PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I know suicune is a legendary therefore it cannot lay egg or be bred with. How come it has egg cycles of 80 (20,304–20,560 steps)? How is this information possible?

Because all Pokemon have an Egg Cycle, regardless of whether they are breedable or not.  Most likely it's just a data cell that must be filled so the program will run properly.

That said...  it is strange that the Legendary Dogs have a cycle of 80, when all other Legendary and Mythical Pokemon except Manaphy and Phione (the only 2 that are actually breedable) have a cycle of 120.
Where did you read about the egg cycles?
Does this count as a Game Freak logic question? It's not even something that can have a lore explanation, maybe the programmers just put in random numbers because they were bored.
@sumwun, normally yes, but i feel as though this can be answered, as there's many potential reasonable explanations for this.
in the black and white days, i got an egg named Bad Egg from the GTS. it took forever, but hatched into a regular Mew. I imagine egg cycles are to prevent the game from breaking in cases where legendaries are hacked into eggs.
Agreed ~silver~ It would be reasonable to have an explanation for it since it was on Suicune profile on pokemondb and putting down a random number just sounds unreasonable and confusing.  But I was simply just curious for this and for my knowledge.  Thanks all and hope to find the real reasoning.
@mr. Fish, it's on the Pokedex pages on this site

1 Answer

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Best answer

Taking from ~Silver~'s comment, it is likely a placeholder so the game doesn't crash once you take a step w/ a legendary's illegal egg, and also because all Pokemon need an egg cycle, likely to sew everything to not crash even without having a legendary egg.

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Yes i understand that logic but my question is also how and where did pokemondb get that number?
Questions about this website belong here: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/ask
People get the data by datamining in the game's code.