Bulky Band (Gen 8)
Vespiquen (F) @ Choice Band
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Attack Order
- Revenge
- U-turn
- Toxic Spikes
Vespiquen is, unfortunately, a god-awful Pokemon. It has one of the worst defensive typings in the entire game (weak to common types such as Electric, Fire, Ice, Flying, and worst of all, a 4x weakness to Rock, meaning it also has a 4x weakness to Stealth Rock), yet it also has good defensive stats. If it had better abilities, a buffed-up speed stat, and just a buff in general to be honest, it would be a great Pokemon. But for now, this, and other defensive sets, are probably the best you'll ever be able to go for (for now at least). So here we go. Banded, Adamant Nature, and probably the only 3 physical moves that can be added to this set. Attack Order is Vespiquen's best physical STAB move, which also has a high critical hit chance and a good BP of 90. Revenge is the only other physical move out there, and is good for Vespiquen because it's slow as heck. If it gets attacked, then Revenge has a BP of 120, which is basically just a slow Close Combat without the defense/sp. def drops. U-turn is a safe way to slowly pivot out, allowing Vespiquen to make sure that the Pokemon being switched in is in healthy condition. And finally, Vespiquen has access to Toxic Spikes, and it's really the only other move I could think of for this set, as Vespiquen's movepool is pretty limited. If it at least had Aerial Ace, I would put it in. Anyways, Unnerve is the ability for this set to cut through berries, and let's be real, Pressure is only useful for PP-stalling Pokemon. Let's hope this fella gets a buff sometime.