PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I'm not talking level 1. I typed in the same thing with my other question but SOMEONE who's staff decided it would be funny to change it. Game: Pokemon X

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I assure you, staff didn’t edit false swipe out of your original post. You’re more than welcome to visit the edit log for the post; it’s available for everyone. I don’t appreciate the tone
I must confess that it was me. I indiscriminately selected a question on pokemondb dot net and rid it of all context, just so that I could sate my appetite for completely unintelligible questions. Yum yum.

1 Answer

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Best answer

According to Bulbapedia Leavanny is able to learn false swipe at level 1 in X but it can only be caught in Gen 6 through evolving Sewaddle/Swadloon in ORAS or using Pokemon Bank. Scyther and Scizor are both able to learn false swipe at level 13. Scyther can be caught on Route 21 in a horde encounter and should have the move when you catch it.

Hope this helps

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