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Theif takes the opponents current Pokemon's item if you don't have one. Any useful items I can steal in Pokemon Emerald?

Luvdisc + Heart Scale
Beautifly with Thief can steal Brawly's Makuhita's Sitrus Berry pretty easily.
Uuuuh, useful items. A Sitrus Berry doesn't help that much.
30 hp in early game? Helpful!

2 Answers

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Best answer

As it's debatable on which items are useful or not in Emerald, this list includes all items that can be stolen by Thief or Covet:

Wild Pokémon

Note that this list excludes all Pokémon that cannot be naturally found in the wild (Pokémon that only evolve from their pre-evolutions, gift Pokémon, etc.) or those found in Battle Facilities.


Oran Berry — 100% on Shuckle, 50% on Pikachu, Linoone, 5% on Zigzagoon
Rawst Berry — 100% on Vulpix, Numel
Lum Berry — 100% on Mew
Persim Berry — 5% on Girafarig, Kecleon
Pecha Berry — 5% on Poochyena, Mightyena
Sitrus Berry — 5% on Linoone
Chesto Berry — 5% on Whismur, Loudred, Spinda
Leppa Berry — 5% on Skitty

Evolution items

Metal Coat — 5% on Magnemite, Magneton
Dragon Scale — 5% on Horsea, Bagon
King's Rock — 5% on Hariyama
Sun Stone — 5% on Solrock

Stat-enhancing items

Light Ball — 5% on Pikachu
Metal Powder — 5% on Ditto

Type-enhancing items

Twisted Spoon — 5% on Abra
Sharp Beak — 5% on Doduo, Dodrio
Hard Stone — 5% on Aron, Lairon
Poison Barb — 5% on Roselia, Cacnea
Soft Sand — 5% on Trapinch
Spell Tag — 5% on Shuppet, Banette, Duskull

Valuable Items

Nugget — 5% on Grimer
Star Piece — 5% on Staryu
Stardust — 50% on Staryu
Yellow Shard — 5% on Chinchou
Red Shard — 5% on Corsola
Big Pearl — 5% on Gulpin
Blue Shard — 5% on Clamperl
Green Shard — 5% on Relicanth
Heart Scale — 50% on Luvdisc

Miscellaneous held items

Quick Claw — 5% on Sandshrew
Everstone — 5% on Geodude, Graveler
Smoke Ball — 5% on Koffing


Moomoo Milk — 100% on Miltank
Sacred Ash — 100% on Ho-oh

Pokémon italicized are found only in the Safari Zone, and therefore cannot be naturally battled. Items that are italicized similarly cannot be obtained from a Pokémon if not from the Safari Zone.

Trainer Battles

This list excludes trainers found in the Battle Facilities.


Oran Berry — Pokéfan Miguel's Skitty (Initial battle, first and second rematch) and Delcatty (third rematch) on Route 103, Pokéfan Isabel's Minun and Plusle (initial battle, first, second and third rematch) on Route 110, Pokéfan Kaleb's Minun and Plusle on Route 110, Pokéfan Vanessa's Pikachu on Route 121, Gym Leader Roxanne's Nosepass (Gym Battle), Gym Leader Winona's Altaria (Gym Battle)
Sitrus Berry — Pokéfan Miguel's Delcatty (Fourth Rematch onwards) on Route 103, Pokéfan Isabel's Minun and Plusle (Fourth Rematch onwards) on Route 110, Gym Leader Roxanne's Kabuto (First Rematch), Nosepass (First Rematch onwards), and Kabutops (Second Rematch onwards), Gym Leader Brawly's Makuhita (Gym Battle), Hariyama (First Rematch onwards), and Machamp (First Rematch onwards), Gym Leader Wattson's Manectric (Gym Battle onwards) and Magneton (First Rematch onwards), Gym Leader Norman's Slaking (Gym Battle onwards) and Gym Leader Norman's Slaking ×2 (First Rematch onwards), Gym Leader Winona's Dratini (First Rematch), Dragonair (Second and Third Rematch), and Dragonite (Fourth Rematch onwards), Gym Leaders' Tate and Liza's Lunatone (Gym Battle) and Solrock (Gym Battle onwards), Elite Four member Sidney's Absol, Elite Four member Phoebe's Dusclops, Elite Four member Glacia's Walrein, Elite Four member Drake's Salamence, Champion Wallace's Milotic, Steven Stone's Metagross at Meteor Falls
Chesto Berry — Gym Leader Winona's Altaria (First Rematch onwards), Gym Leaders' Tate and Liza's Lunatone and Xatu (First Rematch onwards), Gym Leader Juan's Kingdra (Gym Battle onwards) and Crawdaunt (First Rematch onwards)

Type-enhancing items

Dragon Fang — Dragon Tamer Nicolas' Shelgon (Fourth Rematch onwards)
Black Belt — Black Belt Nob's Machamp (Fourth Rematch onwards)
SilverPowder — Bug Maniac Jeffrey's Masquerain (Fourth Rematch onwards)

Valuable Items

Nugget — Rich Boy Winston's Zigzagoon/Linoone on Route 104, Lady Cindy's Zigzagoon/Linoone on Route 104, Lady Sarah's Zigzagoon on Route 116, Rich Boy Dawson's Zigzagoon on Route 116

Miscellaneous held items

White Herb — Gym Leader Flannery's Torkoal (Gym Battle onwards), Gym Leader Flannery's Camerupt and Magcargo (First Rematch onwards)


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2 votes

Evo Items

  • DragonScale: Wild Bagon/ Horsea

  • King's Rock: Wild Hariyama

  • Metal Coat: Wild Magnemite/ Magneton

Type Items

  • Black Belt: Black Belt Nob's Machamp (after fifth battle)

  • Dragon Fang: Dragon Tamer Nicholas's Shelgon

  • Hard Stone: Wild Aron

  • Sharp Beak: Wild Doduo/ Dodrio

  • SilverPowder: Held by Bug Maniac Jeffrey's Masquerain

  • Soft Sand: Wild Trapinch

  • Spell Tag: Wild Duskull/ Shuppet

  • TwistedSpoon: Wild Abra/ Kadabra

Stats Items

  • Light Ball: Wild Pikachu

  • Metal Powder: Wild Ditto

  • Thick Club: Wild Cubone/ Marowak

Still working on this. Not Done

You can't use thief on doduos or dodrio since its in the Safari Zone, you'll have to catch them