Catch Combos, LGP, Power Plant or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 212 South
Alolan Grimer: SOS chains, USUM, Hau'oli City
Muk: Catch Combos, LGP, Power Plant or Evolve
Alolan Muk: Evolve
Shellder: Chain Fishing, Y, Route 8, or Catch Combos, LGPE, Seafoam Islands
Cloyster: Catch Combos, LGPE, Seafoam Islands or Evolve
Gastly: Catch combos, LGPE, Pokemon Tower
Haunter: Mass Outbreaks, LA, Coronet Highlands, or SOS chains, USUM, Thrifty Megamart
Gengar: Evolve
Onix: Catch Combos, LGPE, Rock Tunnel
Drowzee: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 11
Hypno: DexNav, ORAS, Route 121 or Evolve
Krabby: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 10
Kingler: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 12, 13 or Evolve
Voltorb: Catch Combos, LGPE, Power Plant
Electrode: SRs in pretty much any game or Evolve
Exeggcute: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 23
Exeggutor: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 23 or Evolve
Alolan Exeggutor: SOS chains, USUM, Exeggutor Island
Cubone: Catch Combos, LGPE, Rock Tunnel
Alolan/Marowak: Evolve
Hitmonlee: Catch Combos, LGPE, Victory Road, or Evolve
Hitmonchan: Catch Combos, LGPE, Victory Road, or Evolve
Lickitung: Catch Combos, LGPE, Cerulean Cave
Koffing: Catch Combos, LGE, Power Plant, or DexNav, ORAS, Fiery Path
Weezing: Catch Combos, LGE, Power Plant or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 227, or Evolve
Rhyhorn: Catch Combos, LGPE, Cerulean Cave
Rhydon: Friend Safari, XY, Rock or Evolve
Chansey: Catch Combos, LGPE, literally anywhere you'll get it eventually
Tangela: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 21
Kangaskhan: Catch Combos, LGPE, Rock Tunnel OR Masuda Method
Horsea: Chain Fishing, ORAS, Sealed Chamber
Seadra: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 11 or Evolve
Goldeen: Chain Fishing, XY, Route 3
Seaking: Chain Fishing, ORAS, Safari Zone or Evolve
Staryu: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 18
Starmie: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 18 or Evolve
Mr. Mime: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 11
Galarian Mr. Mime: Masuda Method
Scyther: Mass Outbreaks, LA, Obsidian Fieldlands or SOS chains, USUM, Poni Plains
Jynx: Catch Combos, LGPE, Seafoam Islands
Electabuzz: Catch Combos, LGPE, Power Plant
Magmar: Catch Combos, LGPE, Pokemon Mansion
Pinsir: Catch Combos, LGE, Route 14 or SOS chains, USUM, Lush Jungle
Tauros: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 14 or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 210 South
Paldean Tauros forms: Sandwich Hunting, SV, or Masuda Method
Magikarp: Chain Fishing, XY, Route 3 or literally anywhere
Gyarados: Lake of Rage or Chain Fishing, XY, Route 3
Lapras: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 19
Ditto: Catch Combos, LGPE, Pokemon Mansion 2F
Eevee: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 17
Vaporeon: Sandwich hunting, SV, pretty much anywhere, or Evolve
Jolteon: Sandwich hunting, SV, West Province Area 3 or Evolve
Flareon: Sandwich hunting, SV, Glaseado Mountain or Evolve
Porygon: Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 7
Omanyte: Masuda Method
Omastar: Evolve
Kabuto: Masuda Method
Kabutops: Evolve
Aerodactyl: Masuda Method or SRs, USUM, Seafolk Village
Snorlax: Masuda Method, Catch Combos, LGPE, Cerulean Cave, or Evolve
Articuno: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, USUM, Ultra Wormholes
Galarian Articuno: Event only
Zapdos: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, USUM, Ultra Wormholes
Galarian Zapdos: Event only
Moltres: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, USUM, Ultra Wormholes
Galarian Moltres: Event only
Dratini: Gift from Benga in W2, or Catch Combos, LGPE, Route 10
Dragonair: Friend Safari, XY, Dragon or Evolve
Dragonite: Catch Combos, LGPE, anywhere in the sky or Evolve
Mewtwo: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, USUM, Ultra Wormholes
Mew: Faraway Island Resets, Emerald
Chikorita: Starter resets, HGSS or Masuda Method
Bayleef: Evolve
Meganium: Evolve
Cyndaquil: Starter resets, HGSS, or Masuda Method
Quilava: Evolve or Time-Space Distortion hunting
Typhlosion: Evolve
Hisuian Typhlosion: Evolve or Time-Space Distortion hunting
Totodile: Masuda Method
Croconaw: Evolve
Feraligatr: Evolve
Sentret: PokeRadar, Route 202, DPPtBDSP, or MM
Furret: Evolve
Hoothoot: SOS chains, USUM, Lush Jungle
Noctowl: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 210 or Evolve
Ledyba: SOS chains, USUM, Route 1
Ledian: SOS chains, USUM, Route 10
Spinarak: SOS chains, USUM, Route 1
Ariados: SOS chains, USUM, Route 10
Crobat: SOS hunts, USUM, Lush Jungle or Evolve
Chinchou: Chain Fishing, XY, Shalour City
Lanturn: DexNav, ORAS, Route 107
Pichu: SOS chains, USUM, Route 1 or Odd Egg, Crystal
Cleffa: SOS chains, USUM, Mount Hokulani or Odd Egg, Crystal
Igglybuff: SOS chains, USUM, Route 4 or Odd Egg, Crystal
Togepi: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 230 or Mass Outbreaks, Cobalt Coastlands
Togetic: Massive Mass Outbreaks, LA, Cobalt Coastlands, or Evolve
Natu: SOS chains, USUM, Akala Outskirts, or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 224 (Swarm)
Xatu: DexNav, ORAS, Safari Zone or Evolve
Mareep: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Valley Windworks
Flaaffy: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 222, or Evolve
Ampharos: Sandwich hunting, SV, North Province Area 1 or Evolve
Bellossom: Evolve
Marill: Sandwich hunting, SV, East Province Area 2
Azumarill: Sandwich hunting, SV, West Province Area 2
Sudowoodo: Sandwich hunting, SV, Casseroya Lake
Politoed: Chain Fishing, XY, Route 19 or Evolve
Hoppip: Horde Encounters, XY, Route 7
Skiploom: Flying Sandwich hunting, SV, South Province Area 5 or Evolve
Jumpluff: Grass Sandwich hunting, South Province Area 3 or Evolce
Aipom: Mass Outbreaks, LA, Alabaster Icelands
Sunkern: Grass Sandwich hunting, SV, South Province Area 1
Sunflora: Grass Sandwich hunting, SV, South Province Area 1 or Evolve
Yanma: Horde Encounters, XY, Route 10
Wooper: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 212
Paldean Wooper: Poison Sandwich hunting, SV, South Province Area 1
Quagsire: Ultra Wormholes, USUM, Blue Wormhole or Evolve
Espeon: Psychic Sandwich hunting, SV, South Province Area 3 or Evolve
Umbreon: Dark Sandwich hunting, Violet, Glaseado Mountain or Evolve
Murkrow: Horde Encounters, XY, Route 15
Slowking/Galarian: Evolve
Misdreavus: Ghost Sandwich Hunting, SV, Casseroya Lake
Unown: DexNav, ORAS, Mirage Cave South of Route 107
Wobbuffet: Friend Safari, XY, Psychic or Evolve
Girafarig: Psychic Sandwich Hunting, SV, West Province Area 2
Pineco: Bug Sandwich Hunting, SV, South Province Area 2
Forretress: Steel Sandwich Hunting, SV, Casseroya Lake or Evolve
Dunsparce: SOS chains, USUM, Route 2
Gligar: Horde Encounter, XY, Route 19
Steelix: Massive Mass Outbreaks, LA, Cobalt Coastlands or Evolve
Snubbull: Friend Safari, XY, Fairy, or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 209 (Swarm)
Granbull: SOS chains, USUM, Poni Wilds
Qwilfish: Chain Fishing, XY, Route 8
Hisuian Qwilfish: Mass Outbreaks, LA, Cobalt Coastlands
Scizor: Evolve
Shuckle: Friend Safari, XY, Rock
Heracross: Fighting Sandwich Hunting, SV, Socarrat Trail
Sneasel: Mass Outbreaks, LA, Obsidian Fieldlands
Hisuian Sneasel: Mass Outbreaks, LA, Coronet Highlands
Teddiursa: Friend Safari, XY, Normal
Ursaring: Massive Mass Outbreaks, LA, Crimson Mirelands or Evolve
Slugma: Friend Safari, XY, Fire
Magcargo: Ultra Wormholes, USUM, Yellow or Evolve
Swinub: Mass Outbreaks, LA, Alabaster Icelands
Piloswine: Friend Safari, XY, Ice or Evolve
Corsola: Chain Fishing, XY, Route 12
Galarian Corsola: Masuda Method

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Thought I'd give my input on this to help out a bit

Butterfree can be found in Let's Go Eevee in Viridian Forest, which may bring more desirable odds than the Friend Safari
Similarly, Beedrill can be found in Let's Go Pikachu in Viridan Forest
Fearow can be found on the same route as Spearow in LGPE, although you need to fly in order to encounter it
Nidoqueen and Nidoking, although being rare encounters, can be chained for in LGPE on route 23

...And that's all for now! Make sure not to forget about Alolan Sandslash!
Thanks, I just figured I'd put Evolve on there since it's most likely easier considering the lower encounter rates of evolutions. But I'll be certain to add that and I did forget about Alolan Sandslash.

Kanto is really boring to put down cause it's all catch combos once I get to Johto it will be more fun to write
Sorry for the Necro-Reply, but JustATypicalPerson, you accidently switched Butterfree and Beedrill around. Butterfree is Let's Go Pikachu and vice versa for Beedrill. Thanks, and that is all.
4 votes

Part 2:

Remoraid: Chain Fishing, ORAS, Battle Resort
Octillery: Chain Fishing, XY, Shalour City
Delibird: Flying Sandwich Hunting, SV, North Province Area 1 or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 216 (Swarm)
Mantine: DexNav, ORAS, Battle Resort OR Masuda Method
Skarmory: Friend Safari, XY, Steel
Houndour: Fire Sandwich Hunting, SV, South Province Area 4
Houndoom: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 212 or Evolve
Kingdra: Evolve
Phanpy: Friend Safari, XY, Ground or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 207 (Swarm)
Donphan: DexNav, ORAS, Safari Zone Zone 4
Porygon2: Evolve
Stantler: PokeRadar, PPtSP, Route 207, or DexNav, ORAS, Mirage Mountain West of Route 104
Smeargle: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 212
Tyrogue: Odd Egg, Crystal or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 211 West
Hitmontop: Evolve
Smoochum: Odd Egg, Crystal or SOS chains, USUM, Seaward Cave
Elekid: Odd Egg, Crystal, or SOS chains, USUM, Blush Mountain
Magby: Odd Egg, Crystal, or SOS chains, USUM, Wela Volcano Park
Miltank: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 210 South, or Masuda Method, (20 cycles)
Blissey: SOS chains, USUM, Poni Plains or Evolve (just go for it and if you get Chansey just evolve it)
Raikou: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, US or ORAS
Entei: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, UM or ORAS
Suicune: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, USUM or ORAS
Larvitar: SOS chains, USUM, Diglett's Tunnel
Pupitar: Friend Safari, XY, Rock
Tyranitar: Evolve
Lugia: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, UM or AS
Ho-Oh: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or SRs, US or OR
Celebi: SRs, VC Crystal, Ilex Forest
Treecko: Masuda Method or Starter resets, ORAS
Grovyle: Island Scan Hunting, USUM, Route 5 on Friday, or Evolve
Sceptile: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh, or Evolve
Torchic: Masuda Method or Starter resets, ORAS
Combusken: Island Scan hunts, USUM, Route 8 on Tuesday or Evolve
Blaziken: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh or Evolve
Mudkip: Masuda Method or Starter resets, ORAS
Marshtomp: Island Scan hunts, USUM, Brooklet Hill on Saturday or Evolve
Swampert: Dynamax Adventures, SwSh, or Evolve
Poochyena: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 214
Mightyena: Friend Safari, XY, Dark
Zigzagoon: Horde Encounter, ORAS, Route 101
Galarian Zigzagoon: Masuda Method
Linoone: DexNav, ORAS, Route 118
Galarian Linoone: Evolved Masuda Method, SwSh
Wurmple: Mass/Massive Outbreaks, LA, Obsidian Fieldlands
Silcoon: DexNav, ORAS, Petalburg Woods or Evolve
Beautifly: Friend Safari, XY, Bug or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 230 or Evolve
Cascoon: Friend Safari, XY, Poison or Evolve
Dustox: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 230 or Evolve
Lotad: Horde Encounter, AS, Route 114 or Masuda Method
Lombre: Ultra Wormholes, USUM, Blue Wormhole or Evolve
Ludicolo: Evolve
Seedot: Horde Encounter, OR, Route 114 or Masuda Method
Nuzleaf: Ultra Wormholes, USUM, Green Wormhole
Shiftry: Evolve
Taillow: DexNav, ORAS, Route 104
Swellow: Ultra Wormholes, USUM, Red Wormhole or Evolve
Wingull: SOS chains, USUM, Route 1
Pelipper: Grass DexNav, ORAS, Route 118 or Evolve
Ralts: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 203
Kirlia: Friend Safari, XY, Fairy or Evolve
Gardevoir: Evolve
Surskit: SOS chains, USUM, Brooklet Hill
Masquerain: DexNav, ORAS, Route 114 or Evolve
Shroomish: DexNav, ORAS, Petalburg Woods
Breloom: Friend Safari, XY, Fighting, or Evolve
Slakoth: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Eterna Forest (Swarm) or DexNav, ORAS, Petalburg Woods
Vigoroth: Island Scan hunts, USUM, Route 11 on Friday or Evolve
Slaking: Evolve
Nincada: Friend Safari, XY, Ground, or Horde Encounters, ORAS, Route 116
Ninjask: Evolve
Shedinja: Evolve with extra slot in party
Whismur: Horde Encounters, ORAS, Rusturf Tunnel
Loudred: Friend Safari, XY, Normal, or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Mount Coronet
Exploud: Evolve
Makuhita: SOS chains, USUM, Route 2, or PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 225 (Swarm)
Hariyama: Friend Safari, XY, Fighting, or DexNav, ORAS, Victory Road (Entrance, 1F, B1F)
Azurill: PokeRadar, XY, Route 3 or 22
Nosepass: Horde Encounters, XY, Route 10 or SOS chains, USUM, Akala Outskirts
Skitty: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 222, (Swarm)
Delcatty: Evolve
Sableye: Friend Safari, XY, Dark or MM
Mawile: SOS chains, USUM, Ten Carat Hill
Aron: Horde Encounters, ORAS, Granite Cave B1F
Lairon: PokeRadar, XY, Route 18 or Evolve
Aggron: Island Scan hunts, USUM, Poni Plains on Monday or Evolve
Meditite: PokeRadar, DPPtBDSP, Route 208 or 216
Medicham: Ultra Wormholes, USUM, Green Wormhole

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Forgive me for giving input this late but I’m pretty sure 98% of the Pokémon from Generation 1-5 except shinylocked, guaranteed shiny, or event mythical Pokémon (in some cases) are most easily obtained Shiny via R/S/E, D/P/Pt, Hg/Ss, B/W/BW2 RNG manipulation, and especially easy to obtain if they are breedable. This combined with transferring also nets you shiny Regionals like Alolan Marowack, Galarian Weezing, Annihilape, and many more. :P
Forgive me, but I am not using RNG manipulation for this list. This is meant to be a widely accessible list
Hey! I actually started a very similar project of my own and just stumbled upon yours/this. Did you by chance already finish this list or did you stop at Medicham? I was just hoping to hear some of your insight and reasoning as to why you preferred some methods over others. I just created an account to comment this, but feel free to message me or reach out or whatever if you want to see it or something!
Hey! Glad to see the whole point of me doing this is working. I picked this back up when I had free time when I was on vacation, but since I've gotten back I've been busier and had less interest in doing it. I also had completely forgotten about DPPt PokeRadar chaining and it's 44% success rate, and got frustrated with the idea of going back through and checking every Pokemon.

If you like we can discuss it on our walls, which if you don't know is kind of the comment section for every user. To post on walls, you need to earn ten more points, so just post a high quality answer/question, (moveset threads are easy to get an upvote,) and you'll be fine!

Thanks for asking!
Great to hear back from you! I was doubtful since the post is pretty old, but I'm glad to get a response from you. I can definitely see why you've had to keep dropping the project, it's pretty tedious. I've been pretty obsessed with it honestly and working on it for the past day or two almost non-stop, but I'm sure I'm going to burn out soon enough. Though, I don't have the commitment that you have to also include the routes where the method is to be performed (maybe later haha). I'll try to get more points so I can send you final updates on our walls, but no promises. Great talking to you!
Yeah I just figured to leave no questions asked

You have enough points now to write wall posts
Hey! This is kind of random but I appreciate you talking with me last August. I recently just finished this project (definitely burnt out) and thought I'd share it with you to check it out! I made a post to share it, but the link's there:
Haha that's awesome! Thanks for mentioning me in the title sheet, that's awesome! I forgot that I had changed my name to Not Makuhita (part of a joke) for a while. I can't believe I inspired you to do all that! I'll use that from now on and maybe some day I'll use it to finish this answer. Super cool, dude.