
Gen 9 PU
If you wanna use Spidops, then use Spidops, Masquerain Is better.
Hazard Lead
Spidops @ Focus Sash
Ability: Stakeout
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def
Adamant Nature
- Sticky Web
- Memento / Spikes
- Circle Throw
- Leech Life
Spidop's Access to the Rare Sticky web Gives It a Good Niche In PU As a Hazard Lead as It also gets Spikes Unlike Masquerain, Focus Sash should be used so that Spidops can Set up the Hazard before dying while Tera Ghost Prevents Rapid Spin From Quaxwell, But don't ever Terastallize Spidops. Memento should be used to Lower the opposing opponent's Attack stats giving free opportunity to set-up Sweepers like Wyrdeer, Masquerain, Dugtrio, Sawsbucks, Charizard and ETC, Spikes Is there for more Hazards and being able to damage Pokemon that don't run HDB Like Quaxwell, Zangoose, The Eviolite users, Perserrker and ETC, Circle throw should be used to Boost Spidop's Output when used Circle throw Multiple Times and Leech Life Is a Good Stab Move that Recovers HP Back.