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2 votes

He doesn't need a moveset, but item and Nature can fill for his moveset question.

I currently Use,

Naive (-Sp Def + Speed )
Item: Focus Sash
EV's 252 Hp 252 Spd 4 Sp Def
Ability: Imposter


6 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Choice Scarf is the most desirable item, as it allows you to hit first the foe you Transform into.

Nature and all EVs except for HP will not matter much if you are Transformed. However, since the foe might prevent your Transformation, you'll want to switch out, or if that is not possible take down the Sub (or damage Zoroark) as soon as possible. The only way Ditto can do this is through Struggle. As such, I would suggest giving it an Adamant nature and 252 Attack EVs and 4 Speed EVs (in addition to 252 HP EVs). Also, Ditto does not copy the Hidden Power type (as it does not copy IVs), so I would suggest running an HP Ice.

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3 votes

Choice Scarf is the best item for Ditto. It lets you outspeed the Pokemon you transform into, enabling its main niche as a revenge killer.

Max HP EVs is essential because Ditto retains its own HP even when transformed. 248 HP is sometimes used over 252 HP because it's a tiny bit better against percentage-based damage e.g. entry hazards.

Most of the time, these are the only two choices that matter for Ditto. However, there are some other niche considerations:

  1. In the unlikely event your Ditto ends up in a fight to the death with another Ditto, maximum Defense (252 Def and beneficial nature) is ideal to give maximum protection against Struggle. Minimum Speed (0 EVs, 0 IVs, detrimental nature) is also suggested in this scenario so the opposing Ditto runs out of PP before yours. This leaves Relaxed (+Def, -Spe) as the best nature in general.

  2. The move Future Sight is common in some formats. In those situations, it may be more important to maximise Special Attack (252 SpA and beneficial nature) to increase the move's power, if Ditto should use the move then switch out (losing its transformation in doing so). In this case, Quiet (+SpA, -Spe) may be the best nature.

  3. Any remaining EVs should be invested in Attack to maximise Struggle's damage. This helps in the Ditto mirror and anything else Ditto cannot transform into (Substitute and Disguise). If Substitute or Zoroark are very common and important for you, you may alter your EV spread and nature accordingly.

  4. Hidden Power's type is determined by Ditto's IVs even after transforming. Hidden Power Ice (optimal: 0 Spe) and Fire (optimal: 30 Def / 30 SpA / 2 Spe) are usually considered the best, but you should consider your own situation and see if there's a better type for you.

  5. Return's and Frustration's power is determined by Ditto's happiness even after transforming. Both moves are seen in competitive play, with Frustration used for the very purpose of troubling max-happiness Ditto. You can hedge your bets by using 125 or 130 happiness instead (better than 128 due to rounding), but this makes both moves weak at ~51 BP. 0 and 255 give you a chance at 102 BP, which has more immediate power, but risks 1 BP. The choice depends on the format and whether Ditto is likely to boost enough that ~51 BP is functional.

  6. Tera Type, where applicable, completely depends on context. Immunity/resistance to entry hazards is one consideration, as are the Pokemon Ditto is likely to transform into. Smogon's strategy dex recommends Fairy and Ghost often.

  7. If you're playing an older format where Impostor doesn't exist, don't use Ditto make sure you invest 252 Speed EVs so you get your Transform off before your opponent attacks you.

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Aren't you supposed to use either maximum or minimum happiness so return and frustration will work 50% of the time? Using 128 happiness means you probably won't be able to OHKO the opponent with either of them.
That point actually has more nuance than I thought so I'm just going to rewrite it.
2 votes

If he has imposter, then he should have choice scarf to revenge kill. The Nature is Fine

Perfect Great Answer:) Choice Scarf makes Ditto Incredible:0
Wait.. Swamperts being consistantly active... Awesome!
0 votes

Metal powder(Defense) is a good item for ditto along with quick powder(Speed) his nature is fine and you've got a good ditto. (P.s. you leave a pokemon w/ a gender with ditto at the daycare and you will find an egg).

Quick powder won't work for ditto after he uses imposter/Transform
0 votes

well for starters if i was a ditto i would hate a def lowering nature
depends on well what you want its attack at
timid is one and jolly also hardy is helpful if you want a plain ditto
2 items like metal powder and quick powder help

so a fast ditto timid - attack + speed or jolly + speed - sp attack
and bulky would be relaxed -speed +def sassy +sp def - speed

your welcome ':)

From bulbapedia. And backed up by all other reliable sources.

Imposter: As soon as the user comes into battle, it Transforms into its opponent, copying the opponent's stats exactly, with the exception of HP.
Why do I always get that wrong? XD
0 votes

Ditto  sprite from Home

252 Spe / 252 HP / 4 Atk
@Choice Scarf
