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5 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Rhyperior, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Rhyperior Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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17 Answers

4 votes

Rhyperior (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Rock Wrecker
- Outrage
- Megahorn
- Earthquake

I used the type coverage calculator, and saw that Rock Dragon Bug and Ground.
Gets 222 Normal Effectiveness, and 441 Super Effectiveness. 0 and 0 For Not Very and None.
140 Attack stat, maxed with Nature and EV's, with a Choice band!
Rock Wrecker is pretty much a Guaranteed OHKO against just about anything that it hits Neutral, Outrage is for those pesky dragons (Oh look at me! I have a Garchomp!) Megahorn offers high powered coverage, along with Earthquake for STAB and coverage.
This guy is basically used for killing anything he wants to (that doesn't switch ) and regretting it the next turn, naturally, I love him. This is also the exact same set I use for 1v1 battles.

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2 votes

Rhyperior (M) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Hammer Arm / Megahorn
- Avalanche

I have made this crazy set for Rhyperior and it works for me. His function is to take a (super effective) hit on his normal defense side and then KO the foe.
With his defenses and the Solid Rock he can take a super effective hit quit easily. If you see a special attacker, switch out in to a special wall (i use an Assault Vest Meloetta).

  • PS I am sorry for my grammar but English is not my first language and I have dyslexia.
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I assume you mean the ability Solid Rock and not Rock Head as you say 'With his defences and the rock head he can take a super efective hit quit easely'.
2 votes

I saw some guy doing a set like this and I love it!


Rhyperior @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Solid Rock
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 84 HP / 196 Atk / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Polish
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Ice Punch

  • Rock Polish (On first turn, chances are you will get this twice)
  • Earthquake (stab)
  • Stone Edge (stab again)
  • Ice Punch (deals with those grass and ground types)

Hope you like it; Improvements and constructive criticism is appreciated.

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It's a good set but taken down by special grass and  water moves.
Faces threats like Clawitzer
Telling someone to always use Rock Polish on the first turn is a bad idea, that could get it KO'd a lot.
And Clawitzer will kill it before that
Ok thanks, Maybe use it against something that uses physical attacks so it will survive and activate weakness policy.
Why would you ev train speed? I think you should train HP and attack. Also, a shiny pokemon is not stronger. And jolly has got to be replaced by bold or adamant.
1 vote

Here are two great sets for Rhyperior:

Role: Physical Tank

Rhyperior @ Leftovers

Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 200 HP / 56 Def / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Roar
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast


Rhyperior's defensive movepool is often overlooked. Despite of this, a Tank moveset can be successfully used on Rhyperior.

Because of its sheer bulk, Rhyperior can set up SR reliably. Roar forces out set-up sweepers (even with Substitute up) and also can rack up extra-damage.

Earthquake and Rock Blast are dual STABs. Here Rock Blast is used rather than Stone Edge, so that Rock Blast can break Sashed Pokemon.

Role: Physical Wallbreaker

Rhyperior @ Choice Band

Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Wrecker / Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Megahorn
- Ice Punch


Banded Rhyperior hits especially hard with its EdgeQuake combo and can function well as a wallbreaker.

Rock Wrecker gets STAB and deals a lot of damage, but Stone Edge can be used as a safer alternative without the nasty pause turn. With Stone Edge / Rock Wrecker, Earthquake gets decent coverage and STAB.

Megahorn is coverage against Grass-types and Rock-types, such as Chesnaught and Cresselia.

Ice Punch can easily land OHKOs against certain Pokemon, such as Gliscor / Gligar and Salamence.

Team Options

Pokemon that take advantage over the Water-types and Grass-types Rhyperior lures generally appreciates Rhyperior. Some examples include Rotom-Wash and M-Venusaur.

Zapdos, in particular, shares great synergy with Rhyperior (so does Skarmory).

Although Rhyperior doesn't mind entry-hazards, its team options would require Defog / Rapid Spin support.

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0 votes

Personally, I think Rhyperior can take on many differing sets, mainly because of its diverse movepool. I would think this set may work well:

Rhyperior @ Leftovers / Choice Band
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Thunder Punch / Rock Polish / Stealth Rock
- Megahorn
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

  • Thunder Punch (Coverage) / Rock Polish (Setup and Spe +2) / Stealth Rock (Takes down sash users)
  • Megahorn (More Coverage)
  • Earthquake (STAB)
  • Stone Edge (STAB)

Note: My recommendation for Thunder Punch is only because of the Choice Band option. Otherwise, Rock Polish or Rocks are way better.

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0 votes

Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Megahorn
- Dragon Rush
- Earthquake

  • Stone Edge (Powerful move with an increased critical-hit ratio and has coverage over Ice-types)
  • Megahorn (Powerful move and super-effective against Grass types which Rhyperior has a x4 weakness to)
  • Dragon Rush (Great move and may make opponent flinch)
  • Earthquake (Great move and gives Rhyperior coverage over Steel types)
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what item?
0 votes

Rhyperior @ Assault Vest
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 128 Atk / 136 Def / 244 SpD
Careful Nature
- Rock Wrecker / Stone edge
- Dragon Tail / Avalanche
- Earthquake
- Thunder Punch / Fire punch / Ice punch

With almost max Sp. def investment and assault vest, rhyperiors terrible sp def becomes very good. Its natural bulk in defense means you don't need to invest much into it, and rest thrown into attack.

Rock Wrecker / Stone edge for stab. Rock wrecker is much stronger and has 10% more accuracy, but has the big drawback of recharge. Stone edge for more reliable but weaker hits.

Dragon Tail / Avalanche. Dragon tail is good at getting rid of things switching in and does good damage to dragon types trying to D-dance, and makes their setup worthless. Notably flygon, a strong competitor in its tier.
Avalanche for other dragon counter

Earthquake, for obvious reasons

Elemental punch for coverage

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0 votes

Gen 8 PU
Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast
- Rock Polish
- Swords Dance

You should use Swords Dance and Rock Polish if you force the opponent to switch. Earthquake is strong STAB. Rock Blast is STAB and can break Substitute.

0 votes

Gen 8 RU

Rhyperior @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
- Rock Polish

This moveset is pretty self-explanatory. Earthquake and Stone Edge are STAB moves. Swords Dance boosts your attack. Rock Polish boosts your speed.

0 votes

Bulky Physical Trick Room Sweeper

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Earthquake / High Horsepower
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Ice Punch

Used with Trick Room support. Earthquake and Rock Slide are both strong STAB. High Horsepower to be used in doubles (Rock Slide is good in doubles). Crunch and Megahorn are coverage. The best Trick Room partner/setter in my opinion (for this set) is Bronzong. With Levitate, it is immune to Earthquake meaning you can get the extra power off. Rhydon covers Bronzong's Fire weakness (bearing in mind it has Levitate and not Heatproof), and Bronzong covers Rhydon's Fighting, Ground, and Ice weaknesses (and resists Grass).

Have fun using this set, hope I helped! :D

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0 votes

Gen 8 NU

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 Atk / 80 Def / 176 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Smack Down
- Ice Punch

Rhydon finds a niche in NU as a bulky offensive Stealth Rock setter that can outspeed and beat Copperajah, as well as being able to check fire types. Stealth Rock is for setting up rocks. Earthquake nails things like Copperajah, Dragalge, and Salazzle. Smack Down is for hitting ground immune Pokemon so you can hit them with STAB Earthquake. Ice Punch is for hitting incoming grass types like Rotom-C, Decidueye, and Vileplume. 252 Attack EVs is for maximizing your attack stat. 176 allows you to outspeed up to univested base 60 speed Pokemon. 80 Defense EVs are the leftover EVs that help you take physical hits better. Rhydon fits on teams that struggle against fire types, meaning Rhydon can be paired with Pokemon like Sylveon, Vileplume, and Escavalier. In turn, they can help deal with Pokemon that Rhydon is weak to.

0 votes

Gen 8 NU

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 HP / 20 Atk / 152 SpD / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Blast / Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
- Toxic

Bulky Swords Dance set. Swords Dance is for boosting your attack. Earthquake is strong STAB that allows you to beat poison, steel, and fire types like Copperajah, Dragalge, Toxicroak, Salazzle, and Drapion. Rock Blast is for rock STAB which hits multiple times, whereas Stone Edge has a higher BP and provides good coverage alongside Earthquake. Toxic is to help deal with physically defensive Pokemon like Mudsdale. 252 HP EVs is to help maximize bulk. 20 Attack EVs with Adamant Nature is to give your attacks some power. 84 Speed EVs allows you to outspeed Diancie. The rest of the EVs are dumped into special defense.

0 votes

Rhyperior @ Assault Vest
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Earthquake / High Horsepower
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide
- Avalanche
- Payback

  • Earthquake (High Horsepower for doubles)
  • Stone Edge (Rock Slide may be better in doubles as it hits both opponents)\
  • Avalanche (Rhyperior is a tank and can take hits, most people will try to do chip damage. So Avalanche is most likely 120 base power.)
  • Payback (Coverage, this set is Min Speed so it is also going to most likely be double base power.)

Simple set. Payback for 100 base power dark coverage and Edge-quake to dominate. Rock Slide might do better in doubles, but High Horsepower is necessary in the doubles format unless you have a lot of flying type/levitate Pokemon. Avalanche is almost definitely double base power.

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You can't use Stealth Rock if Assault Vest is the item.
Thanks @ManectricMadness I changed that.
0 votes

Gen 8 NU

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Heat Crash / Megahorn / Swords Dance

This is a Stealth Rock set for use in NU. Stealth Rock is used to setup a hazard that can chip opposing Pokemon switching in. Stone Edge is used for rock STAB that targets Flying-types like Talonflame, Mantine, and Braviary. Earthquake is used for ground STAB that targets Fire, Poison-, and Steel types like Copperajah, Salazzle, Garbodor, etc. Heat Crash is used to OHKO Escavalier. Heat Crash also dents Vileplume and Decidueye, as well as being able to OHKO Rotom-Mow if you predict correctly. Megahorn can be used to chip Grass-types switching in and do more damage to Guzzlord. Swords Dance can be used to make your attacks stronger.

The given EV spread makes this Rhydon set an offensive Stealth Rock setter. 204 Speed EVs allows you to outspeed up to uninvested base 65 speed Pokemon, allowing you to outspeed Vaporeon. 252 Attack EVs maximizes your damage output, and the leftover EVs are put in HP for some bulk. If you prefer a defensive Stealth Rock EV spread, a spread of 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 SpD with Adamant works and can be optimized to fit your team's needs.

0 votes

Trick Room Rhyperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Brave Nature
- Stealth Rock / Hammer Arm
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Outrage / Hammer Arm / Heat Crash / Heavy Slam

I know it seems like a wide range of moves, but its really up to you for what you prefer. I personally like Hammer Arm as the fourth slot to lower speed even lower, but its speed is so low that it really isn't very necessary, especially considering that it is inaccurate. Outrage and Heavy Slam cover a lot of ground, typing wise. Heat Crash is also good, considering how heavy Rhyperior is, although fire is not as good in this set as dragon would be. Stealth Rock to set up is necessary.

0 votes

Gen 9 NU Swords Dance

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Lightning Rod
Tera Type: Water / Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Atk / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Fire Punch / Megahorn

Since Rhydon is an NFE Pokemon, Rhydon can be used in Gen 9 NU. Here is a bulky Swords Dance set that should be used on Bulky Offense teams. Swords Dance allows Rhydon to boost its attack so it can break through teams, making it a potent wincon. Earthquake and Stone Edge are used for Rhydon's powerful STAB moves, forming the EdgeQuake combo that not many Pokemon want to switch into. Fire Punch allows Rhydon to fit Levitate Bronzong super effectively as well as Grass-types such as Decidueye, Hisuian Decidueye, Rotom-Mow, and Hisuian Electrode. Megahorn can be used instead for a stronger coverage move to hit Grass-types as well as being able to OHKO Umbreon after using Swords Dance. Eviolite is used to give Rhydon some bulk.

Be sure to pair this with a Stealth Rocker such as Copperajah as well as Sylveon. Stealth Rock Copperajah lets Rhydon free up a slot so for Swords Dance, and Sylveon can switch into Fighting moves as well as serve as a wishpasser, which Rhydon appreciates having. Rhydon also appreciates having hazard removal, so something like Tsareena is useful.

252 HP EVs are used for bulk. 204 Speed EVs allow Rhydon to outspeed Umbreon so it can deal damage to Umbreon before getting hit by Foul Play. The rest of the EVs are used in Attack with an Adamant Nature to give some power to Rhydon's Attacks.

With Tera, Rhydon can actually utilize Lighting Rod without being a type that doesn't care about Lighting Rod. Tera Water gives Rhydon a nice defensive typing while having an Electric immunity, making Rhydon only have one weakness. :D Tera Dragon is a nice defensive typing that can utilize Lighting Rod since Tera Dragon lets Rhydon wall Hisuian Electrode as well as Rotom-Mow provided it doesn't have Trick.

–1 vote

Gen 7

Rhyperior @ Power Herb
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Skull Bash
- Thunder Punch

  • Dragon Tail: Use if in a tough situation.
  • Earthquake: You know the drill. Cough
  • Skull Bash: When first used, raises Def, & Attacks in 1 turn.
  • Thunder Punch: Water coverage.

(Feedback is appreciated.)

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You should have two STAB moves on a moveset: in this case, Earthquake and Stone Edge. Why Dragon Tail? Ice Punch is better. Skull Bash is also useless, even with a Power Herb. Go for Life Orb and swap out Skull Bash for Stone Edge.