Meta-PokéBase Q&A
20 votes

This thread serves to be a list of usernames used by members of the DB on Pokemon battle simulator websites, in particular Pokemon Showdown which is the most popular simulator. This is especially convenient for tournaments so that others will know who you are.

Access PokemonDB's server on Showdown:

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Where can you make a PO account?   
l've never tried it, and l'd like to see how it works.  
Can someone give me a link?
thanks for editing in taht, Ninja
Wait, the title says you can post your Showdown username, but I only see posts for PO.
God, this thread is a mess. I think we should leave matters like this to someone's profile, because this thread are impossible to navigate.
Why are people upvoting the answers?
idk (filler)
my account is noobybidoof1
 i usually use OU
lol I still think this thread should be deleted
Prof.Boney Or My main one BoneySans

96 Answers

30 votes

On Pokemon Online: Disgruntled_Goat

On Pokemon Showdown!: PokemasterDB

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A very good username. Not many people would get the reference.
I guess Uncle Ant or Ku Klux Clam wouldn't have gotten the same effect.
Oh my gosh, I think I have to change my username now XD
I finally get this
Hilarious! Oh, and by the way, I just wanted to ask, what server are you on the most?
15 votes

Pokemon Showdown: &MudoTyphlosion

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I just found a second "A Pimp named Slickback" on Smogon Server.
Dang, so did I. I was like "That you DT?" He said something like "Who the **** is DT?!
lol, I saw that "A Pimp named Slickback" too
There's still a strong chance that was me, as I've been known to do that from time to time.
you got that from boondocks
A battled a guy named "A Pimp named Slickback"
I got slammed.
13 votes

Narwhals1, my original username.
I won't be online until my laptop is fixed, soooo...

Laptop's fixed! However, never got to backup trainer files; new PO name is just "Will".

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Cool that means I battled you!!
Unless someone else is also named Will...
10 votes

Holy Name * and Psychic X on Showdown.

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9 votes

Admewn / Mewderator.

Woot :)

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I thought you edited for JCM, Alagala Shroom or Cacnea for President xD. Ooof.
8 votes
  • Nindzya
  • Ninja-Sensei
  • One-Eyed
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why did you get banned
Because he doesn't use smogon tiers, lol.
Kidding aside, Ninja got banned?
I think he said it was for arguing with their tiers :L
6 votes

My PO username will be either:
Super Sam! or Super Sam ; eh, same thing!

My Showdown username will be:

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6 votes


I'll mostly be battling Ou though feel free to challenge me in Ubers and UU. I currently only have access to Showdown and would preferably use Kupo to battle.

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Yay! You got po again!
Will your mom still think its a virus? XD
Probz :) I'll have it hopefully for ever this time
6 votes

PS! Username: Scizornician or Sciz

(Zarel gave me the 'Sciz' account :D!)

I'm active on the DB server a lot of the time thanks to my phone so if you need me I'll more than likely be there.

I don't have Pokemon Online because PS! is better. Your argument is invalid.

enter image description here

Seeya around ~

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5 votes

Well, it varies, but it always has the name "Rio" in it. And it usually is Rio, but for a short time it was Hey, its Rio! in honor of my legendary chat-room catch-phase. XD

4 votes

Showdown: Pokewatt, PimpNubz, InSylveonWeTrust
PO: [DB]Pokewatt


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4 votes

I now have several names now
enter image description here enter image description hereenter image description here

  • PikamasterTheGreat
  • PikaDaGreat
  • DB Pikamaster
  • Derpcakes
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4 votes

I got PO and Showdown.

PO/Showdown name: DoctorFlame

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4 votes

Gligurr, KabuScurr, Gliscurr, Kabutopz, Consult Dome, etc.

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Dem pics make me vomit every time..
Those pics are seriously disturbing.
*upvotes!* they are Awesome pictures!
3 votes

Ok, well mine is Cacnea as President on PO, and Broken Pieces on PS!.

I'm a regular NU player. That's all I play.

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3 votes

>SentByRavens on PO
>Sent_By_Ravens or TheDarkHeart on Showdown, and the very occasional B3N.

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3 votes

The alt I will use on the DB Showdown server is fizz_db, so that I'm entirely recognisable. I have many other general-purpose alts you wouldn't recognise me by, so I will make sure to switch to this one.

I currently hold Global Leader & on the DB server.

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3 votes

I'menter image description herewith the help ofenter image description here. I look forward to battling you :D

Pokemon Showdown: Flare23 (My birthday is 23/03, being the reason of the "23")
Pokemon Online: I don't have it, and won't get it either :3

My main tier is OU, but I'm not bad at LC. I'm crappy at all other tiers.

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2 votes

Mine is Exca le roi.But i only have showdown.

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2 votes

Mine is the same as here. Poke'slash. Showdown only. I'm usually on Kupo, occasionally Poke'mon Perfect.

come on chat!