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Sometimes in battle, random messages will appear like “(name) looks like it wants to be petted.” or “(name) is worried about the outcome of the battle.” What do these messages mean, and how do I get them to dissapear? I am playing Pokemon Sword.

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I think those messages appear when your Pokemon get friendly enough, but I'm not entirely sure.

1 Answer

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These messages mean your Pokémon has high friendship for you. This is a good thing and brings benefits:

A Pokémon with high levels of affection will gain certain bonuses in battle and will interact with its Trainer in unique ways.
•At affection level 2 and higher, a Pokémon will gain 1.2 times (approximated as 4915/4096 in Generation VII) the normal experience from battles.
•At affection level 3 and higher, a Pokémon may endure attacks that could otherwise make it faint and survive with 1 HP (including confusion damage). This effect initially has a 10% chance to happen per hit, and can potentially happen for multiple hits. This chance increases to 15% at level 4, 20% with an affection stat of at least 200 (roughly halfway between level 4 and level 5), and finally 25% at level 5.
•At affection level 4 and higher, a Pokémon can sometimes:
-Avoid attacks, by subtracting 10% from their accuracy. Moves that normally have 100% accuracy are still subject to this reduction, but moves that cannot miss (such as Swift) are not.
-Shake off status conditions at the end of the turn, 20% of the time.
At affection level 5, a Pokémon's chance of scoring a critical hit is doubled.

Source( This says affection but the effects are the same for friendship. It’s hard to copy-paste a chart). I don’t believe there is any way to make the messages stop showing though. Hope this helped!

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You can make the messages disappear by lowering their friendship with herbs or letting it faint.
Well, I guess you could TECHNICALLY do that, but why would you?
I have absolutely no idea
It's really annoying when your run away hunting the Regis, especially 4,000 encounters in
@Monkey that's why I did resets instead of running away :p
You'd more accurately speak about friendship instead of affection. The former basically replaces the latter in Sw/Sh onwards. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Friendship#Pok.C3.A9mon_Sword_and_Shield
thanks for the answer i was confused