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Alright guys, as some of you know, I have been starting a White Nuzlocke as my Emerald one is nearing to a close. I have already planned out my team to be Samurott, Ferrothorn, Some fire type, I can't decide between Darmanitan and Chandelure, Krookodile, a Psychic Type, and a Fighting type, both of which, ideally, should be dual typed, but not essential.
My questions are as follows:
1. Should I choose Darmanitan or Chandelure, and yes, I know Darmanitan is available before Litwick, I'm talking by the time they're both available, which one should I settle for.
2. What Fighting and Psychic type should I pick.
3. If possible, could one of those two be a Pokemon that learns fly, as I really would perfer not to have to use an HM slave for Fly, as I use it a ton.
Thanks so much, and I'm sorry if I break any rules, I haven't been on here in a long time.

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Oh, and by the way, I missed the Munna encounter in the Dreamyard if you were going to suggest that for a Psychic Pokemon.
It's preferable to ask each question separately so you don't have to use an extremely vague title.
Sorry, I'll do that next time.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer
  1. Though Darmanitan is extremely powerful, it's prone to recoil. This plus its relative frailty make it a harder Pokemon to use in a Nuzlocke. Besides this, Darumaka's only Ability is Hustle, which means even a single miss could be fatal while grinding. Chandelure's valuable Ghost typing makes it a better answer into Marshal (though be mindful of Rock Slide/Stone Edge), and access to varied moves like Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, and Psychic allow it to carry its weight.
  2. (a) The best Fighting type to use is probably Scrafty, thanks to it getting Brick Break, High Jump Kick, and Crunch through level-up. Sawk and Throh are arguably better because you can use them against Lenora, but they have fewer positive matchups than Scrafty. That said, they're still quite serviceable. Other Fighting types like Emboar and Gurdurr/Conkeldurr will do well too.
    (b) The best Psychic type is Sigilyph. A case could be made for Reuniclus, but Reuniclus is extremely slow and Solosis/Duosion can be a hassle to level up thanks to their sparse movepool. Sigilyph is generally more consistent because it has serviceable bulk and offenses, with options like Air Slash, Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Charge Beam. Type-wise, it's only good against Marshal, but you can probably use its bulk effectively in other battles.
  3. Sigilyph is a pretty good Fly carrier if you don't like Charge Beam for some reason, because that frees up a moveslot for the HM. It's definitely better than Swoobat due to the latter's inferior defensive stats and movepool. You could also use Swanna, as you can guarantee a Ducklett encounter on Driftveil Drawbridge -- with access to Fly and Surf, it's a convenient Water type you can obtain without needing Surf prior.
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This is definitely a way better answer :)
0 votes

Chandelure over Darmanitan, because Chandelure can learn Will-o-wisp, which is great for Nuzlockes.
For a decent fighting type, since there aren't a huge variety, Conkeldurr or Mienshao, but Mienshao has a BST of 510 and Conkeldurr only gets 505, plus it's horrendous speed stat.
Lastly, since you missed Munna, (my condolences) Gothitelle is a great physic type Pokémon, but if you are looking for a Pokémon to learn Fly, go with Swoobat because it is a dual Flying/Psychic type.
Hopefully this is what you were looking for

If you are looking for a high attack instead of speed, Conkeldurr is definitely still an option