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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Ledian, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Ledian Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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14 Answers

3 votes

Generation 5

Ledian @ Focus Sash
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch

Swords Dance is boosting that awful attack stat. Drain Punch is coverage and healing. Ice Punch + Thunder Punch for BoltBeam coverage.

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I just want to say thank you so very much for this offensive set. I got a sweep with it. You are amazing. Once again thank you! :)
2 votes

Double/Triple Battle

Ledian (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 Def / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Tailwind
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Safeguard

Completely team support. Dual Screen, tailwind, Safeguard.

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1 vote

Gen V

Ledian (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Knock Off
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Tailwind

Yeah, Ledian! Set up dual screens, Tailwind, then Knock Off the foe's item, and you'll have done with Ledian the equivalent of sweeping an entire team with Gyarados. Since nobody is going to attack with Ledian, Early Bird is the ability, because maybe you'll switch in on Hypnosis or something. Don't know who'd try to put Ledian to sleep, but it is still the best ability. Speed EVs, plus some defense. Light Clay is to let Dual Screens stay up longer.

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1 vote

Generation 5

Ledian (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
- Swords Dance
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Roost

As Trachy said, there's no sense in trying to attack with this guy.

Substitute will get you a slight bit of bulk going, at least with a lucky resistance you won't go down too fast, Swords Dance is a nice boost to give away with Baton Pass. Roost will keep you alive if you want to be that guy who passes +6 Attack away.

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0 votes

Ledian doesn't have much to offer offensively. However, it's not that bad defensively.

Ledian @ Leftovers
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Infestation
- Toxic
- Roost
- Substitute / Tailwind / Protect / U-Turn / Knock Off / Encore

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SoYaLikeJazz (Ledian) (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Atk
Careful Nature
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Knock Off / U-Turn
- Roost / Tailwind

(If you want a more bulky set, go for the italicized moves. If you want a more balls-to-the-walls set, go for the bolded moves.

Ledian is a mediocre mon at best. But what it can do, it does somewhat well.

With a very nice move pool, Ledian can absolutely wreck a team that wasn't prepared for it. Sporting Knock Off and Dual Screens, it can stop sweepers in their tracks.
I personally wouldn't use it in high tiers (OU+) because it doesn't have the bulk to stand up to a physically based meta. But UU and below, it does decently well.

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Physical Ledian?!

Ledian @ Choice Band
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
- Drain Punch
- U-Turn
- Dig
- Ice Punch

  • Drain Punch (Powered up by Iron Fist/Coverage/Recovery)
  • U-Turn (STAB/Pivot)
  • Dig (Coverage/Immunity to Earthquake)
  • Ice Punch (Powered up by Iron Fist/Coverage)

Do note, that in this age of Sun and Moon, the only way I know of to get Iron Fist Ledian is via a Bug Friend Safari in X/Y. Also, Ice Punch and Drain Punch are tutor moves exclusive to ORAS, and Dig is no longer a TM in S/M. Therefore, the above set can only be obtained before transferring to S/M!!!

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0 votes

A Punching Punching Bag (Gen 7)

Ledian @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Agility
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch

Basic STABless physical-based Ledian. Life Orb + Iron Fist is a great combination. Basically, this is a double dance set with the Swords Dance + Agility set. Ledian's god-tier 35 base attack is 100% going to work for this set. Thunder Punch + Ice Punch for a bootleg BoltBeam combination. Adamant nature is chosen because Ledian needs more attack than speed to be honest.

Tanky Sweeper?

Ledian @ Assault Vest
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power-Up Punch
- Mach Punch
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch

Self-explanatory set. Assault vest is there to make that excellent special defense useful. Power-Up Punch to rack up the crappy attack stat while still being bulky. Drain Punch to get some health while tanking hits, and Ice Punch is there, because, well, you aren't going to do much with Thunder Punch.
Jolly nature is selected because that attack'll be boosted by the Power-Up Punch anyways.
This Pokemon is just a bad Jumpluff if you try to run Acrobatics on it. Maybe I'll add another set that includes Acrobatics.

0 votes

Ledian @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Endure
- Acrobatics
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off

Use Endure to take a super effective hit, and the Weakness Policy will activate. Acrobatics is STAB and has the spectacular boost after the Weakness Policy is consumed. Knock Off is powerful coverage. Drain Punch is boosted by Iron Fist and recovers HP, as well as beating Rock and Ice.

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Ledian @ Leftovers
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Calm Nature
- Knock Off
- Defog
- Toxic
- U-turn

Knock Off removes items, limiting switch-ins. Defog clears hazards. Toxic to do some meaningful damage. U-turn is a STAB move, however the STAB boost likely won't matter since Ledian is so weak. It is used as a pivoting move instead.

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Ledian @ Leftovers
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
- Light Screen
- Defog
- Reflect
- Baton Pass

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Gen 7 ZU

Ledian @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Swarm / Early Bird
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Air Slash
- Giga Drain
- Focus Blast

This is to be used under dual screens so you can live a super effective hit so your Weakness Policy can activate. Bug Buzz is STAB. Air Slash is also STAB. Giga Drain is to deal with rock types and is for healing. Focus Blast is for coverage, but has pretty shaky accuracy.

0 votes

Ledian  sprite from Home

Ledian @ Focus Sash
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- U-Turn
- Aerial Ace
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off / Mach Punch

  • U-Turn (STAB, Switches Ledian out)
  • Aerial Ace (STAB, Never misses)
  • Drain Punch (Boosted by Iron Fist, Healing)
  • Knock Off (Disrupt) / Mach Punch (Boosted by Iron Fist, Priority)
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Three Strategies for ledian

1 physical attacker:
Ledian: (m/f) Object: focus sash/life orb
Nature: Jolly Evs: atk252/spe252/hp4
Ability: iron fist
Ice punch
Thunder punch/agility/subtitute
Drain punch
Sword dance
Ice punch
1)ice punch/thunther punch:coverage but ice punch is better
2)agility/subtitute:agility with ledian sword dance would be almost unstoppable/with substitute ledian it will not be able to be attacked
3)drain punch:drain punch is to heal from the damage taken with the sash or heal from the damage of the life orb
4)sword dance:With sword dance, ledian fixes his little attack of 35 but uses sword dance twice because if you use sword dance once, ledian will hit little
2 counter sash
Ledian: (m/f) object: focus sash
Nature: timid/calm Evs: spe252/hp252/sdf4
Ability:swarm/early bird
Bug buzz/tailwind
Light screen/reflect
Knock off
1)counter:Useful move to defeat a physical Pokemon
2)bug buzz/tailwind:when ledian stays with 1hp he can use bug buzz and boosted with swarm/tailwind it is to make your team faster I recommend using it when ledian loses the sash
3)light screen/reflect:with light screen your team will withstand special attacks/reflect your team will withstand physical attacks
4)knock off:remove objects and ruin some strategy
3 dual screen support
Ledian: (m/f) object: light clay/leftovers
Nature: calm Evs 252sdf/252hp/4def
Ability:early bird
Light screen
u turn/roost/knock off
1/2)light screen/reflect:your team will withstand physical and special attacks and will last longer with light clay
3)u turn/roost/knock off:u turn: to use it when you finish putting light screen and reflect/roost: ledian will be healing and with light screen and reflection ledian will hold like a tank/knock off:remove objects from a Pokemon and ruin a strategy
4)toxic/safeguard/tailwind:toxic: if ledian supports with light screen and reflection heal with roost with toxic the opponent's Pokemon will lose hp in each turn and it would be almost impossible for him to defeat ledian/tailwind: It is for your team to be faster and with the two screens your team will be fast and will withstand physical and special attacks/safeguard:your team will be immune to status moves like toxic will o wisp or thunther wave

There are 9 gen so I'm going to think of some strategy

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Can you give an explanation of each set?
first set:
1 sword dance with ledian sword dance can increase its physical attack. The downside is that its damage will be very average since with 35 base attack it won't do much good, it has to use sword dance 2 times to do good damage
2 thunder punch/agility/substitute thunder punch is a good option but you will only hit two types effectively, the flying type and the water type but there is this option using agility would be lucky because if they do not do any damage with agility and ledian sword dance it will be almost unstoppable if you don't want ledian raise your speed you can use a pokemon that has sticky web and with that you can another option like using substitute or thunder punch with substitute you can ignore the status attacks as toxic and at the same time withstand a blow the bad thing is that you have to be careful that don't get double hit attacks like dualwingbeat dragon darts or water shuriken
3drain punch: it is to heal from the damage you took with the focus sash and coverage to defend yourself from the steel or rock type
4ice punch: it is a better option to use ice punch than thunder since you will defend yourself against the dragon and ground types since they are widely used types attacks not mentioned in this set: acrobatics after you get hit and sustain that attack with the focus sash you can use acrobatics since you can damage pretty hard
I'm sorry if I didn't mention the other sets right now I'm busy so on another day I mention the explanations of the other sets