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I was using the Poke Radar to chain Smeargle when I had to use a Repel. I used a Max Repel, and when I pressed Y to spawn patches of grass with the Poke Radar, I got a message that started with "The Grassy Patch" or something along the lines of that showed up (it went too fast and I wasn't able to read it), and my chain broke?

So, what was the rest of the message, and why did my chain suddenly break?

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1 Answer

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Best answer

When the Poké Radar is used, the game generates four "rings" around the player, with the first ring consisting of the eight squares surrounding the player, the second ring consisting of the 16 squares surrounding the first ring, and so on for the third and fourth rings. One random square in each ring will be selected, and if that square is a patch of grass, that patch will shake. Therefore, the maximum number of patches that can shake with each use of the Poké Radar is four; if fewer than four patches shake, then one or more of the randomly selected squares were not patches of grass. If all four squares did not contain grass, then the game will display the message "The grassy patch remained quiet..." and the chain will automatically break.

Hope I helped!


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