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I want a Twisted Spoon and I want to know if the Abra at the Game Corner (HG) will have a 5% chance to hold it?


2 Answers

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Gift Pokémon come with pre-assigned items, meaning they cannot hold the items that wild Pokémon can. These items will always be the item the Pokémon holds when gifted. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, these are:

Gift Pokemon
Spearow @ Grass Mail (Route 35)
Shuckle @ Berry Juice (Cianwood City)
Spiky-eared Pichu @ Zap Plate (Ilex Forest; event-only)
Dialga @ Adamant Orb (Sinjoh Ruins; event-only)
Palkia @ Lustrous Orb (Sinjoh Ruins; event-only)
Giratina @ Griseous Orb (Sinjoh Ruins; event-only)

Static encounters
Ho-Oh @ Sacred Ash (Bell Tower)
Snorlax @ Leftovers (Route 11)

List of in-game event Pokémon in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver (Bulbapedia)

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3 votes

Nope. Only WILD Pokemon can.
