PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
5 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

It is helpful to note that these games were released prior to the Gen 4 physical-special split. Every Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Dark, Ice and Dragon move is Special, and all others are Physical in these games.

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59 Answers

6 votes

Team preview: Charizard, Golduck/Starmie, Raichu, Raticate, Snorlax, Nidoking/Nidoqueen

Charizard - Fire-Flying
Ability: Blaze
Moveset: [Fly][Flamethrower][Earthquake][Dragon Dance/Swords Dance]

Your starter. Fly is HM and gains STAB. Flamethrower gains STAB. Earthquake to take some Rock- and Electric- types. Dragon Dance or Swords Dance to boost your attack

Golduck - Water
Ability: Cloud Nine
Moveset: [Waterfall][Surf][Ice Beam][Calm Mind]

Surfer of the team. Waterfall and Surf is HM and gains STAB. Ice Beam is to take some Grass-types. Calm Mind is to help Golduck resist some Grass-type moves. He is for FireRed

Starmie - Water-Psychic
Ability: Natural Cure
Moveset: [Surf][Waterfall][Ice Beam][Thunderbolt]

Surfer of the team. Waterfall and Surf is HM and gains STAB. Ice Beam and Thunderbolt is boltbeam coverage. She is for LeafGreen

Raichu - Electric
Ability: Static
Moveset: [Thunderbolt][Iron Tail/Brick Break][Seismic Toss][Flash]

Love Raichu♥. Thunderbolt gains STAB. Iron Tail or Brick Break is to take some Rock-types that haves Earthquake(Iron Tail if you choice use Nidoking, Brick Break if you choice use Nidoqueen). Seismic Toss is to deal some damages in Ground-types. Flash is HM.

Raticate - Normal
Ability: Run Away
Moveset: [Cut][Rock Smash][Strength][Endeavor/Super Fang]

Your slave. Cut, Rock Smash and Strength is HMs. Endeavor may help you if your Raticate have much speed. If don't have enough you may put Super Fang.

Snorlax - Normal
Ability: Immunity
Moveset: [Return][Body Slam][Flamethrower][Shadow Ball/Psychic]

Best Normal-type Pokemon. Return and Body Slam gains STAB plus Body Slam have a chance to paralyz the target. Flamethrower is to take some Steel-types. Shadow Ball or Psychic is just to take some other types.

Nidoking/queen - Poison-Ground
Ability: Poison Point
Moveset: [Megahorn/Superpower][Brick Break/Shadow Ball][Sludge Bomb][Dig]

The King and Queen. Megahorn is to take some Psychic-types(Nidoking) or Superpower to take some Ice-types(Nidoqueen). Brick Break is to cover Ice-type weakness(Nidoking) or Shadow Ball to cover Psychic-type weakness(Nidoqueen). Sludge Bomb and Dig gains STAB.

Hope it helps ^_^

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I feel there was no research put into this list. Most of the moves selected do not highlight the chosen Pokemon's strong points, and, sadly, over half the Pokemon chosen in the first place are garbage! I don't mean to disrespect, but there are just way better options for the type selected. Charizard and Snorlax were okay... But their chosen moves are not... The rest can be replaced easily.
Poliwrath > Starmie/Golduck because 1. Golduck sucks, and, 2. Starmie is Water/Psychic with weak stats; best to cover water's job with other attack types (Ground, Rock, Ice, Fighting) and to cover psychic's job with AT LEAST a real psychic Pokemon.
Jolteon > Raichu
Raticate is just an awful choice.
Rhydon > King/Queen
Pretty good team however , if u take lapras as a water type, not only can you handle grass types but also dragon and flying since moves of ice type by an ice type pokémon will have more effectiveness. Ratticate is weak and can be replaced by pinsir or scyther. Even though Raichu learns good moves, jolteon is faster. There could've been more thought put into the moves.
personally i would recomend the starter to be Bulbasaur because he makes the 1st 2 gyms seem like a joke and after those two gyms, you should be able to catch the rest of your team to beat the game
1. Charizard cannot learn Dragon Dance or Swords Dance before post-game, so it doesn't make sense for a moveslot. Replace with coverage or Fire Blast
2. EQ is key for the Nido's to succeed, and isn't neccesary for coverage due to Charizard being weak to all of the types EQ hits SE for. Replace with coverage or Fire Blast
3. Waterfall postgame lmao. Replace with Psychic on both
4. Seismic Toss is only good for extremely late battles, and even then Thunderbolt usually hits harder. Replace with the other physical option
5. Special moves do not do well on Snorlax due to it's low special attack and redundancy. Additionally, two normal moves is a waste of a moveslot. Replace with Brick Break, Shadow Ball and Rest
@BEES2005 The whole point of a "coverage" move in-game is to hit the types you're weak against. Earthquake is an amazing coverage move for Charizard as it hits Rock-types. Fire Blast does nothing but add a worse STAB move when Flamethrower is already there.
Though an argument can be made that EQ is better needed on a different Pokémon.
4 votes

Team Preview: Charizard, Primeape, Raichu, Dugtrio, Snorlax, Lapras

Charizard @ Charcoal/Sharp Beak
Trait - Blaze

  • Flamethrower (STAB)
  • Fly (STAB + HM)
  • Dragon Claw (Coverage)
  • Steel Wing (Coverage)

Charizard is a great Pokémon in Special Attack and Speed and arguably the best Fire-Type option in the game.

Primeape @ Black Belt
Trait - Vital Spirit

  • Brick Break (STAB)
  • Bulk Up (Setting Up)
  • Earthquake (Coverage)
  • Thrash (Strong Filler)

Primeape is a great Pokémon in Attack and Speed and helps get past Brock at the beginning of the game.

Raichu @ Magnet
Trait - Static

  • Thunderbolt (STAB)
  • Thunderwave (Status)
  • Iron Tail (Coverage)
  • Dig (Coverage)

Raichu is very underrated and is actually a great Pokémon in offence and Speed and helps quite a lot in the game.

Dugtrio @ Soft Sand
Trait - Arena Trap

  • Earthquake (STAB)
  • Aerial Ace (Coverage)
  • Sludge Bomb (Coverage)
  • Tri-Attack (Filler)

Dugtrio is the ultimate revenge killer with great Speed and Attack and pretty powerful attacks and helps out with Lt. Surge.

Snorlax @ Silk Scarf
Trait - Thick Fat

  • Body Slam (STAB)
  • Shadow Ball (Coverage)
  • Yawn (Status)
  • Rest (Filler)

Snorlax has always been a great Pokémon with great HP, Attack and Special Defence and great movepool.

Lapras @ Mystic Water/NeverMeltIce
Trait - Water Absorb

  • Surf (STAB + HM)
  • Ice Beam (STAB)
  • Psychic (Coverage)
  • Thunderbolt (Coverage)

Lapras, just like Snorlax, has always been a great Pokémon with great stats across the board.

Really great team.
Only suggestion is to run Snore/Sleep Talk on Snorlax so that it isn't useless during rest.
A personal favorite set of mine is
Snorlax@ Sitrus/Cheri berry(Don't remember the exact names.One restores 30 HP, other wakes up from sleep)
Belly Drum
Earthquake/Shadow Ball/Any physical filler
for dugtrio i just ran Slash instead of Tri-Attack and On Primeape I ran Strentgh instead of thrash because reasons
This is an amazing team.
4 votes

Team for only Charizard and Venusaur (Blastoise sucks in-game, having very poor movepool and stats).

Charizard team: [Charizard / Raichu / Lapras / Snorlax / Nidoking / Vileplume or Victreebel]
Venusaur team: [Venusaur / Arcanine or Ninetales / Lapras / Snorlax / Nidoking / Fearow]

Fire Types:

Charizard Arcanine Ninetales

Ability: Blaze
- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Steel Wing [TM]
- Slash / Dragon Claw [TM]

Charmander as the starter. Flamethrower and Fly are Stab, the latter one is HM. Steel Wing for Rock Coverage, Slash for neutral coverage. Dragon Claw is useful for Lance.

Ability: Intimidate
- Flamethrower
- Extreme Speed
- Strength
- Rock Smash

Growlithe is available at Routes 7 and 8. Flamethrower is Stab, Extremespeed is Mandatory. Strength and Rock Smash are HMs, partly a HM Slave.

Ninetales (F)
Ability: Flash Fire
- Flamethrower
- Confuse Ray
- Will-O-Wisp
- Attract [TM]

Vulpix is available at routes 7 and 8. Flamethrower are Stab. The rest are to cripple a tough opponent.

Water type:


Ability: Water Absorb / Shell Armor
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Psychic [TM]

Lapras is given as a gift in Silph Co. Surf and Waterfall are useful HMs. I would never miss Ice Beam if it is learnt by level up. Psychic for Fighting coverage.

Grass or Electric type:

Venusaur Raichu Vileplume Victreebel

Ability: Static
- Thunderbolt
- Iron Tail (or any other move / HM) [TM]
- Flash
- Thunder Wave (filler)

Thunderbolt is Stab. Iron Tail is for neutral coverage. Flash is a useful HM.

Ability: Overgrow
- Leech Seed
- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain [TM]/ Any attacking move.
- Synthesis

Great staller if you use him correctly. Bulbasaur as a starter. Sleep Powder for catching 'mons, and also great to use against Gym Leaders and E4. Giga Drain is a STAB, Synthesis for healing.

- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain [TM] / Solar Beam [TM]
- Moonlight
- Sunny Day [TM]

Oddish is available at routes 5 and 6.

- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain [TM]/ Solar Beam [TM]
- Slam / Sunny Day [TM]
- Cut

Bellsprout is available at routes 5 and 6. Sleep Powder is to catch mons easily. Giga Drain is Stab. Slam is neutral coverage. Cut is meh Hm.

Normal type:


Ability: Immunity / Thick Fat
- Body Slam
- Yawn
- Brick Break [TM] / Rock Tomb [TM] / Focus Punch [TM]
- Shadow Ball [TM]

You don't want to miss this beast. This is the Junior Slaking without Traunt. Snorlax is available in the Vermillion City (after you acquire Pokéflute). Body Slam is Stab. Yawn to support makes the opponent sleepy. Choose your choice of fighting type and Rock Type move, Fighting to cover rock and steel types whom you can't hit neutrally, and rock type moves are just a filler (you don't have any other rock types). Shadow Ball can be bought in the Game Corner of Celadon City (don't spend too much on others)

Ground type:


Ability: Poison Point
- Dig [TM] -> Earthquake [TM]
- Thrash
- Megahorn
- Sludge Bomb [TM]

Do you want to miss Nidoking? No. Catch purple Nidoran before you enter Mt. Moon. Dig, Earthquake and Sludge Bomb are Stab. Thrash is Neutral Coverage. Megahorn to hit Psychic types (though destroyed by Alakazam).

In leafgreen, you can trade nidoran female with nidoran male with an npc in the exit of underground path near vermillion city.



- Fly
- Drill Peck
- Steel Wing [TM]
- Mirror Move / Return [TM]

Fearow is a decent Flyer (atleast better than Pidgeot, you need more Attack, not defense for playthroughs). You can get a spearow very early. Fly, Return and Drill Peck are Stab, former is a HM. Steel Wing is Coverage.

Brock: If you choose Bulba, no trouble. If char, overlevel and try to get pass.
Misty: Grass Types, Pikachu
Lt Surge: Nidoking with Dig
Erika: Fire types, Fearow
Koga: Nidoking with Dig, Lapras with Psychic
Sabrina: Visit her Gym at last if you want to quickly finish the game, else struggle with Snorlax.
Blaine: Lapras and Nidoking
Giovanni: Lapras, Grass types.

Lorelei: Fire Types, Raichu
Bruno: Charizard, Fearow, Grass types for Onix
Agatha: Stall? Stall them back with Ninetales (LG) or Vileplume (FR). Else Lapras' Psychic.
Lance: Lapras, Charizard, Snorlax

Pidgeot: Lapras, Raichu, Snorlax
Alakazam: Snorlax, Arcanine (extremespeed)
Rhydon: Lapras, Grass types
Exeggutor: Fire types, Fearow
Gyarados: Snorlax, Raichu or Stall with Venusaur
Charizard: Snorlax, Lapras
Blastoise: Raichu, Vileplume, Victreebel

TM Locations

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Good team but I recommend giving Shadow ball to Snorlax, if you do give it, Sabrina, Agatha and Blue's Alakazam and other Ghost and Psychic types will be a joke as Shadow ball is PHYSICAL attack in this generation
I avoided those TMs which are only obtained from Game Corner.
Oh, ok. I got those TMs. (*whispers* by using PKHex to save the time of getting enough coins....) A kinda long but good method is just buying the coins from the Game corner, keep buying coins (not too much, don't drain all the money u have) and when you have enough get the tm you want, after all getting money in pokemon games is a breeze (if you save a lot of money you get in battles you can have A LOT, I got a lot myself trust me) so yea you can get Shadow ball and maybe Ice beam too.
Well, I play LeafGreen, can I use nidoqueen to replace with nidoking? (since in LeafGreen, female nidoran is more common than male nidoran)
You can trade nidoran female with a male near the exit of underground path.
3 votes

Bulbasaur as starter: Venusaur, Dugtrio, Jolteon, Lapras, Snorlax, Fearow

Venusaur: Razor Leaf/Frenzy Plant, Sleep Powder, Cut/Strength/Sludge Bomb, Earthquake
Your starter evolution if you chose Bulbasaur.
Razor Leaf provides a STAB attack with a lot more PP than Giga Drain. Frenzy Plant is actually a good move for an ingame run, so it can be used as a good finishing blow to the foe. Unfortunately SLudge Bomb is only available as a TM later in the game, after the Elite 4, and as such is not as much a viable ingame move. You can replace Cut for it when you do get it though. Strength can also be used as an HM over Cut, if your Snorlax is wanting Thunderbolt or Thunder this is a good idea. Sleep Powder can give Venusaur the chance to win some otherwise tough battles and also makes it easier to catch wild Pokemon. Cut is an HM. Earthquake is high powered and provides coverage.

Dugtrio: Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Rock Smash/Cut, Rock Slide
You can catch Dugtrio at Level 31 in Diglett's Cave, which at that point in the game might be a higher level than your starter Pokemon. If not, then it will still likely be a higher level than the rest of your team. With high Speed and solid Attack, Dugtrio is a solid Pokemon for ingame. Arena Trap even makes wild encounters more likely, which can be helpful for training or finding a specific Pokemon. Earthquake is very high powered STAB with great coverage. Aerial Ace is coverage, as is Rock Slide. Rock Smash is an HM move, although if Venusaur is using Sludge Bomb or Strength you might want to use Cut.

Jolteon: Thunder/Thunderbolt, Pin Missile, Double Kick, Rain Dance/Flash
A powerful Electric type, it has excellent sweeping stats and so can do huge damage. Volt Absorb is also a solid ability, as immunities are even better ingame than in competitive. It might not have much of a movepool but it still proves itself a helpful member of the team. Thunderbolt is unfortunately a TM, so if you want Lapras to have it, Thunder is the way to go. Thunder is also the way to go if using Rain Dance. Pin Missile helps out against the Abra family. Double Kick against Normal types such as Snorlax. Rain Dance gives Thunder 100% accuracy, strengthens Lapras's Water type attacks, and removes Venusaur's Fire weakness. Flash however can get rid of your foe's accuracy, making wild Pokemon and stronger foes do nothing to you, as well as provides you with an HM. However, Flash is not one of those needed HMs, as some people can navigate through the caves without its use. If you have trouble with this though, Flash is the way to go.

Lapras: Surf, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt/Thunder
Your Water HM Slave. It is used over other Water types mainly due to its STAB Ice attacks. Lapras proves incredibly useful against the Elite 4. Surf is considered by many to be the most important of the HM moves and it also is an awesome attack. Waterfall can back up a Surf that is out of PP, but more importantly it is an HM. Ice Beam is a great STAB move. Thunderbolt is coverage, although Thunder can be used if running Rain Dance on Jolteon.

Snorlax: Return, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Strength/Thunderbolt/Thunder/Focus Punch
Snorlax is an excellent Pokemon, having high stats, two useful abilities, and a good movepool. It also comes at a decently high level, not Dugtrio high, but good enough for that point in the game. Return hits hard with STAB. Shadow Ball gets coverage as well as hits any Gengars that Agatha uses against you. Flamethrower provides coverage also. The last move has mutliple solid options. Strength is an HM that backs up the PP of Return. However, you can use Thunderbolt or Thunder (depending which you used on Lapras) to provide type coverage. Focus Punch is the final choice, and it can be useful as an incredibly high powered attack when your opponent uses a status move. However, due to the unpredictable nature of the AI, this might not be your best option.

Fearow: Drill Peck, Fly, Steel Wing, Hyper Beam
Your Flying type. You get it early on in the game, meaning you can start training it right away. Fly is a favored HM because it lets you get from place to place with ease. Drill Peck is a much more useful move for battling though. Steel Wing provides type coverage. STAB Hyper Beam is a powerful finishing move, and is actually good for ingame use.

The Arena Trap out of battle effect is only from Pokemon Emerald and above, ie, ineffective in FRLG
1.Venusaur set nice,but a one with leech seed would be better.
2.Don't recommend double kick and pin missile on Jolteon due to pitiful attack.
3.Don't use flamethrower,thunder or thunderbolt on Snorlax due to low Sp.attack.
4.Use substitute on Snorlax if running focus punch.
That's all. Nice team apart from this
I accidentally defeated both of the snorlax, so I just got a dragonite, but I don't know what moves to give it before the E4. Any suggestions?
2 votes

Charmander as starter: Charizard, Primeape, Parasect, Dugtrio, Jolteon, Lapras

Charizard: Fly, Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Return
Your starter Pokemon. Flamethrower is STAB of course and has better PP and accuracy than Fire Blast and Heat Wave. Dragon Claw hits off of Charizard's higher Special Attack and provides perfect neutral coverage with Flamethrower. Of course, Dragon Claw has awful Super-Effective coverage, only helping out against Lance. Return is a high powered attack with a lot of PP. So it is good for ingame use. Fly is one of those HMs that I couldn't do without. On Charizard it gets STAB. Fly is a good move for ingame use, as your opponent will never switch out.

Primeape: Brick Break, Earthquake, Thief, Strength
It proves its worth early if you haven't leveled up Charmander enough to get Metal Claw. And with solid offense and solid Speed, in addition to Vital Spirit (no sleep clause ingame can get you) Primeape is a solid addition to any team. Brick Break is STAB with a good amount of PP and reliable accuracy (unlike Cross Chop). Earthquake is high powered coverage. Thief can hit the Gengar line but its main use is to steal items from Wild Pokemon. Strength is an HM move.

Parasect: Spore, Cut, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain
-Spore is for use in catching Wild Pokemon, and helps Parasect actually take down foes. Cut is an HM. Sludge Bomb is one of the most powerful attacks this thing gets. Giga Drain is STAB.

Dugtrio: Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Rock Smash, Rock Slide
You can catch Dugtrio at Level 31 in Diglett's Cave, which at that point in the game might be a higher level than your starter Pokemon. If not, then it will still likely be a higher level than the rest of your team. With high Speed and solid Attack, Dugtrio is a solid Pokemon for ingame. Arena Trap even makes wild encounters more likely, which can be helpful for training or finding a specific Pokemon. Earthquake is very high powered STAB with great coverage. Aerial Ace is coverage, as is Rock Slide. Rock Smash is an HM move.

Jolteon: Thunder/Thunderbolt, Pin Missile, Double Kick, Rain Dance/Flash
A powerful Electric type, it has excellent sweeping stats and so can do huge damage. Volt Absorb is also a solid ability, as immunities are even better ingame than in competitive. It might not have much of a movepool but it still proves itself a helpful member of the team. Thunderbolt is unfortunately a TM, so if you want Lapras to have it, Thunder is the way to go. Thunder is also the way to go if using Rain Dance. Pin Missile helps out against the Abra family. Double Kick against Normal types such as Snorlax. Rain Dance gives Thunder 100% accuracy, strengthens Lapras's Water type attacks, and helps with Parasect's Fire weakness. Flash however can get rid of your foe's accuracy, making wild Pokemon and stronger foes do nothing to you, as well as provides you with an HM. However, Flash is not one of those needed HMs, as some people can navigate through the caves without its use. If you have trouble with this though, Flash is the way to go.

Lapras: Surf, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt/Thunder
Your Water HM Slave. It is used over other Water types mainly due to its STAB Ice attacks. Lapras proves incredibly useful against the Elite 4. Surf is considered by many to be the most important of the HM moves and it also is an awesome attack. Waterfall can back up a Surf that is out of PP, but more importantly it is an HM. Ice Beam is a great STAB move. Thunderbolt is coverage, although Thunder can be used if running Rain Dance on Jolteon.

edited by
awful jolteon set
I would replace either Pin Missile or Double Kick with Thunder Wave or Shock Wave
2 votes

My team: Charizard, Nidoking, Victreebel, Hitmonlee, Snorlax, Starmie


  • Fly (HM02)
  • Flamethrower (Lvl 34)
  • Slash (Lvl 44)
  • Blast Burn (Move Tutor at Cape Brink)

Charizard has very good Sp. Atk. and all around good stats. It is the fire type starter. It is weak to: Rock(x4), Water(x2) and Electric(x2). Ground attacks will have no effect on Charizard. Fly is a strong flying type move, and also a useful HM. Flamethrower is a very strong fire type move that may cause a burn on the foe. Slash is good because of the high critical hit ratio. Blast Burn is Charizard's signature move and is an extremely powerful fire type move. Unfortunately the user of Blast Burn must recharge next round. Charizard has the ability Blaze that boosts fire type moves by 50% when the Pokémon's HP is under a third of its maximum.


  • Megahorn (Lvl. 43)
  • Earthquake (TM26)
  • Thrash (Lvl. 22)
  • Iron Tail (TM23)

Nidoking has all around good stats. The Attack is the best. You can catch Nidoran(Male) Lvl. 5-9 after you've beaten the first gym. It is weak to: Psych(x2), Ice(x2), Water(x2) and Ground(x2). Electric attacks will have no effect on Nidoking. Megahorn is the strongest bug type move in the game, and it has no additional effects. Earthquake is a very strong ground type move, and will do double damage on foes that is underground during Dig. Thrash is a strong normal type move that confuses the user after two-three turns. Iron Tail is a very good steel type move that may lower the opponents defense. Nidoking has the ability Poison Point that may poison the foe on contant.


  • Sludge Bomb (TM36)
  • Sunny Day (TM11)
  • Solarbeam (TM22)
  • Sleep Powder (Lvl. 15)

Victreebel has great Attack and Sp. Atk. You can catch Bellsprout Lvl. 8-12 in the grass north of Cerulean City. It is weak to: Fire(x2), Flying(x2), Ice(x2) and Psych(x2). Sludge Bomb is a strong poison type move that may poison the foe. Sunny Day is good combinated with Solarbeam. Solarbeam is an extremely powerful grass type move that will only work when the sun is out. Sleep Powder makes the foe fall asleep, and is good for hard battles and for catching Pokémon. Victreebell has the ability Chlorophyll that raises it's Speed in sunshine.


  • Rock Slide (Move Tutor in Rock Tunnel)
  • Brick Break (Lvl. 20)
  • Strength (HM04)
  • Bulk Up (TM08)

Hitmonlee has awesome Attack and Sp. Def. You can get Hitmonlee Lvl. 25 from the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City. It is weak to: Psych(x2) and Flying(x2). Rock Slide is a good rock type move that makes it easier to deal with birds. Brick Break is powrful and will break barriers like Reflect and Light Screen. Strength is a good normal type move, and a useful HM. Bulk Up raises the user's Attack and Defense by one step and is good for strategy battling. Hitmonlee has the ability Limber, so it can't be paralyzed.


  • Body Slam (Lvl. 33)
  • Shadow Ball (TM30)
  • Brick Break (TM31)
  • Yawn (Lvl. 21)

Snorlax has awesome HP, Attack and Sp. Def. You can catch two Snorlax after you've got the PokéFlute. It is weak to: Fighting(x2). Ghost attacks will have no effect on Snorlax. Body Slam is a normal type move that may paralyze the foe. Shadow Ball is a strong ghost type move that may lower the foe's Sp. Def. Brick Break is powerful and will break barriers as Reflect and Light Screen. Yawn make the foe fall asleep and is good for long battles and for cathcing legendaries.
Snorlax has the ability Thick Fat, so ice and fire attacks will do less damage.


  • Ice Beam (TM13)
  • Psychic (TM29)
  • Surf (HM03)
  • Thunderbolt (TM24)

Starmie has great Sp. Atk. and Speed. You can catch Staryu Lvl. 15-30 with the Super Rod several places in the game. It is weak to: Grass(x2), Electric(x2), Bug(x2), Dark(x2) and Ghost(x2). Ice Beam is very strong and may freeze the foe. Psychic is very good and may lower the foe's Sp. Def. Surf is a strong water type move, and a necessary HM. Thunderbolt is very powerful and may paralyze the foe. Starmie has the ability Natural Cure, so it will heal all status problems when switching out.

I've used this team a lot of times, and it really works good for me. I hope you try it out, cause it's a great combination. Good luck:)

To prevent confusion by "sun is out", he means, that weather conditions other than full sun or no weather will  be the only times it will be effective, otherwise halved in sandstorm, rain or hail
Great team.Only problem is that it's exclusive to Leaf green.
For those who have Fire red, replace Starmie with a Lapras using the exact same moveset.
Victreebel can be replaced with Exeggutor having the same moveset but using Toxic/Psychic/Confusion instead of Sludge Bomb.
Also, if you don't mind being a bit reckless giving Charizard Double Edge to ensure that Blaze is utilized is also a nice idea.
2 votes

Here's a team I like a lot. No trading required:

-Aerial Ace
-Slash/Dragon Claw

It's a Charizard, you know what it does. Aerial Ace won't get tons of use, but it's nice to be able to hit Fighting types without wasting a turn on Fly. You could swap Slash for Dragon Claw, I just didn't want to spend the TM and I like Slash's critical hit rate. Dragon Claw gives better coverage (nothing resists both Fire and Dragon) and comes off Charizard's generally higher Special Attack, but Slash isn't far behind, leaving you vulnerable only to Rock types, which Charizard has no business fighting anyway. Dragon Claw will only give you super effective damage against Lance, and Ice moves are a better choice there. Fly is self-explanatory.

Exeggutor (hold Leftovers - found under each Snorlax)
-Giga Drain (use a couple PP Ups on this)
-Leech Seed
-Sleep Powder/Hypnosis/Toxic

Exeggutor has a lot more staying power than you might think, especially with Leftovers and the draining moves. Sleep Powder is better than Hypnosis, but it might not be worth sticking with Exeggcute until level 37. Swapping out Sleep Powder for Toxic is justifiable, but sleep is more useful for catching things and anything can learn Toxic. Other Grass-types have their uses, but Exeggutor is the strongest overall; Psychic is a much better secondary type than Poison. This gives you a good Psychic-type without having to trade for Alakazam.

-Ice Beam

Lapras is tough and a great special attacker. Pure electric types are pretty weak and non-versatile in this game (other than Zapdos, and I try to avoid legendaries in-game), so I prefer to stick a good Electric attack on something else. Lapras is excellent in this role, because it resists other water types and can hit them hard with Thunder/Thunderbolt. Surf and Ice Beam are obviously strong attacks that get type bonuses, and the last slot can be for a utility/support move or any HM you're lacking elsewhere - Lapras can learn Strength and Rock Smash too. Lapras with this set will be EXTREMELY useful against the Elite Four.

Snorlax (hold Leftovers - can be found under each Snorlax)
-Body Slam/Return
-Shadow Ball
-Sleep Talk/Toxic/Counter

Snorlax is a strong Pokemon, and with Rest and Leftovers he'll be very hard to kill. Body Slam hits hard and might paralyze, helping with Snorlax's abysmal speed (and this team is fairly slow in general). Return is a stronger option if you can paralyze another way. Shadow Ball, surprisingly, is a physical move in these games. This makes Snorlax incredibly effective against both Psychics and Ghosts, as he has a really high Special Defense and HP to soak up their attacks, doesn't care much about falling asleep, and hits them back with a super-effective Shadow Ball. He's a great counter to your rival's Alakazam, Agatha's ghosts, and Sabrina's gym, while being a strong counter to just about anything without Fighting moves. Either Ability is good; I think Thick Fat is more useful than Immunity but it's up to preference.
Toxic is not really recommended here as it makes you vulnerable while asleep, but it's always an option if you need to wear something down. Counter is also probably not the best choice, but Snorlax has the HP to make it deadly in the right situation.

Rhydon (hold Quick Claw)
-Rock Slide
-Focus Punch/Cut/Double-Edge/Megahorn

Rhydon is a great physical tank, and counters all Electric-types, along with Normal and most Flying-types. Earthquake is ridiculously strong in general coming off Rhydon's high Attack, and Rock Slide takes care of Flying Pokemon that are immune to EQ. Focus Punch is somewhat hard to use, but will hit Normals extremely hard. Don't bother with Brick Break; even when super effective it's not any stronger than EQ. Double-Edge deserves mention if your Rhydon has the Rock Head ability, which eliminates Double-Edge's high recoil. Again, though, it has limited use as compared to Earthquake or a super-effective Rock Slide. Megahorn is a very strong Bug-type move, giving you a nice way to deal with Psychics (and Grass-types, but Rhydon shouldn't stay in against them) but Rhydon doesn't get it until well past level 60, and Snorlax is a better way to deal with them anyway as it can take special attacks much better. You can safely make the last two moves HM's, but if Cut is on something else you can go for something more interesting.

This leaves you with one more slot for something of your choosing! An Electric or Fighting-type is a good choice, but they don't really give you much the above team doesn't. Jolteon, or Electabuzz if you're playing Fire Red, are the strongest options (not counting Zapdos), but neither can learn much besides Electric moves. They are fast, though, and can paralyze things with Thunder Wave. They also can learn Flash. A Pikachu/Raichu is useful until you can get Lapras, but is outclassed by Jolteon and Electabuzz as a dedicated Electric type.
The best Fighting types are Hitmonlee and Primeape, unless you can trade for Machamp. I typically use a Mankey/Primeape for the first part of the game, but it's really not necessary once you get Rhyhorn, which is much more durable, resists Normal (as well as Flying), and hits harder in general. Literally the only thing a Fighting type has over Rhydon is STAB fighting moves, which isn't really enough to justify a party slot.
Dragonite is also a strong option here, with a versatile movepool to fill any niches you want, and the stats to do almost anything. However, it's fairly tedious to raise one. Nidoking/Nidoqueen are more easily obtained, and also have very wide movepools. They are also good Ground-types until you can get Rhyhorn, though they face competition from Diglett for that role. They're sturdier than Diglett and more versatile, but slower.
A more support/utility type Pokemon is also an option. Something with a lot of status moves, perhaps, or something good at catching other Pokemon. Scyther (Fire Red only) and Farfetch'd can learn False Swipe, which will always leave the enemy with at least 1 HP, allowing you to whittle down something's health without worry. Scyther is also strong and fast in its own right, though it can't learn that many moves.
Otherwise, you can use this as a slot for a general HM slave. The core I listed lacks Flash, and won't have Cut until very late (only Rhydon can learn it, not Rhyhorn) so you'll need something to use those moves. Meowth is a good one for those if you're on Leaf Green, and comes with the bonus of the Pickup ability. Free items!

Really great team. I seriously like it.
Only suggestion would be to use both Slash and Dragon claw on Charizard and use only one out of Fly and Aerial Ace.
U could also use Earthquake instead of Slash/Dragon claw
A great team that I would definitely use but I would rather have a Victreebell to replace Exeggutor then put a psychic type as my final choice, someone like Hypno, Mr. Mime or an Alakazam if you want to trade for it.
I noticed one thing about your team's speed. You could put Sunny Day on Exeggutor instead of the status moved. It's speed will double due to It's ability Chlorophyll.
2 votes

My team: Charizard, Seadra, Gyarados, Electrode, Primeape, Alakazam

Charizard - Fire/ Flying
enter image description here
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Modest/ Timid
- Flamethrower
- Wing Attack
- Metal Claw/ Steel Wing
- Fly
Flying Red Lizard! My starter, obtained very early in the game. Flamethrower and Wing Attack gain STAB, Fly use for traveling, Metal Claw or Steel Wing cover Rock weakness. I found it hard to catch Fire type Pokemon in this version because they are very rare, also using Charizard helps me having one more slot for other Pokemon instead of a Flying type one.

Seadra - Water
enter image description here
Ability: Poison Point
Nature: Modest/ Timid
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Twister
Pure Water Type Dragon! Using him to deal with other Dragon type gives him a big advantage since Dragon and Ice moves have normal effects on him, but remember his poor Sp. Def. Surf and Waterfall gain STAB and use for traveling, Ice Beam and Twister turn him into a dragon-killer.

Gyarados - Water/ Flying
enter image description here
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Jolly/ Adamant
- Rain Dance
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Idk, Hydro Pump?
Rage Dragon! Honestly, I didn't mean to use him at first but when I bought him from the saleman in the PC near Mt. Moon, he was a shiny Magikarp. Rain Dance to power up Seadra's Water moves, Dragon Dance gives him Attack and Speed, Earthquake deals with Electric type. I also have one last slot, maybe you can choose Hydro Pump to give him STAB or other physical moves like Body Slam, Double-Edge,...

Electrode - Electric
enter image description here
Ability: Static
Nature: Modest/ Timid
- Spark/ Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Light Screen
- Flash/ Thunder
Fast and furious Pokeball! His Speed and Defense outweight Raichu's and Jolteon's. Spark or Thunderbolt give him STAB, Thunder Wave paralyzes the target, Light Screen improves the team's Sp. Def in 5 turns, Flash uses for lighting up dark areas and lowering opponent's Accuracy or you can try using Thunder during Gyarados's Rain Dance.

Primeape - Fighting
enter image description here
Ability: Vital Spirit
Nature: Jolly/ Adamant
- Brick Break
- Focus Energy
- Strength
- Rock Slide
Angry Pig Monkey! I prefer him to Machamp because he looks more "Pokemon" than humanoid-Machamp. Brick Break STAB, pairs with Focus Energy makes critical hits land more easily. Strength use for moving boulders and dealing massive damage, Rock Slide takes care of Flying weakness.

Kadabra/Alakazam - Psychic
enter image description here
Ability: Synchronoize
Nature: Modest/ Timid
- Psychic
- Recover
- Reflect
- Calm Mind
Foxy Genius! Since I figured out how to trade using My Boy emulator, I replaced Hypno with Alakazam. Catching this guy may make you exhausted. Psychic gains STAB, Recover regains half of his maximum HP, Reflect cuts down the power of physical moves in 5 turns, Calm Mind gives him Sp. Attack and Sp. Def.

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Really great team.Nice mix of status and offensive moves.
I liked the Gyarados set the most.The last move better be Double edge or Aerial ace.
The only suggestion is not to use both Wing attack and Fly on Charizard,add Dragon claw as a replacement.
That's all,Really great team
2 votes

My Leafgreen Team: Venusaur,Primeape,Golem,Dodrio,Jolteon,Starmie.

Venusaur - Grass/Poison
enter image description here

Nature: Naive
Abillity: Overgrow
Moves: Frenzy Plant,Solarbeam,Leech Seed,Sleep Powder

The Best Movepool from all the starters in the game. Why? 'cause it get leech seed very early and sleep powder too,it can Sweep almost every gym in the game. its like the combo of hypnosis and dream eater . Frenzy Plant and solarbeam are STAB powerful Moves.

Primeape - Fighting
enter image description here

Nature: Naughty
Abillity: Vital Spirit
Moves: Cross Chop,Brick Break,Strength,Swagger

Has very high speed and attack stats and available very early and learns unquie moves that usually fighting types can't learn in level up and TMs. Cross Chop is STAB and makes the Opponet Flinch, Brick Break is STAB to for breaking barriers like light screen and reflect, Strength is HM and Swagger is to Confuse the opponet and if the opponet hurt imself in the confusion it gets a lot of pain.

Graveler/Golem - Rock/Ground
enter image description here

Nature: Rash
Abillity: Sturdy
Moves: Rock Slide,Rock Blast,Earthquake,Explosion

Has Very high defnse and attack stats and can protect on venusaur against fire types. Rock Slide is STAB and can make the opponet Flinching, Rock Blast is also STAB for multi target attack that sometimes can do huge pain to the opponet, Earthquake is STAB too against a lot of types that Graveler and Golem are weak to, Explosion can make the opponent faint with one hit against strong opponents.

Dodrio - Normal/Flying
enter image description here

Nature: Docile
Abillity: Run Away
Moves: Drill Peck,Fly,Aerial Ace,Tri Attack

The Stornget flying Types in thr game (not imclude Legandarys and dragon types.
Learns Useful moves in levrl up and TMs. Drill Peck is STAB and one of the strongest flying type moves, Fly is STAB and HM, Aerial Ace is STAB and it never misses its target, Tri Attack is STAB and also can paralyz/burn/freeze the opponet.

Jolteon - Electric
enter image description here

Nature: Naughty
Abillity: Volt Absorb
Moves: Thunder,Thunderolt,Shock Wave,Thunder Wave

The Speedst Electric type for sweeping opponet like the speed of the light. Thunder STAB and Strong Move, Thunderbolt STAB and Strong Moves and Has 100% Accuarcy, Shock wave STAB and never misses, Thunder Wave 100% paralyz move and useful to catch Pokemon.

Starmie - Water/Psychic

enter image description here

Nature: Bold
Abillity: Natural Cure
Moves: Hydro Pump,Surf,Psychic,Cosmic Power

Has Very wide movepool in TMs and level up and has very useful typing and high stats and can sweep battles very easily.
Hydro Pump,Surf and Psychic are STAB and very strong moves, Cosmic power raises Defensive stats and make Starmie as a mini Defensive Wall.

edited by
"The Stornget flying Types in thr game (not imclude Legandarys and dragon types." oh boy the amount of typos in that sentence.
2 votes

Ability: Overgrow
Recommended Nature: Balanced (Hardy, Bashful, Serious, etc.)

  • Sludge Bomb
  • Sleep Powder/Toxic
  • Giga Drain
  • Razor Leaf

Sludge Bomb is a good STAB move that can also poison the foe. Sleep Powder is useful as having your foe asleep can lead to free recovery, swap outs or attacks and Toxic is the best move for poison as it does more damage the longer it lingers. Giga Drain gets STAB and keeps Venusaur from fainting and Razor Leaf also gets STAB, has a high Critical Hit ratio but is mainly for PP saving.

Choose Bulbasaur as your Starter Pokemon.

Ability: Poison Point/Rivalry
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Att, -Sp. A)

  • Megahorn/Superpower
  • Thrash/Body Slam
  • Earthquake
  • Brick Break/Shadow Ball

Megahorn (Male) is a very strong move that covers Psychic types and Superpower (Female) is also very strong and covers Ice types. Thrash (M) is a strong move that can be used to cover things that his over moves can't, however this move will leave Nidoking confused after 2/3 moves so keep this in mind. Body Slam deals less damage than Thrash but has no backfire and can Paralyse the foe. Earthquake is a very strong STAB move mainly in the moveset to deal huge damage. Brick Break covers Ice type for Nidoking and Shadow Ball covers Psychic type for Nidoqueen. Personally I would go with Nidoking due to his more offensive stats.

Find Nidoran (M/F) on Route 3, east of Pewter City

Ability: Volt Absorb
Recommended Nature: Modest (+Sp. A, -Att)

  • Thunderbolt
  • Iron Tail
  • Double Kick
  • Pin Missile

Thunderbolt gets STAB and has a chance to paralyse the foe. Iron Tail, Double Kick and Pin Missile are all for coverage (These three moves cover Ice, Rock, Bug, Psychic, Grass, Normal and Steel) and make Jolteon good for taking out many Pokémon.

Take the Eevee from the Pokémon Mansion in Celadon City.

Ability: Early Bird/Run Away/Pressure
Recommended Ability: Adamant (+Att, -Sp. A)

  • Fly
  • Aerial Ace
  • Steel Wing
  • Tri-Attack/Rock Slide

Dodrio and Aerodactyl may be a weird comparison but Dodrio is weaker, found at a higher level and earlier in the game but Aerodactyl is stronger, received at a lower level and later in the game. Fly gets STAB and is useful for getting around Kanto, Aerial is a PP saver and is good if you don't like the 2 turn process of Fly. Steel Wing is for Rock Type and Ice Type coverage. Tri-Attack (Dodrio) gets STAB and can either Burn, Freeze or Paralyse the foe while Rock Slide (Aerodactyl) can flinch the foe and also gets STAB. Personally I would recommend Dodrio due to how much easier it is to obtain.

Catch Doduo on Route 16, west of Celadon City. Receive an Old Amber from the scientist in the back room of the Pewter City Museum and resurrect in the Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island.

Ability: Thick Fat/Immunity
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Att, -Sp. A), Careful (+Sp. D, -Sp. A)

  • Body Slam
  • Shadow Ball
  • Yawn/Rest
  • Brick Break

Body Slam gets STAB and can paralyse the foe which makes up for the Speed that Snorlax lacks. Shadow Ball is for taking out Ghost Types which it's other two attacking moves can't do. Brick Break covers Snorlax's Rock and Steel type resistances. Yawn will put foes to sleep and can never miss bear in mind that this move takes two turns to take effect whereas Rest puts Snorlax to sleep but recovers all of his HP meaning will will survive for a long time.

Find Snorlax on Route 12, south of Lavender Town/Route 16, west of Celadon City

Ability: Natural Cure/Shell Armour/Water Absorb
Recommended Nature: Modest (+Sp. A, -Att)/Timid (+Spe, -Att) (Starmie)/Balanced (Hardy, Bashful, Serious, etc) (Lapras)

  • Surf
  • Psychic
  • Ice Beam
  • Thunderbolt

Starmie only catchable in Leaf Green, Lapras available in both. Surf gets STAB and is needed for story, Psychic gets STAB for Starmie and covers Lapras' Fighting type weakness. Ice Beam covers their Grass type weaknesses and gets STAB for Lapras. Thunderbolt is for coverage has a paralyse chance which makes up for the speed that Lapras lacks.

Fish for Staryu with a Super Rod in Vermilion City or Pallet Town/Recieve Lapras from the guy after batting your Rival in Silph Co.

Ability: Guts/Run Away
Recommended Ability: Doesn't Matter

  • Cut
  • Rock Smash
  • Strength
  • Filler Move

Your HM Slave. Said enough.

Catch Rattata on Route 1, north of Pallet Town.

1 vote

Blastoise, Pikachu/Raichu, Dugtrio, Fearow, Flareon, Haunter/Gengar

Blastoise: Surf, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Earthquake
-Surf and Waterfall are both STAB HM moves. Surf will be used more due to its higher base power and better utility, although Waterfall can help if you run out of PP. Ice Beam and Earthquake are coverage.

Raichu: Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Thief, Strength
-You get a Pikchu early in the game, and it helps soon with Misty. Thunderbolt is STAB. Thunder Wave helps with catching wild Pokemon. Thief is used to snag items from wild Pokemon. Strength is an HM.

Dugtrio: Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Cut, Rock Slide
You can catch Dugtrio at Level 31 in Diglett's Cave, which at that point in the game might be a higher level than your starter Pokemon. If not, then it will still likely be a higher level than the rest of your team. With high Speed and solid Attack, Dugtrio is a solid Pokemon for ingame. Arena Trap even makes wild encounters more likely, which can be helpful for training or finding a specific Pokemon. Earthquake is very high powered STAB with great coverage. Aerial Ace is coverage, as is Rock Slide. Cut is an HM.

Fearow: Drill Peck, Fly, Steel Wing, Hyper Beam
Your Flying type. You get it early on in the game, meaning you can start training it right away. Fly is a favored HM because it lets you get from place to place with ease. Drill Peck is a much more useful move for battling though. Steel Wing provides type coverage. Return is STAB.

Flareon: Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Body Slam, Dig
-Flamethrower is STAB. Shadow Ball is coverage. Bod Slam is just a move that can paralyze the foe. Dig is to escape from caves.

Haunter/Gengar: Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb
-Use Haunter if you can't trade. It's a fine Pokemon, but Gengar is just incredible. Shadow Ball and SLudge Bomb are STAB. WHile you likely won't be using Sludge Bomb often, SHadow Ball is very useful against the Alakazam line. Thunderbolt and Giga Drain are coverage.

Only problem here is flareon. He is waaay too slow.And again Jolteon is by far the best electric type.
Oh my gosh this is the best answer i found yet! Thank you. Josh :)
1 vote

Charizard as starter:Charizard,Tyranitar,Heracross,Snorlax,Hypno,Dewgong



Steel Wing
Dragon Claw

Strong Attack and Speed,two are STAB others are Powerful Moves.


Rock Slide

Along with type and with good stats,he is an excellent sweeper.


Brick Break
Rock Tomb
Mega Horn

Good Attack stat and move pool for type coverage poor special attack and ev training in attack would sweep the opponent away in no time.


Shadow Ball
Snore/Sleep Talk

Very Good moves.With Shadow Ball And Return And With an advantage with rest and snore and good defensive stats,with the item leftovers,he is almost unstoppable.


Shadow Ball
Hidden Power (Fighting)

Good Shallow Attack Along With Type Coverage And STAB.


Ice Beam
Signal Beam

A Sturdy Water And Ice Type Pokemon.

This one is AMAZING! Jynx is the most useful psychic in FR/LG and Hypno is like a replacement of Gengar. Also Lapras outstats Dewgong.
However, Signal Beam is a Bug type, which is useful against both Psychic and Dark types.

Also, I've used that exact Tyranitar before. It's just spectacular.
Vaporeon Is better than Lapras and Dewgong in terms of HP and Damage. I Recommend Vaporeon.
I agree but mew two is better with moveset::

This is a replacement for Hypno.

Alakazam works well too.
A replacement for dewgong is either walrein or kyogre
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Tyranitar family a post game catch?  Of course this set would still be useable via trades, but it's an important disclaimer.
Nice team.
My only suggestions would be to run belly drum on snorlax instead of return if running snore and to replace heat wave with flamethrower on Charizard as it has perfect accuracy and both do the nearly the same damage in the long run.
And yes Gen3isbest you are right.Larvitar can only be caught in Sevault Canyon which I think is there on Seven Island
Tyranitar is in 2nd gen, FireRed only has gen 1. Sorry, I love the T Tar myself. Maybe replace him with Dragonite?
1 vote

It depends on your starter:

If your starter is: Charmander, I suggest:

Off course: Charizard - Blast Burn, Flamethrower or Heat Wave or Dragon Claw, Fly, Fire Blast

Water: Gyarados or Seadra (Due to the Fact that they are part Dragon Types which is a great advantage)- Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Surf, Dragon Rage (For Gyarados) or Rain Dance (For Seadra to increase its speed and Damage).

Grass: Exeggutor or Vileplume
- Exeggutor: Psychic, Solar Beam, Giga Drain, Sunny Day or Calm Mind
- Vileplume: Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Solar Beam, Sunny Day

Electric: Raichu, Zapdos, or Magneton (Electabuzz will also do)
- Thunder Bolt, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Double Team (Raichu)
- Thunder Bolt, Thunder, Thuner Wave, Lock On (Magneton)
- Agility, Thunder Bolt, Thunder, Thunder Wave (Electabuzz).

Rock/Ground: Nidoking (FR), Nidoqueen (LG), Golem - Rock Slide, Earthquake, MegaHORN(Nidoqueen and Nidoking Only)Sandstorm, Rock Blast

Last Type: Preferably Bug instead of Psychic because the Champion's Last Pokemon is Alakazam which is Psychic meaning choosing a Psychic type can result to ineffectiveness.

Preferred Bug Types:

  • Beedrill: High Speed, can over come Alakazam
    Moveset: Twineedle, Pin Missile, Sludge Bomb, Agility
  • Heracross: High Attack
    Move Set: Megahorn, BrickBreak, Horn Attack, Bulk Up

Pinsir Actually should be great but he doesn't learn any Bug Types during the game

edited by
I have Some corrections,

Charizard should be:

Blast Burn - Damage:150 STAB/ Fire Blast - Damage:120 More Reliable than Blast Burn
Earthquake - Damage:100 Anti rock/Electric
Dragon Claw - Damage:80 Strong Dragon Destroyer
Sunny Day - Status: Increases Fire Type Moves
Sunny Day combined with Solarbeam is an excellent combo
I Do Agree.
Actually u can get wild male nidoran in LG and wild female nidoran in FR its just that they are rare
See for yourself-http://pokemondb.net/location/kanto-route-3
Scroll down a bit
Gyrados is a water, flying type and Seadra is a pure water type but got an evolution in the later games which made him water, dragon
1 vote

If Your Starter Is Blastoise, I Suggest:

  • (Water)
    Blastoise - Surf/Hydro Pump/Hydro Cannon, Protect/Withdraw, Rain Dance, Ice Beam. - Blastoise Is a Great Pokemon if Your An Intermediate Trainer like what Prof. Oak said. "It is One Worth Raising", he also said. It is Because Blastoise is Both Offensive and Defensive. You can Choose Between Surf and Hydro Pump. All of You might say that Hydro Pump is Better because of its 120 base Power But When I once Chose Blastoise, I Chose Surf Because of its Reliable Accuracy. Hydro Cannon will also do but It makes Blastoise recharge but it is still up to you. About Protect and Rain Dance, You Can Boost Your Water Moves and Defense Simultaneously. Replacing Withdraw with Protect will also Do. Ice Beam is also a Convenient move for Obliterating Your Type Disadvantage: GRASS

  • (Fire)
    Arcanine(FR)/Ninetails(LG)/Rapidash/Flareon - Fire Blast/Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Double Team (Arcanine,Ninetails,Flareon)/Agility (Rapidash),Extreme Speed (Arcanine)/ Fire Spin (Ninetails)/Stomp (Rapidash)/ Dig (Flareon) - All of the 3 (Arcanine,Rapidash,Ninetails) are good and reliable inside the Battle However, The 4th One was kinda "Underdog" due to its low defense and Speed making it incapable of Staying Longer in the Battle

  • (Grass)
    Exeggutor/Vileplume/Victreebel - Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Razor Leaf(Victreebel)/Giga Drain (Vileplume)/Hypnosis (Exeggutor), Psychic (Exeggutor)/Sleep Powder (Vileplume)/Stun Spore (Victreebel)

  • (Electric)
    Raichu - Thunder, Agility, Rain Dance, Thunder Wave/ Electabuzz - ThunderBolt, Mega Punch, Thunder Wave, Agility/Magneton - Lock-On, Thunder, Zap Cannon (If You can Grind on Leveling it up to 62), Metal Sound/Jolteon - Thunder Bolt, Thunder Wave, Agility, Shadow Ball - If Your Confused about Raichu's Rain Dance, It is a Tactic making the THUNDER attack 100% Accurate. Thunder Attack cannot miss in Rainy Weather

  • Ground
    Nidoking(FR) - Sludge Bomb, Earthquake, Brick Break, Mega Horn
    Nidoqueen(LG)- Superpower, Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Body Slam

  • (Preferably Dragon Or Bug)
    Bug - I Suggest this type because of Gary's (Or Whatever you named him) Final Pokemon: Alakazam.

Preferred Bug Types:
Scyther(FR)- Fury Cutter, Swords Dance, Slash, Agility
High Speed with the combination of the move AGILITY and SWORDS DANCE, It might attack Alakazam OHKO with a Fury Cutter.

Pinsir(LG) - Brick Break, Swords Dance, Guillotine, Bulk Up.
Pinsir don't learn any Bug Types in the 3RD gen but he is still immune to Psychic Attacks. He might not be as fast as Scyther but his Defense is good making stay Quite Longer in the Battle.

  • Preferred Dragon Type
    The One and Only Dragon in FR and LG:

Dragonite - Fly, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Agility
Fly, Ourage, Dragon Claw are all STAB. Agility increases Dragonite's quite low Speed.

I Really Hope this Helped. :)


yu used arcanine
Pinsir is NOT immune to Psychic moves, it only resists them.
Also Flareon might be slow but it more than makes up for it with it's high base 130 Attack stat and nice 95 base Special Attack stat.A nice moveset for it would be
Shadow Ball/Iron Tail
Sunny Day/Flamethrower
Pinsir is NOT immune to Psychic moves, it only resists them.

Ik this is late, but Pinsir doesn't resist Psychic moves, it just hits Super Effectively by its STAB move.
1 vote

Preview: Venusaur, Arcanine, Gyarados, Rhydon, Gengar, Dragonite
I really want to hear your opinions, especially regarding Gyarados (compared to Lapras) and Rhydon (would I be better off with a Raichu / Jolteon / Golem / Nidoking / Snorlax / other). That being said, the team I have here has worked for me in the past and covers most types.

Venusaur (Grass / Poison):
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Frenzy Plant, Giga Drain, Razor Leaf, Sludge Bomb
Maybe it's just me, but I find the grass type to be the weakest overall in Pokemon Fire Red. Venusaur has an average move set to go along with typical starter base stats (525). His stats are well rounded and make him a solid starter, despite many weaknesses (6). Due to these weaknesses, I do not even bother with coverage moves, like I will with the rest of my team. The Overgrow ability along with a Miracle Seed make his grass type moves borderline unstoppable.

Arcanine (Fire):
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Sunny Day, Flamethrower, SolarBeam, Fire Blast
Arcanine is my personal favorite Pokemon of all time. He is "The Legendary Pokemon" for good reason, as he has the second highest base stat total in Fire Red, behind only Dragonite (Arcanine has 555). Personally, I use a a lot of fire type moves in his move set, as I generally use plenty of STAB moves, so I arm him with Charcoal and a lot of Special Attack EV's. SolarBeam is complete personal coverage, and paired with Sunny Day will attack in one turn. Further, Sunny Day will increase the effectiveness of his other Fire type moves. Overall, Arcanine is significantly better than Charizard, and allows me to use Venusaur, who is the best grass type available.

Gyarados (Water / Flying):
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Surf, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Earthquake
I am truly 50/50 between Lapras and Gyarados. Gyarados has slightly better stats (540 to 535) but suffers from poor Special Attack, which water moves are. I almost never use Flying or Normal type moves with him, so his high Attack stat is useless to me. In this case, though, Earthquake DOES take advantage of his high attack stat and provides some defense against deadly Electric type moves, even if just for one turn. I recommend getting some Special Attack EV's if you plan to use Gyarados, and also using a Mystic Water to boost the power of Surf and Hydro Pump further.

Dragonite (Dragon / Flying):
Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Fly, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower / Brick Break, Outrage
First, I am unsure about Brick Break as a move. It stands alone, however, as the only fighting type move in my entire lineup, so I see it as somewhat important to have. Dragonite is simply too good to leave off of your team, though the time it takes to train Dragonair is painful. In the end, all of that seemingly wasted experience will yield the most destructive Pokemon in the game, disregarding legendaries. His base stat total of 600 is higher than every Pokemon in the game except Mewtwo, and his very ability to learn many TM's allows for his molding depending on your needs (He can learn Water Pulse, Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Iron Tail, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Brick Break, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, and countless others). Thus, going back to Brick Break, it does cover two weaknesses, including the 4x Super-Effective Ice type, but Flamethrower can as well, though it leaves Rock and Electric Types wide open to wail on Dragonite. I recommend hitting Triple 7's over and over again, and getting the Dratini in Celadon (or use the Safari Zone) and then equipping it with a Dragon Fang or Leftovers to make him as powerful as possible.

Rhydon (Rock / Ground)
Ability: Lightning Rod
Moves: Earthquake, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Rock Blast
First, the ability. I hate both of Rhydon's ability. Lightning Rod is only effective in Double battles, but Rock Head has no use to me at all, since I don't use Take Down or any other move with recoil. This particular Rhydon's move set is my personal favorite, as 4 different types of moves are used. Therefore, Rhydon serves as my main coverage Pokemon, and can also defend himself from many types of enemies. That being said, there are many other suitable replacements for Rhydon, and I am interested to see what others use, as I am not sold on using Rhydon, due to his relatively low stats overall, especially compared to the aforementioned replacements.

Haunter/Gengar (Ghost / Poison):
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Hypnosis + Dream Eater / Destiny Bond + Shadow Punch , Shadow Ball, Psychic
The odd thing about Haunter and Gengar is that they are weak to the same types that they are Super-Effective on, which makes them an odd choice. That being said, his insane Special Attack and Speed ensure that you will have the first chance at damaging the foe, and generally with life-threatening damage. If you plan to use him as a primarily Ghost type Pokemon, then be sure to EV train for Attack (that corresponds with the 2nd move set) and Speed. If not, then EV train for Special Attack. Speed is vital if Destiny Bond is going to be in the move set because it gives the foe no time to stop using damaging attacks if used first, as the foe will attack 2nd after Destiny Bond has been used and likely cause itself to faint. I recommend giving Haunter or Gengar a Twisted Spoon to assist Psychic and Dream Eater if using move set 1, or a Spell Tag if using move set 2.

That's all I've got. Please give any tips or suggestions. Although I have been playing this game for a lot of my childhood, and more so since I gave up on the newer games (Gen 5 and further) since they seemed pretty lame, I am relatively new to the more competitive nature where EV's, moves, coverage, and natures matter (I didn't include natures for time sake). Thus, any ideas or things to consider would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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Nice team overall.I even upvoted it but I have some suggestions to make it even better.
1. Sludge Bomb is available post-game, in the Sevii Islands so Venusaur is stuck with only one STAB option.
2.Leech Seed is great on Venusaur but the way you use Overgrow is also good.
3. Offensively,Exeggutor is better than Venusaur as a Grass type.
4. Arcanine is missing ExtremeSpeed which is great for netting Knock Outs on faster pokemon.Replace either of the STAB moves with it.
5. Lapras is way better than Gyarados but only before Gen 4. A Lapras with Surf, Ice Beam,Thunder/Thunderbolt qnd Rain Dance would be great.
6. If planning to use Gyarados,adding another physical move like Thrash would be better.
7.Nice Dragonite set.It would be better to use only Outrage and replace Dragon Claw with coverage if you use the Switch battle style.
8.Gengar sets are awesome,Set 1 being the better one.
9. Use Snorlax or Jolteon in place of Rhydon as that poor special attack makes special moves very weak.
Snorlax is better used with Lapras as she completes BoltBeam while Jolteon should be used as a dedicated Electric type if you use Gyarados.
That's all from my side.I know 9 suggestions are a lot but 1 and 3 are just disclaimers. Sorry if you think I am rude but hey I gave you your first upvote on this answer.
1 vote

These are my suggestions. I have Firered, so no Starmie for me, but I'll work around it

Charizard (geared for attack and speed)
Flamethrower - STAB
Wing Attack -STAB
Earthquake - Covers electric and rock
Brick Break - Good neutral move

Starmie (LeafGreen)
Surf - STAB
Psychic - STAB
Ice Beam - Grass Coverage
Thunderbolt - Use against other waters

Lapras (FireRed)
Same moveset as Starmie

Rockslide - STAB
Aerial Ace - STAB
Double Edge - Powerful move, no recoil with the right ability
Steel Wing - Covers Rock and Ice weakness

Exeggutor (if you cant trade)
Sleep Powder - Most accurate sleep move
Dream Eater - STAB, use with Sleep Powder
Giga Drain - STAB
Shadow ball (if it can learn it, I cant remember. Psychic if it cant)

Haunter/Gengar (if you CAN trade) (I like Gengar, ive got 2 movesets for it)
Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Psychic and Thunderbolt -OR-
Psychic, Thunderbolt, Giga Drain, and Destiny Bond (Good for making sure
what your fighting dies

Dragon Claw - STAB
Thunderbolt - Most pokes that learn Ice Beam are also water
Surf - Covers rock weakness
Ice Beam - Covers foe Dragonites for 4x power

Jolteon (if you dont want Legendaries)
Thunderbolt - Stab
Bite - only non-electric Sp.Att move Jolteon can learn
Thunder wave - paralysis
Protect - good for figuring out if your opponent knows Earthquake

Zapdos (if you dont mind legends)
Thunderbolt - STAB
Drill Peck - STAB
Thunder Wave - Paralysis
Steel Wing - Rock Coverage

Snorlax (if you take Zapdos, use Snorlax instead of Aerodactyl)
This one should be a bit different than usual ones
Rest - Recovery (use this constantly, time it so its used the same turn you wake up
Snore - Use while resting
Toxic - Wear down enemies
Sleep Talk - Use it for a 2/3 chance to use either Snore or Toxic, allowing you to Toxify your enemy without ever coming out of Rest. Massive EV training in Def and HP required. Its a slow battle, but you wont lose. Alternatively, use Rest, Snore, Belly Drum, Body Slam

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1 vote

I don't like to use six Pokemon when I play. I use three/four max, but I always aim for three. (It's easier to train stronger Pokemon for the Elite4 when you have only three or four. By the time I reached the Elite4, Blastoise and Arcanine were level 62, and Zapdos was level 61. Zapdos was close to 62, but I didn't feel like leveling up anymore.) I just finished the game (for the umpteenth time), and I used the following:

  1. Blastoise (Starter/Water): Surf (W), Ice Beam (I), Earthquake (G), and Bite (D)
  2. Arcanine (Fire): Dig (G), Body Slam (N), Flamethrower (F), and Double-Edge (N)
  3. Zapdos (Electric/Flying): Drill Peck (Fl), Thunderbolt (E), Thunderwave (E), Fly (Fl)

Blastoise is great, because it's a water Pokemon that can learn an ice move (for Lance's Dragon types) but doesn't have the Ice type's weaknesses.

Arcanine was supposed to be a legendary Pokemon, so it's a beast. Definitely the best Fire Pokemon in the game!

Yes, Zapdos is a legendary, but I've trained so many electric types that just don't compare. By the time I get to the Elite4, I realize they were just a waste of my time. So as soon as I can use Surf outside of battle, I go back to grab Zapdos. (And by this time, my other two Pokemon are already at a level 50, so it's easier to catch.)

W: Water
I: Ice
G: Ground
D: Dark
F: Fire
N: Normal
E: Electric
Fl: Flying

But with this team, you can't go wrong. Good luck!

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1 vote

I recently picked this game back up on emulator a few months back, and I tested out several different teams with all the starters. I beat the game with them all, but from my experience... hands down the easiest and smoothest team is:

Blastoise as your starter. At the beginning of the game, you will ONLY give him XP. Don't waste any xp trying to level up a second or 3rd Pokemon. Pick up 5 meowths to finish out your party of 6. Don't level them, but expect about 5 rare candies, 6 PP Ups, 8 TMs, and 5 nuggets by the time you replace them all. You're welcome. By the time you reach SS Anna, Blastoise will be level 30 with Bite, Dig, Water Pulse, and Brick Break (found on SSanna.) You can capture Dugtrio at lvl 29-31 right before the 3rd gym, just as a backup if Blastoise runs into trouble with Electricity... but "overleveled" and using Dig, I had zero problems.

-Surf (HM and strong STAB)
-Brick Break (TM)
-Ice Beam (TM)
-Earthquake (TM)

You won't pick up your next Pokemon, until you get the poke flute. You guessed it, Snorlax!

- Yawn (put them to sleep so you can Rest)
- Rest (totally heal and recover hp)
- Body Slam (Stab and learned early)
- Shadow Ball (TM and great against psychics and ghost)

Once you clear the way by catching snorlax, go on down to Fushcia City. I recommend you skip as much as possible, saving the XP for later. Get the Good rod in Fushcia then hit up the Safari Zone. Catch a poliwag, level him to 25 so he evolves into poliwhirl, and then trade him for Jynx in Cerelean City. Jynx is sooooo OP in Fire Red. I didn't care for her looks, but she can sweep 2 of the 4 Elite easy! Plus she gets boosted XP

- Psychic (TM & Stab)
- Ice Beam (TM & Stab)
- Lovely Kiss (or Hidden Power if you can get a lucky draw. I got Electric)
- Ice Punch (More Stab) or Dream Eater (to go with Kiss) or Calm Mind (special booster)
I went the pure offense route, because I used her as a sweeper. Both builds work great though.

Once you get comfortable with your 3-man team, fly on up to the Power Plant. You will pick up your 4th & final team member.

- Fly (HM & Stab)
- Drill Peck (best Fly stab in game)
- Thunderbolt (TM & Stab)
- Steel Wing

Then you can pick up a TM slave to go with your meowth's pickup. I used Gyrados, caught him lvl 20 with Super Rod. He had Strength, Rock Smash, then Waterfall post-elite 4. I kept Dig, Cut, and Flash on Meowth.

This 4-mon roster will have STAB Normal, Water, Ice, Psychic, Flying, & Electric attacks with Fighting, Ground, Steel, & Ghost coverage. You will literally have an answer for every type in game! Since you're not wasting xp on leveling 2 spots, getting a boosted xp mon, and then picking a mon up at level 50... You will be sitting at level 58-61 on all 4 Pokemon (without using your candies) by the time you cross victory road.

This combined means there is no wasted grinding, no unnecessary Pokemon training, and very little difficulty facing the Elite 4 as soon as you cross Victory Road.

1 vote

Again, over 10 years late but here goes:

Minerva the Clefable @ Pecha Berry
Calm (+SpD -Atk)
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam

Calm nature (+SpD-Atk) is the best nature here. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam require a bit of saving for casino coins but it’s worth it as they hit every Pokemon in the game for at least neutral damage. Softboiled is a Tutor move but this can be swapped out with Moonlight if you want.
The goal is to get a few calm minds up and sweep. Clefable is naturally bulky so you should be fine. Pecha Berry for the off chance you get poisoned and don’t want to waste a turn with an antidote.

Mandrake the Victreebell @ Miracle Seed
Mild (+Atk -Def)
-Solar Beam
-Sunny Day
-Double Edge
-Sleep Powder

Miracle seed for added strength to Solar beam (the main move you’ll be abusing). Double edge for added coverage and because Victreebell actually has a decent attack stat we can take advantage of.
The main strategy is to get off a sleep powder and set up sunny day allowing you to outspeed anything the e4 has due to its ability. Coverage is lacking with grass and Normal is Thief can be replaced with double edge if you want a dark type move which who’ll help out a lot at the ghost e4 member. (I accidentally used snatch TM on a different team member ).

Doug the Dugtrio @ Soft Sand
Adamant (+Atk -SpA)
-Rock Slide
-Hyper Beam

Dougtrio is out to cause damage and that’s it. Rock Slide is a potential flinch move and may help you get a KO due to it. Dugtrio isn’t the strongest Pokémon but he’s speedy and Rock Slide paired with his speed is A-OK. Soft Sand for an extra kick when it comes to EQ. Dig to stall and also do consistent damage.

Queenie the Kingler @ Mystic Water
Naive (+Spe -SpD)
-Hyper Beam

Surf is alright (despite Kinglers atrocious SpA) due to everything that you need to hit with it having low special defense. Mystic water is there to assist with that as well. Strength is actually extremely solid and Kingler already hits like a truck. Dig for added coverage and some stalling. Hyper Beam for that last big move to hopefully gain a KO. Strength can be replaced with double-edge.

CH’DING the Farfetch’d @ Stick
Adamant (+Atk -SpA)
-Swords Dance

Double dancer. This is just about the only way to make farfetch’d Usable. You could opt for one or the other but you’ll be lacking something you need either way. Strategy here is to get one of each dance up and attempt to sweep with two decent coverage moves. The stick is the held item of choice as you manage more crits than you think you would with it.

No U the Ditto @ Metal Powder
Serious (Neutral)

Metal Powder is to take hits better and allow you to at least transform. I ended up with a serious one but any defense/Special defense/or speed raising nature is probably better as ditto needs anything to help.
Use transform and hope you can use their moves against them in some way. I found safeguard to be a wonderful move that I ended up using on Dewgongs along with others that assisted my team well.

Is this the best team? No. Was it fun to use? Yes. I will go out and say that Clefable single handedly took out all of my rivals guys after the e4. So I’d say she is definitely worth using.

Thanks for reading!

Intresting team. The first time I've seen someone use Kingler on an in game team, its a shame pior to D/P it wasn't as viable as other water types but atleast it has some good psychical coverage and its very bulky as well. Have fun trying to complete that checklist :)
Hey thanks!! Working on Alpha Sapphire rn!!
Ah nice, ORAS are my favourite set of Pokemon games.
1 vote


1. Charizard - Fire/Flying

Ability: Blaze (Boosts Fire moves when low HP)
Nature: Quriky (Neutral.Good all-around choice)
Item: Charcoal (Boosts Fire attacks)
Moveset: Fly - Earthquake - Flamethrower - Dragon Claw/Fire Blast

The sentimental starter choice.The moveset logic is pretty simple.Fly for mobility and STAB. Flamethrower awesome STAB as well.Earthquake is the best coverage.As for the last slot I prefer Dragon Claw but Fire Blast is a good alternative especially if you chose any SP.ATK nature.

2. Raichu - Electric

Ability: Static (Paralyze on contact)
Nature: Mild (Honestly any SP.ATK boosting nature is viable)
Item: Magnet (Boosts Electric attacks)
Moveset: Thunderbolt - Thunder Wave/Thunder - Brick Break/Iron Tail - Dig

Thunderbolt is an absolute must as it's Raichu's main source of damage, so you better wait until Pikachu learns it at lvl26 before evolving it.Thunder Wave is a status move that helps catching Pokemon,you can replace it with Thunder if you want more power moves but its accuracy is a bit tricky.Brick Break/Iron Tail is for coverage against Rock types.Dig is coverage as well as giving you free escape from caves.

3. Exeggutor - Grass/Psychic

Ability: Chlorophyll (Raises SPEED in sunshine)
Nature: Modest (Again any SP.ATK nature is good)
Item: Miracle Seed (Boosts Grass attacks)
Moveset: Sunny Day - Solar Beam - Psychic - Giga Drain/Hypnosis

Exeggutor is pretty underrated.It has got decent stats with a great SP.ATK.Sunny Day is to set up a 1 turn Solar Beam as well as taking advantage of Exeggutor's Ability,whitch boosts it's speed in sunshine.Psychic is it's best STAB move. For the last move I prefer Giga Drain for sustain,but Hypnosis is good too.

4. Rhydon - Ground/Rock

Ability: Rock Head (Prevents recoil damage)
Nature: Adamant (All ATK based natures work here)
Item: Quick Claw (50% chance to hit first, it's worth because of Rhydon low speed)
Moveset: Rock Slide - Return/Megahorn - Double Edge - Earthquake

Rhydon was one of those cases where I was experimenting and found out it was a pretty good physical sweeper.It's ATK is fairly high and STAB Rock Slide and Earthquake are gonna annihilate your enemies.Double Edge takes advantage of Rhydon's Ability to not take recoil damage as well as inflicting high damage.The last move probably is gonna be Return until you get Megahorn although you can stick with Return as well.

5. Lapras - Water/Ice

Ability: Shell Armor (Blocks critical hits)
Nature: Hardy (Neutral is a personal preference to Modest)
Item: Leftovers (For sustain)
Moveset: Ice Beam - Surf - Thunderbolt - Body Slam

This bulky thing cannot be left out.With pretty small Water type pool,Lapras is the most solid option,coming at a pretty decent 25lvl.Ice Beam STAB,Surf is STAB as well with decent damage on par with its utility.Thunderbolt is a good covergage while my last move is always Body Slam as it has good damage and the paralyze chance is very good to be ignored.

6. Snorlax - Normal

Ability: Thick Fat (Ice/Burn immunity)
Nature: Adamant ( Basically anything that boosts its ATK)
Item: Leftovers (For sustain, making Snorlax unkillable)
Moveset: Strength - Brick Break - Shadow Ball - Body Slam/Rest

And the big guy is the last member of my team.Snorlax is the on of the best walls out there,while it can kill opponents efficiently as well.Strenght is for utility and STAB.Brick Break is coverage against fellow Normal types. Shadow Ball is an excellent move as it is physical in this gen so it takes advantage of Snorlax high ATK.As for the last move, I usually prefer Body Slam for STAB and paralysis but Rest in combination with chesto berry can work out too to make you practically undead.

Substitute. Dragonite - Dragon/Flying

Ability: Inner Focus (Prevents flinching)
Nature: Lonely /Brave (For mixed damage)
Item: Leftovers (For sustain)
Moveset: Fly - Ice Beam - Thunderbolt - Outrage/Dragon Claw

Now this was my original member in the place of Rhydon.Dragonite is one of the best Pokemon in the game,with the title of pseudo legendary being well deserved as its stats are exquisite.Fly is mobility and STAB. Ice Beam and Thunderbolt are both great coverage moves.Outrage and Dragon Claw are STAB with the choice being up to preference.Outrage is more damage but confuses after 2-3 turns while Dragon Claw is more reliable but with less damage.

Well, this sums it up guys.Hope I helped somewhat because it was my very first guide so please show some leniency.
Any comments are welcome, I really want to hear your opinions so I can try new things :D

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Honestly, I think this is a pretty good in-game team. However, Exeggutor is kind of a waste. Sunny Day takes 1 turn to set up, and it lasts for 5 turns only. You can use the immediacy of Sleep Powder instead of sun. Hypnosis is just a worse Sleep Powder so you can replace it with an HM like Flash. Solar Beam can be replaced by Giga Drain or Moonlight. I do want to point out Dream Eater can be useful paired with Sleep Powder but you're usually better off with Psychic
Thank you for your info man.I was really thinking about 3-4 sets for it,with hypnosis-dream eater-psychic-giga drain being the domimant one but i changed my mind in game.The stalling one with giga drain-psychic-leech seed-sleep powder is fun too.
This is a pretty good team.