Role: Revenge Sweeper

Dodrio @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Return
- Knock Off / Stomping Tantrum
- Mirror Move
The strategy with this moveset is to use Dodrio as a revenge sweeper. It's prime move is Z-Mirror Move. This gives it +2 stages of attack and uses the last move the opponent used, but as a Z-Move.
(Ex: An opposing Snorlax uses body slam. If Dodrio uses Z-Mirror Move, it will gain +2 stages of attack and uses the attack "Breakneck Blitz" against the Snorlax).
Dodrio has a high amount of speed, so it can outspeed most Pokemon on enemy teams. Brave Bird is used for high damage (Has stab). Return is again used for high damage (Also has stab). Knock Off is good as a neutral move which will also have the added benefits of knocking the opponent's item off. Stomping Tantrum is great coverage since a player might want to throw out a steel type, or a Pokemon like Toxapex to wall you off. Also there's Mirror Move, which is mainly used as a Z-Move.
Dodrio is a Glass Cannon so be wary on how you use it. I personally have one of my Pokemon to die in battle to then send out Dodrio. I don't recommend switching into Dodrio as any kind of pivot, mostly because it has very low hp, defense, and sp.defense stats. But if you know the opponent will use a ground type move, you can most likely pivot into Dodrio, as it's immune to ground type attacks. (Same with ghost type attacks).