Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

We now have a Location guide online, which contains all the basic "wild encounters" in grass, double grass, surfing, fishing, etc.

The guide doesn't have gift Pokemon, trades or 'interactable' Pokemon (e.g. legendaries), so I've opened this thread for anyone that wants to help out!

If you spot any Pokemon missing from the guide in any game post it here. Make sure to include details:

  • the game it appears in
  • the Pokemon (and its form if appropriate)
  • the level(s) it appears at
  • the location (route or town name)
  • more exact location if appropriate e.g. the floor number or room in a cave (check the route in our guide to see if there are sub-routes listed)
  • any special conditions needed (e.g. items/Pokemon you need to have in your party, or in the case of in-game trades, the Pokemon you trade away)

Other suggestions are welcome. For example, a few routes list multiple areas but the exact same Pokemon in each (particularly in ORAS where data was added from the data-mine). So they can be combined.

PLEASE READ! There is no need to report missing symbol encounters in the Wild Area. None of them are there currently and that's well-known. Also, please actually include the information in the dot points!

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Is there any way we can help get locations added for areas like the Safari Zone and wandering Wild Area Pokemon, besides simply mentioning that they are missing (which you've known for years)?
PokemonDB's location guide would be far and away the best if it weren't missing so many details. I and others in the community know how to work with the data and would probably be willing to help if the option was available.
"We now have a Location guide online for B2W2"

Is it only for B2W2 or is the statement outdated?
Yes it is very outdated.
Good lord Pokemaster is the busiest guy on the internet

22 Answers

10 votes

Okay, I'll help with some of this.


  • N's Zorua is given to you at Driftveil City at Level 25 by a sage
  • Eevee is given to you at Castelia City at Level 10 by Fennel (Hidden ability Adaptability)
  • Deerling is given to you by the scientist at the weather institute at Level 30 (Hidden ability Serene Grace)
  • A shiny Gible is given to you by Alder's grandson in Sangi Town at Level 1 after defeating him at Black City (Black 2)
  • A shiny Dratini is given to you by Alder's grandson in Sangi Town at Level 1 after defeating him at White Forest (White 2)
  • An egg containing a Happiny is given to you by a breeder.
  • A fossil is given to you in Twist Mountain daily by a worker and they can be resurrected into Omanyte, Kabuto, Lileep, Anorith, Aerodactyl, Cranidos, or Shieldon depending on the fossil given.
  • A fossil is given at the Nacrene Museum by Lenora as congrats on defeat of the Elite Four, and can be resurrected into Archen or Tirtouga, depending on chosen fossil.


  • Volcarona is found at Relic Castle at Level 35
  • Mandibuzz can be found at Route 4 at Level 25 (Hidden Ability Weak Armor, Black 2) THURSDAYS ONLY
  • Braviary can be found at Route 4 at Level 25 (Hidden Ability Defiant, White 2) MONDAYS ONLY
  • Foongus can be found on Route 6 as Poke Balls at Level 29
  • Jellicent occasionally appear at Undella Bay at Level 40 (Hidden Ability Damp)
  • Crustle can appear at Seaside Cave at Level 42
  • Shiny Haxorus can be found at Level 60 at the Nature Sanctuary at Mistralton City

Hidden Grottos

Route 2
- Nidoran M/F (Hustle), Granbull (Rattled), Watchog (Analytic)

Route 3
- Lombre (Own Tempo), Manectric (Minus), Bibarel (Moody), Pachirisu (Volt Absorb), Zebstrika (Sap Sipper)

Route 5
- Liepard (Prankster), Mincinno (Skill Link), Foongus (Regenerator)

Route 6
- Woobat (Simple), Foongus (Regenerator)

Route 7
- Watchog (Analytic), Cubchoo (Rattled), Zangoose (Toxic Boost), Seviper (Infiltrator)

Route 9
- Muk (Poison Touch), Liepard (Prankster), Garbodor (Aftermath), Bouffalant (Soundproof)

Route 13
- Tangela (Regenerator), Spheal (Oblivious), Drifloon (Flare Boost), Skorupi (Keen Eye), Foongus (Regenerator)

Route 18
- Fearow (Sniper), Kingler (Sheer Force), Dragonite (Multiscale), Chatot (Big Pecks)

Route 22
- Pelliper (Rain Dish), Amoonguss (Regenerator), Mienfoo (Reckless)

Route 23
- Golduck (Swift Swim), Gligar (Immunity), Zangoose (Toxic Boost), Seviper (Infiltrator), Absol (Justified)

Sangi Ranch
- Marill (Sap Sipper), Dunsparce (Rattled), Herdier (Scrappy)

Pinwheel Forest
- Butterfree (Tinted Lens, White 2), Beedrill (Sniper, Black 2), Poliwhirl (Swift Swim), Murkrow (Prankster), Breloom (Technician), Hariyama (Sheer Force), Medicham (Telepathy), Bagon (Sheer Force), Amoonguss (Regenerator)

Lostlorn Forest
- Pinsir (Moxie), Heracross (Moxie), Combee (Hustle), Leavanny (Overcoat)

Giant Chasm
- Clefairy (Friend Guard), Ditto (Imposter), Sneasel (Pickpocket), Metang (Light Metal)

Abundant Shrine
- Vulpix (Drought), Golduck (Swift Swim), Swablu (Cloud Nine), Bronzor (Heavy Metal), Amoonguss (Regenerator)

Note: Eevee can be caught in any Hidden Grotto.

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...What are these "Hidden Hollows?" I'd like to know more about this.
You actually meet them at level 42. :3
Yes! I can get the Regigs:]
Where do you get the Happiny?
The fossil can be resurrected into Shieldon, not Bastiodon...
10 votes

First off, a BIG thank you to POKEMASTER for NOT FORMATTING THE POKEDEX PAGES WEIRDLY! You must have saved AT LEAST 24 hours of my time.

Okay, now for the actual post. The story begins with these 2 comment chains.

You could try making your own string-parsing program that builds your own library by parsing Bulbapedia articles.
commented Sep 25, 2017 by sumwun
That's an interesting idea, even though I'm not quite sure if I could pull something like that off. I wouldn't call myself an amateur programmer, but I'm certainly no expert. I'll try that as a last resort.
commented Sep 25, 2017 by KRLW890

That said, you do have to admit that the question you referenced was kinda open ended, asked more to satisfy some curiosity than to actually use. It was a question that relied on the use of statistics and not user experience and guidance, nor had an answer that was useful for the vast majority of the people who use the site.
commented Jun 29 by Emty
That was the best way I had to measure the reliability of this site. If one day I figured out how to count the number of errors in the location guide, then I probably would.
commented Jun 30 by sumwun

...and count the location guide errors I did. Note that I only looked at Pokemon, games, and locations, and not stuff like encounter methods, chances, and encounter levels, so there might be more problems with those. Looking back, I realize that I wasted almost all of July and August and missed a whole bunch of fun events in order to work on a useless programming project. So you guys had better appreciate me. As for the results, here's an overview.

Right: 17318
Wrong: 1676
Accuracy: 0.9117616089291355
Top 28 most problematic Pokemon:
Magikarp 53
Staryu 34
Kingler 32
Corsola 28
Krabby 26
Graveler 26
Goldeen 21
Tangela 20
Poliwag 20
Chinchou 17
Meowth 16
Electrode 15
Happiny 14
Lapras 14
Shellder 14
Tentacool 14
Lanturn 14
Nidoran0 13
Eevee 13
Gyarados 13
Audino 12
Regice 12
Registeel 12
Wynaut 11
Geodude 11
Regirock 11
Magnemite 10
Grimer 10
Top 28 most problematic games:
SoulSilver 211
HeartGold 208
Alpha Sapphire 160
Omega Ruby 160
White 2 94
Black 2 94
Ultra Moon 79
Ultra Sun 79
Crystal 59
Emerald 48
LeafGreen 44
FireRed 44
Silver 43
Sun 42
Gold 41
Moon 40
Platinum 31
Sapphire 23
Ruby 23
Blue 23
Red 23
Yellow 21
White 15
Black 15
Y 14
X 14
Pearl 14
Diamond 14
Top 28 most problematic locations:
Safari Zone 262
Mirage Spots 88
Route 1 38
Roaming Pokemon 35
Cinnabar Island 34
Nimbasa City 32
Mirage Mountain 30
Nature Sanctuary 30
Route 5 27
Cerulean City 26
Route 20 25
Route 14 24
Hau'oli City 24
Route 21 23
Union Cave 23
Mirage Island 23
Pinwheel Forest 22
Route 8 22
Soaring in the sky 22
Sevault Canyon 21
Seavault Canyon 21
Tapu Village 20
Olivine City 20
Ancient Poni Path 20
Mirage Forest 20
Poke Pelago 18
Route 18 18
Trainers' School 18

(those numbers were aligned perfectly until they were copy-pasted here. this markdown formatting sucks)
And now...the moment you've all been waiting for...
(it's a drum roll. get it?)
the list of errors
Like any good Pokebase user, I'm going to source this answer.

reshown by
I have SmileBASIC on my 3DS. Not very good at it though.
Well then maybe you should try programming outside of .
OK just have to say WOW, great job! I think I must have missed this when I as on holiday, but it's really awesome to be able to compare. I will take a good look through this when I can.

From a first glance it looks like most of the errors are from a few missing locations like Safari Zone and Hidden Hollows. I'll try and get some of these done and you can re-run your program to see where we are.

One small error, we do have Mirage Spot locations:
Looks like Bulbapedia calls them Mirage Islands. Your output has lines like
Venomoth     Alpha Sapphire -Mirage Islands
Venomoth     Alpha Sapphire +Mirage Spots
So these are obviously correct, though I do need to go through and name the sections properly.

EDIT: a few more naming inconsistencies:
- Mt. Moon Square (we just have a section on the Mt. Moon page)
- Team Aqua Hideout (we have Aqua/Magma combined in one as "Team Magma/Aqua Hideout")
- Silver Cave (we have Mt. Silver)
- Trainers School in SM/USUM (we have it as part of Route 1)
- Melemele Sea (you don't actually have this listed but it's where BP says Magikarp are, where we have it as Hau'oli Beachfront)
- Celadon Mansion (we have Celadon City)
- Weather Institute (we have Route 119)
- Island Cave (we have Route 105)
...and plenty more I'm sure.
Aren't you not supposed to select best answers on these threads?
Normally yes, but I wanted to move this one to the top :)
5 votes

Wild encounter
Removed this to make more room. It's now in this Pastebin.

In ORAS you can find (Primal) Groudon (OR) and Kyogre (AS) at level 45 in the Cave of Origin. (Limited)
In ORAS you can find Rayquaza at the top of the Sky Pillar on level 70. (Limited)
In ORAS you can find Latios (OR) and Latias (AS) at Southern Island on level 30. (Limited)
In ORAS you can find Regirock at Desert Ruins on level 40. (Limited)
In ORAS you can find Regice at Island Cave on level 40. (Limited)
In ORAS you can find Registeel at Ancient Tomb on level 40. (Limited)
In ORAS you can find Regigigas at Island Cave on level 50. (Limited)
In ORAS you can find Spiritomb at Sea Mauville on level 50.
In B2/W2 you can find a shiny Haxorus at the Nature Preserve after you have completed the Unova Dex, it is on level 70. (Limited)
In FR/LG, you can find Deoxys Attack (FR) or Deoxys Defense (LG) at Birth Island, it is on level 30. (This requires an event)
In FR/LG, you can find Ho-oh at the top of Navel Rock, it is on level 70. (This requires an event)
In FR/LG, you can find Lugia at the bottom of Navel Rock, it is on level 70. (This requires an event)
In ORAS, you can find one Kecleon in Mossdeep Space Center
In ORAS, you can find one Kecleon in Lavaridge Town

In ORAS a Team Magma Grunt at the Battle Resort gives you a level 40 Camerupt. (Limited)
In ORAS a Team Aqua Grunt at the Battle Resort gives you a level 40 Sharpedo. (Limited)
In ORAS, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, on Route 101 Professor Birch gives you a level 5 Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip as your starter Pokemon. (Limited)
In ORAS you can get a level 5 Chicorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile from Professor Birch on Route 101 after you have entered the Hall of Fame for the first time. (Limited)
In ORAS you can get a level 5 Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup from Professor Birch on Route 101 after you have entered the Hall of Fame a second time. (Limited)
In ORAS you can get a level 5 Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott from Professor Birch on Route 101 after you have completed the Delta Episode. (Limited)
In B2/W2 you get a level 5 Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott from Bianca in Aspertia City as your Starter Pokemon. (Limited)
In G/S/C, Bill gives you a level 20 Eevee in Goldenrod City. (Limited)
In ORAS Steven (indirectly) gives you a level 1 Beldum in his house in Mossdeep City. (Limited)
In ORAS a scientist at the Weather Institute (Located on Route 119.) gives you a level 30 Castform. (Limited)
In HG/SS Steven Stone gives you a level 5 Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip in Silph Co. after you have defeated Red. (Limited)
In Platinum, you get level 25 Porygon from a person in Veilstone City.
In HG/SS, you get a Togepi (Egg) in Violet City.
In HG/SS, you can get a level 5 Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod City.
In R/B/Y, a level 15 Lapras is given to you in Silph Co.
In FR/LG, a level 25 Lapras is given to you in Silph Co.
In R/B/Y, you can get a level 30 Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan in Saffron City.
In FR/LG, you can get a level 25 Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan in Saffron City.
In R/B/Y, you can get a level 25 Eevee in Saffron City.
In FR/LG, you can get a level 25 Eevee in Saffron City.
In ORAS, you can get a Togepi (Egg) in Lilycove City.

(All of the Pokemon in this section are found on level 50.)
In ORAS Ho-Oh (OR) and Lugia (AS) can be found in a portal at Sea Mauville. (Limited)
In ORAS Terrakion can be found at Pathless Plain on Tuesdays and Saturdays. (Limited)
In ORAS Cobalion can be found at Pathless Plain on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. (Limited)
In ORAS Virizion can be found at Pathless Plain on Mondays and Thursdays. (Limited)
In ORAS Cresselia can be found at Crescent Isle. (Limited)
In ORAS Uxie can be found at Nameless Cavern between the times 20:00 and 21:00 or
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM. (Limited)
In ORAS Azelf can be found at Nameless Cavern between the times 21:00 and 03:59 or
9:00 PM - 3:59 AM. (Limited)
In ORAS Mesprit can be found at Nameless Cavern between the times 04:00 and 19:59 or 4:00 PM - 7:59 PM. (Limited)
In ORAS Reshiram (AS) and Zekrom (OR) can be found at Fabled Cave. (Limited)
In ORAS Heatran can be found at Scorched Slab. (Limited)
In ORAS Kyurem can be found at Gnarled Den. (Limited)
In ORAS Raikou can be found at Trackless Forest when it's 00-20 minutes past the hour. (Limited)
In ORAS Entei can be found at Trackless Forest when it's 20-40 minutes past the hour. (Limited)
In ORAS Suicune can be found at Trackless Forest when it's 40-00 minutes past the hour. (Limited)

I don't know where to put
In ORAS you can find Deoxys (Normal Forme) at the Sky Pillar on level 80. (Note that it is not exactly the Sky Pillar on the first encounter, according to Bulbapedia Deoxys is found at the "Edge of space." For re-battles it is found on top of the Sky Pillar.) (Limited)
In Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heartgold, and Soulsilver, you can get Porygon from the Celadon Game Corner.

In B2/W2, if the player is male, Yancy will trade the player Meowth, Wobbuffet, Ralts, Shieldon, Rhyhorn, West Sea Shellos, Mawile, Spiritomb, Snorlax, Teddiursa, Spinda, and Togepi.
In B2/W2, if the player is female, Curtis will trade the player Mankey, Wobbuffet, Ralts, Cranidos, Rhyhorn, East Sea Shellos, Sableye, Spiritomb, Snorlax, Phanpy, Spinda, and Togepi.

Other Stuff
Mt. Moon's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
Cerulean Cave's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
The Kanto Safari Zone location guide has no information.
Diglett's Cave's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
Rock Tunnel's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
There is no location guide for Kanto's Pokemon Mansion.
Pokemon Tower's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
Kanto's Victory Road's location guide has no information.
Hoenn's Victory Road's location guide has no information for R/S/E.
Seafoam Island's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
Fuchsia City's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
Celadon City's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
Viridian City's location guide has no information for Gen 1.
Bell Tower's location guide has no information for Gen 2.
Sinnoh's Battle Frontier's location guide has no information.
There is no location guide for Hoenn's Battle Frontier.
On Union Cave's page, under "Interact" in both the HG/SS and G/S/C sections, it does not mention that the Lapras can only be encountered on Friday. It also says that the Lapras limited, but a new one appears every Friday. A similar issue is on Valley Windworks' page, but instead of Lapras, the Pokemon that appears every Friday is a Drifloon.
Under "Where to find" on the pages of Omanyte, Aerodactyl, and Kabuto, there is no location listed for R/B/Y. The locations should all be Cinnabar Island.
Under "Where to find" on the pages of Lileep and Anorith, there is no location listed for R/S/E. The locations should all be Rustboro City.
Under "Where to find" on the pages of Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Kabuto, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, and Shieldon, there is no location listed for D/P/Pt. The locations should all be Oreburgh City.
Under "Where to find" on the pages of Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Kabuto, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, and Archen, there is no location listed for B2/W2. The locations should all be Nacrene City.
Under "Where to find" on the pages of Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Kabuto, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, Archen, there is no location listed for ORAS. The locations should all be Rustboro City.
Under "Where to find" on the pages of Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, and Archen, there is no location listed for Sun and Moon. The locations should all be Route 8.
On Cinnabar Island's page, under the "Gift" section for FR/LG, it does not say "Revive [Fossil]" under "Details" for the fossil Pokemon.
On Pewter City's page, under the "Gift" section for HG/SS, it does not say "Revive [Fossil]" under "Details" for the fossil Pokemon.
On Cinnabar Island's page, all of the Gen 1 locations, excluding the trades, are missing.
On Ambrette Town's page, it does not specify what fossil the fossil Pokemon are revived from.
Some Pokemon don't have their Gen 1 locations listed under the "Where to find [Pokemon]" part of their Pokedex page. I've put together this Pastebin of some of the locations that were missed, but it's not complete so I'll add more.
Southern Island's page has no info for ORAS.
Sinjoh Ruins' page doesn't have any info on it at all.
Faraway Island's page has no information for FR/LG on it.
Navel Rock's page has no information for FR/LG on it.
Birth Island's page has no information for FR/LG on it.
On Phione's page, instead of saying "Breed Manaphy or Phione" under the locations section, it just says "Trade/migrate from another game".
On Eterna City's page, it doesn't say that the Togepi that is given to you in Platinum is an egg.
On Route 34's page, it doesn't say that the Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, or Magby that are given to in Crystal you are eggs.
On Violets City's page, it says that Whiscash can be encountered by "Walking in grass or a cave" when a swarm is going on. It actually is encountered on level 10 by fishing with the Old Rod, level 20 when fishing with the Good Rod, and level 40 when fishing with the Super Rod when there is a swarm.
On Violet City's page, it doesn't say that the Togepi given to you in G/S/C is an egg.
There is no info at all on Lavaridge Town's page.
On Fortree City's page, it says that the Plusle you get from trading a Volbeat can only be obtained in Ruby and Sapphire. This is incorrect, as the Plusle can only be obtained in Emerald.
Lilycove City's page has no information for Gen 3.
On the Water Labyrinth's page, it doesn't say that the Togepi given to you is an egg.
Nimbasa City's page has no information at all.
Sprout Tower's location page has no information on it for Crystal, despite Crystal having the same encounters, levels, etc. as Gold and Silver.
The location page for the Whirl Islands have no information on it for Crystal.
National Park's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
Mt. Silver's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
The Ruins of Alph's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
Burned Tower's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
Slowpoke Well's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
Union Cave's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
Ice Path's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
Dark Cave's location page has no information on it for Crystal
Mt. Mortar's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
Mt. Moon's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
Rock Tunnel's location page has no information on it for Crystal.
On the page for Pewter City, it doesn't specify that the Latios/Latias you can find are event exclusive.

Wow, this post is really long.

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In Emerald, you also receive a Johto starter from Professor Birch, but only after catching every Pokemon on the Hoenn Pokedex. Also, I'm pretty sure the Camerupt and Sharpedo gifts are exclusive to OR and AS respectively.
4 votes

N's Pokemon

After using Memory Link, N's Pokemon in Black/White will be in the wild (All Pokemon before the final battle). They will give off a glow like the picture above. They will have N as the OT and 00002 as the ID.

Format: Pokemon: Level, Ability, Moves

Route 2
- Purloin: 7, Limber, Scratch, Growl, Assist
Wellspring Cave
- Woobat: 55, Simple, Air Slash, Future Sight, Psychic, Endeavor
Pinwheel Forest:
- Pidove: 13, Big Pecks, Gust, Growl, Quick Attack, Leer
- Timburr: 13, Guts, Leer, Bide, Focus Energy, Low Kick
- Tympole: 13, Swift Swim, Growl, Supersonic, Round, Bubblebeam
Desert Resort:
- Sandile: 22, Intimidate, Sand Tomb, Assurance, Embargo, Mud Slap
- Darumaka: 22, Hustle, Headbutt, Fire Punch, Facade, Uproar
- Darmanitan: 35, Zen Mode, Thrash, Belly Drum, Flare Blitz, Hammer Arm
- Scraggy: 22, Shed Skin, Faint Attack, Headbutt, Swagger, Brick Break
- Sigilyph: 22, Wonder Skin, Tailwind, Whirlwind, Psybeam, Air Cutter
Chargestone Cave:
- Boldore: 28, Sturdy, Mud Slap, Iron Defense, Smack Down, Power Gem
- Joltik: 28, Compoundeyes, Electroweb, Bug Bite, Gastro Acid, Slash
- Ferroseed: 28, Iron Barbs, Metal Claw, Pin Missile, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense
- Klink: 28, Plus, Charge Beam, Gear Grind, Bind, Thundershock

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2 votes

I just want to report about the page Route 210 (North) : In the game Pokémon Platinum, the good level of wild Bagon with Pokéradar are 28-30 and not 14-16.

2 votes

Correction: Togepi should be listed as Gift Pokemon for HGSS in Violet City (Johto).

After defeating Falkner at the Violet City Gym, visit the PokeMart to pick up an egg from Professor Elm's Aide. Togepi will hatch with the move Extrasensory.

It is listed correctly under GSC, just missing for HGSS.

2 votes

The different forms of Shellos and Basculin are not listed separately on location pages, despite them usually having differing encounter rates depending on which version is being played. For example, in Wellspring Cave, Red Striped Basculin can only be found by fishing and surfing in rippling water in White, and vice-versa in Black. Same thing applies to Shellos. West Sea can only be found in Omega Ruby, East Sea can only be found in Alpha Sapphire (this should also be mentioned on the page for version-exclusive Pokemon). As for Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, both Shellos forms can be found in those games, however, they both don't appear in the same locations.

1 vote

This is for black and white.

For the pokemon seadra and kingdra.

It appears in route 17 and 18 as well.The sight of spotting seadra is common using a super rod and spotting kingdra is rare using a super rod.

Please update this.

1 vote

This is more for HGSS:

Corsola: always found Lv.20 via : Good Rod, Morning/Day Rare
                                   Lv.40 via : Super Rod, Morning/Day Uncommon

  • Cherrygrove City (Johto)
  • Olivine City (Johto)
  • Cianwood City (Johto)
  • Johto Route 34
  • Johto Route 40
  • Kanto Route 19

Also, missing Gen IV details for Kanto/Johto Victory Road.
Hope this helps. I'll add more to this as I find more things.

1 vote

This is for firered:

I dont know the levels but onix should be found in victory road. I know this for a fact because the other day I ran into a few. I will look into the exact details and edit this post if possible. It only shows on Onix's page that it appears in Rock Tunnel and Seavault Canyon.

1 vote

Pokemon Y
Gorebyss level 35
Route 12 (Fourrage Road) Kalos
Super-Rod Fishing

Caught after about 20 throws, mostly just Corsola and Octillery. Would put as rare with the Huntail

I can confirm this - took about 22 bites for mine to show up on pokemon Y.
If ya miss does that wreck it?
1 vote

I have decided to post all errors that I found into one post:

The page about Altering Cave says that Pokemon other than Zubat can be found there. They are unreleased events, and cannot be encountered without hacking.

The Great Marsh page says that Drapion and Toxicroak are "pre-National Dex" when they should be "post-National Dex".

Roselia and Staravia can't be found in the Great Marsh in Platinum.

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1 vote

In RSE, there's a Wynaut in Lavaridge town and a Castform on route 119. Both are gifts that can only be received once. They're levels 5 and 25, respectively.
In DP, there's a Happiny and an Eevee in Hearthome City. Both are gifts that can only be received once. They're levels 1 and 5 respectively.
In Platinum (only, not DP) there's an Eevee in Hearthome city and a Porygon in Veilstone city. Both are gifts that can only be received once. they're levels 20 and 25 respectively.
More information on gift Pokemon
Will you include ingame trades in the location guide?

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1 vote

Eldegoss can be found in Route 5 (Over world) on the bridge.

1 vote

Pokemon Sword/Shield

Level 60
Giant's Mirror (visable in overworld as one of the strong, rare, wild Pokemon walking around alone NOT in grass)
Sunny Weather

All roaming Wild Area encounters are currently missing from the location guide.
Yes, they are missing. They are not in the location guide. Pokemaster will add them eventually.
1 vote

Pokemondb says that Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf are impossible to be caught in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire ("Trade/migrate from another game"), but recently I caught them in Nameless cavern (Mirage spot). Also, I can see that many pokemon described here are stated to be uncatchable in ORAS on pokemondb.

1 vote

Sword/shield lake of outrage Galar
flareon at harsh sunlight
vaporeon at rain
jolteon at thunderstorm
espeon at fog
umbreon at sandstorm
leafeon at clear/normal weather
glaceon at snowstorm
sylveon at cloud
All of these are at the lake of outrage Galar

Symbol encounters in the Wild Area are completely missing from the location guide, this has been known for years.
I only joined 3 weeks ago but I've used database for years and what Fizz said is correct
1 vote
1 vote

Poco path is missing all pokémon except koraidon/miraidon. I've seen tarountula, scatterbug, lechonk, fletchling, and I think azurill but I am not sure. They appear at levels like, 2-5 like other route 1s but they may be different. I don't know all the details, but they should be added to the page.

Ryter the great.

0 votes

There are two Altering Caves, one in Hoenn and one in Kanto. However, this site only gives information about Hoenn's Altering Cave. The only Pokemon in Kanto's Altering Cave are Zubat levels 6-16.

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I think you mean Kalos and not Kanto